Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to Stop Sciatica

How to stop sciatica (?) is a question every person who has ever suffered with a back bad has asked. Me? I have a black belt in back pain and leg pain! Sciatic nerve pain, also called sciatica, is probably one of the most debilitating forms of pain you can experience. Sciatica can range from that achy feeling you get behind your knee when you drive to full blown "oh my gosh I can't even stand up" pain!

After 14 major surgeries and a staph infection that invaded the lumbar region of my spine and almost took my life, I think I qualify as an expert in back pain! To top that off, my doctoral research centered on the spine and sacroiliac joint. So, if I didn't get it as a back pain and sciatica sufferer, I got it as a doctoral fellow at a consortium made up of some of the finest universities on the planet! Either way, I can tell you this...I know back pain and sciatic nerve pain inside and out.

That being said, I offer you this: Anyone at all needing information about back pain and sciatica can just ask and I will be happy to answer your questions. Either comment here or send me an email. In a couple of days, you can also visit my other blog:

Any way you look at it, I can help. Just ask!

NOTE: Please keep this in mind, I am not a physician. My doctoral research and the primary area of interest is centered on the spine and SI joint, as noted above, but I am a physical anthropologist and not a medical doctor. In fact, I have taught osteology as an advanced seminar to upperclassmen at a noted east coast university. I have taken, and acted as a teaching assistant for a medical school, gross anatomy. My education gives me a different, I would argue more specialized, view into what is going on with the back of a sciatica sufferer...built all I can do is offer suggestions. It is up to you what path to follow.

Best wishes and I hope you stop back! Oh boy! No pun intended.

John Zajaros
Skype: johnzajaros1

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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