Saturday, July 31, 2010

"A successful life is one that is lived thru understanding & pursuing one's own path, not chasing after the dreams of others." Chin-Ning Chu
We love images! We tend to learn better with quality visual aids. Hence, The Central Hub Model for Inbound Marketing!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Got that sensation you get when you've pushed a bit too long! Feel like I've been unplugged! Time for some sleep! Have a great weekend all!
"How to Succeed Online: Wishing Doesn't Make It So!" It isn't enough to "wish!" You must take massive action to succeed
Got so much done today! Really a great day! Started with an idea for a post at 3am watching Hearts in Atlantis. It developed from there! Fun
@reikiawakening It was nice meeting you Alice. I enjoyed lunch & our conversation! Being asked to help is a pleasure & an honor. Thank you!
This program tripled my subscribers! I tested it on 1 site & had 4Xs the opt-ins! 4 times all my other sites combined!
"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire & begin at once, whether you ready or not, to put this plan into action." Napolean Hill
Gotta deal with TuffGuy's has separation anxiety! For years while I was sick I was always here. Now whenever I leave he has a heart attack!!
“You've got to cross the line every once in a while to know where it is.” Sam Parker Co-founder GiveMore -My kids tried that for years Sam!
Great Seth Godin post re: Perspective! However, if it's a cloudy day & the monster still looks big? Beat feet & retreat
Fun! 2 posts by 6am. Now lunch at Mongolian BBQ with a Twitter friend to help with marketing advice. Then off to take pictures for a client!
Again, if SERIOUS about Don Crowther's social media course I'll match his guarantee & work with you too! This link only
If you liked the Workaholic list @TerryDean sent me yesterday? The 1 I posted in sections via social media, here it is!
Don Crowther is offering a $5000 guarantee! If you purchase & APPLY his program~I'll help you too! Fail? I'll match it!
Wrote about an eye-opening experience I had with a 30-something Type A version of myself this week! I didn't "Other-Me!"
Added several new posts & videos dealing with how to achieve solid results with various inbound marketing strategies!
Been thinking about the meaning of success a lot lately. I should never watch TV at 3am! I got this idea & that was it!
Top 10 Social Media Mistakes - Business Networking - Biznik
"Effort is the one strictly undervalued and original contribution we make to this world." William James

Thursday, July 29, 2010

YouTube goes to 15 minutes for videos & is kicking things off with a contest on Aug 4th! Good & bad? I wonder?!
Facebook continues to get intense heat for absolutely zero customer support, even for paid advtsg clients, so they're launching Questions!?
As many as 6,600 graves at Arlington Cemetery were mislabeled-unmarked because of incompetence among managers! Criminal
Researchers have identified rocks that they say could contain the fossilized remains of life on early Mars. Very cool!
Life Lessons: Change, Success, and Type A Behavior! I looked at this young man & was taken back to the '70s! Scary!
I've only endorsed a few top-notch products. This's well worth it for my friends! Social media understanding is crucial
In the last few days I've written about inbound marketing strategies. Quality content is #1! This article is everywhere
In fairness to @TerryDean since I stole his thunder! It was to funny & TRUE to let sit in my inbox, here's his solution
You might be a workaholic: 1 Your children ask your spouse who you are at the breakfast table one morning. From @TerryDean Funny So true!
You might be a workaholic: 2. Your butt cheeks [all 3 of them] are beginning to resemble your favorite office chair. From @TerryDean Funny
Workaholic: 3 Stress out over sleep 'cuz it’s time you could be putting to better use such as making more money. From @TerryDean Funny Yes!
Might be a workaholic: 4 “Former” friends had cute nicknames for you like workhorse, maniac, or the energizer bunny! From @TerryDean Funny
Might be a workaholic: 5 You’ve recently held a business conversation on the phone while going to the restroom. From @TerryDean Funny True
Might be a workaholic: 6 You use the excuse, “But I love what I do…” at least...during recent family interventions. From @TerryDean Funny
Workaholic 7 Your children stopped playing games w/you because you say things like “In your face!” & “You’re going down.” @TerryDean Funny
You might be a workaholic: 8 Working 40 hours a week sounds like a good warm-up. From @TerryDean Funny & So true!
You might be a workaholic: 9 Response to the suggestion of a vacation is the need to look the word up in a dictionary.From @TerryDean Funny
You might be a workaholic: 10 Your spouse can’t climb into bed because it's full of papers, notebooks, & your laptop. From @TerryDean Funny
TuffGuy is sawing logs at my feet! I think we're going to do the pool! Get a load of his act here! Too funny!
I can rest! 4 posts since 6 last night & the #1 organic listings w/Google for 2 of the 3 keyword phrases I'm targeting! Pg1 #5 for HUGE one!
Inbound Marketing Laying the Groundwork for Page One Dominance! AdWords, Social Media, SEO Factors, & Crucial Component
Relationship Marketing 101: Blogging And Inbound Marketing
There's always 1 guy who drops the pencil a minute early to get an edge up on the competition! Great post by Seth Godin
Understanding Twitter: The Complexities of Getting it Right! A super perspective from Edison Research Video & comment!
Marketing Myopia: Inbound Marketing, Hybrid Marketing, The Digital Future 2010 The Hubspot Twitter post expanded upon.
If you're not pinging your posts manually you're not getting all you can out of it! Pingates, Pingoat & Pingomatic. Just watch~don't overlap
I took the Hubspot 0% post & built on it! Inbound Marketing, Internet Usage & The Digital Future Report 2010 Enjoy!
I love the embed feature, especially when I come across a really great video! This one is a super, free Twitter video!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The blog post & article submission service Michael was asking about is at Michael has a very cool site! @inboundremark
"Although...half of those polled in a new USC survey said they've used...Twitter, 0% said that they'd be willing to pay for [it]." Hubspot
Childcare in Allie's Beautiful Avon Home! eBay Classifieds Cleveland's Westside
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin
"I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more." Jonas Salk
The "Viral Thing" works! I talk about it because it works! This is NOT my site! Guess who is featured on it? Use video!
If you're a parent & can get thru the 1st 2 videos without losing it? Well, I bet you can't! I can't! Love Family
Met myself today. No kidding! I met a guy so like myself at 23-28 yrs (Type A Driver). The world at my feet, knowing everything! Was scary!
"Don't be concerned with what you can't do. Work on what you can...then count your blessings." Alan Robinson~partially paralyzed marathoner
I called this the "Inbound Marketing Week in Review" It's more about what I discuss with clients, important strategies:
1800 words for an article & I've lost focus! I usually use this format. Works for me every time Hope it helps you too!

Monday, July 26, 2010

1st year cost for the Republic of Columbia .co domain is $30! Can you imagine what it'll be next year? For .co? Don't get caught in the hype
Don't get caught in the hype! .co is actually the top level domain code for the Republic of Columbia! Like .tv for the Island of Tuvalu! Ha!
My 1st "phishing" experience today. Knock on wood! For as long as I've been online & to the degree I'm exposed, I'm lucky! Saved by Google!!
Beware! If you receive an email from me or anyone with this URL DON'T open! They're accessing email/psswords somehow
“For myself I am an optimist – it does not seem to be much use being anything else...” Sir Winston Churchill ~ Amen!
"If the only alternative is slow & painful failure..blow up a constraint, deal with the pain & then run forward. Fast."
Ideas, the New Media, and the Inbound Marketing Week in Review An addendum & insight into how to develop & apply ideas!
Here's a list of some of the things I cover with clients & my take on them! Can you add to this? Have a different take?
Heads will roll over this one! Who are your "friending"? I think this will open your eyes! Now, about that privacy?!
"No one ever drowned in sweat!"
Inbound Marketing, the New Media, & Meatball Sundaes! Sunday Night Reflections: Inbound Marketing & the Week in Review

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Success! After targeting a crucial keyword phrase my company is now on Page 1 just under the #1 firm in the world, Amazon, & Wikipedia!
@aminaeynL0WaXe You have a great idea! Why not follow people BEFORE sending them a link! That way it doesn't feel like @spam & get rejected?
Another of my favorite video sharing sites is You can access it via Very easy & totally adaptable! Love it!
Cool Video! Shufflr is a Video Social Media platform accessed via Adobe Air with a CoolIris Flare! Cool application!
SEO (cont): In other words, one pg is not enough! Google looks for relevance beyond 1 page's meta tags! It looks for adjacent pg relevance!
SEO: It's not enough to optimize a single web page! Google's hyper-text matching analysis not only reviews THE web page but adjacent pages!
75% of searchers never look further than page one. Georgia Institute of Technology ~ Some say 80%! Can you really afford to be on page two?
I've often said everything you need to know about making money online is free, if you have the time. The exception? SPF
Seth Godin asks if you can give 15% more? Now imagine giving 30% more! Run the numbers, it's not that difficult!
5:15am & getting punchy. Way past the point of diminishing returns. A cool 75 degrees, so the air has finally caught up & the house is nice!
Went to see Inception Woke up on Shutter Island! I was fighting terrorists with Russell Crowe & Howard Hughes. Got there on the Titanic!
You're on the right track when clients who used to have plenty of time to meet are now so BUSY they can't stop working. They're booked solid
Played around with Flickr for a client but NOT impressed with the image display options! NextGen & CoolIris (PicLens) are more professional!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Was unable to sleep last night. So, I watched Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth on Starz. Wasn't too impressed. I'll suspend judgement!
Kay Cowher (54), wife of Bill Cowher, mother of 3 daughters, lost her battle with skin cancer! Keep all of them in your thoughts & prayers!
Great picture of Connie out like a light! TuffGuy next to her on the bed. Too much sunbathing! She'd kill me if I post on Facebook! Tempting
As a marketing consultant, you know you're making real headway when a client asks you to manage their PPC campaign! High risk, high rewards!
TuffGuy & Bart are hiding here in the office! Too hot outside! TuffGuy took a dip in the pool but Bart wants no part of the...Puggle Pool!
Don't know what Seesmic's done with but I'm constantly having to refresh my browser now or it fails! Liked the old better!
I think I was a polar bear in a past life! Maybe a pet of Shirley MacLaine? I think she was Cleopatra! Wow! Can't wait for October in Ohio!
Bonus? Complete Social Profit Formula & I'll help you create & distribute all your videos until you can do it yourself!
Super meeting with a client! I've learned this over & over again: Concentrate on & assure the success of others & your success is assured!
I've NEVER been one for "guru" coaching programs, I'm all about implementation. But this social media program is SUPER!
Meeting with a client, 1pm. Preparing is a snap with Market Samurai! I also use SpyFu & others! But it's truly amazing!
When you get a handle on the power of Quality content, Solid SEO, Great video, Intelligent blogging & Smart articles...Success is assured!
Internet marketers often beat each other up for the same niche when it's a snap to dominate almost any niche online! Diversify your efforts!

Friday, July 23, 2010

I'd like to thank ecademy members who've take the time to review & "Like" my profile! A very cool & responsive group!
“I dwell in possibility.” Emily Dickinson
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer." Percy Cerutty
Message from a client "We're consumed with a kitchen project & 2 large estimates (both a result of the website)." Their success makes my day

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Point of diminished returns. Test:After a certain number of followers has been reached, impact diminishes. You can't interact with everyone!
Is it even relevant that 127million people belong to Facebook? What's relevant is who you're connected to & why. AND, are they listening!?
Send 1 card or 3 to anyone, tonight! Free! On me! No strings! Reconnect with someone! Don't wait until it's too late!
"The Art of Seduction" Seth Godin Is anyone listening? Does anyone care? Are you addressing the right audience? Smart!
18 SEO components missing in web development! Useful blog post!
"The ups and downs of social networks" by the BBC Includes raw data in downloadable form. Interesting & informative!
"It is literally true that you can succeed best & quickest by helping others to succeed." Napolean Hill ~ With no expectation of reward! JZ
@TerryDean 's blog is one of my regular stops. I love this post! Being a dog person with 2 "partners" too, I get it!
OK! I know what I said about rap but this is pretty cool! ♫ COME AGAIN (THE KLEPTONES MASHUP) by The Beatles & others!
I suggest "Energetic" ~ Started me off with AC/DC's "You shook me all night long!" Tough to go back to Calm after that!
Want a cool music streaming site that offers music based on your mood? Yup! Very cool stuff! Technically speaking! ;-)~
New online ad privacy bill gives nod to self-regulation ~ This still has a fox guarding the chicken coop feel to it!?
Excited about the CherryPicker Software? You'll LOVE this! It also has a free level but it's CherryPicker on steroids!
"Cold calls are God's punishment for failure to get enough referrals."
"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face." Gatorade ad ~ I know...but it works!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Aside from & @JeffHerring recommendations, my #1 article marketing resource is: Super-easy submission
Want 20 Photoshop 3-D Tutorials? This is really awesome! Enjoy everyone!
Have been listening to Malcolm Gladwell's Blink in audiobook format! Incredibly useful & eye-opening! Brilliant man!
Guaranteed! If you want the best overall look at social media in 3 FREE videos, these are worth the time! Very useful!
"To know yourself is the first and most important step in pursuing your dreams and goals." Stedman Graham
Have you ever come to a point in your life when you ask "At what cost, am I willing to pay it?" Watershed moments!
@BigGirlBranding Love it! I give & get plenty of support from my team & my clients LOVE the brownies! Awesome program!
Been going all day! Just sat down for a minute & now it's off to the doc! What used to be an all-the-time thing is down to once a month~Yes!
People use social media for many purposes. These free videos are super & will help you understand it better~Guaranteed!
@barbarahof The "white bear" can represent anything, the point is, the more we fixate on NOT thinking about it...the more we think about it!
@barbarahof In Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov he writes "Don't think of a white bear!" Try it! What do you think about? A white bear!
"What I love about can meditate..It's a peaceful place. You can pray & think. The 1st mile is the hardest." Sister Mary E Lloyd
My Twitter pages are now showing up on Google's page 1! It's crucial you get ahead of this trend!
Great custom kitchen posts! Everything you need to know re: kitchen cabinets! Helpful if you're considering a remodel!
This's an insightful & informative video, the best yet on social media! I've viewed most of them! This's a super look!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What's interesting in this Bloomberg Business Week tip on branding is the word outbound Shouldn't Brian have written? inboundmarketing
I keep track of keywords with Alerts & with & this 1 came up! A "few" translation errors!? Wow!
Ecademy is an incredibly responsive business social media membership site! I'm very happy to be associated with ecademy Super people!
By far the most intelligent presentation of social media to date! Take the time to watch, they're worth every minute!

Monday, July 19, 2010

RT @RichKanary My design team at Kanary's Landscaping has surpassed themselves! Gorgeous design! Linchpins, every one!
I feel great! I've been using multiple integration in social media for over a year now! Don Crowther is right on the money! Literally!
Had the pleasure of listening to Don Crowther's video dissertation. Dissertation because Don's clearly the Doctor of Social Media! smartman
Life Lessons: The Ultimate Question! Success at what price? The keys? Time & Proximity! I'll explain more here: Thanks!
Do you want marketing results? Sure you do! Are you unsure of how to get to pg 1 for targeted keywords? Can you do it?
That's what life is all about: Spending time on what matters! Family! Read "Family First Entrepreneurship" by @MarcWarnke Wonderful book!
Tonight I'm the wealthiest man alive! Tomorrow will bring yet another series of challenges & blessings! Life is amazing...if you don't quit!
Time to call it a weekend! 14 articles~10 blog posts~6 videos~3 premium blog setups & some amazing pictures of the grandbabies! Happy Monday
Worked on this all weekend! Success, goal setting, Sam Walton's final words, Seth Godin on quitting, etc! Life Lessons!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Remember to live each & every day as if it's your last! Take it from me, I thought I was living my last days, it changes everything!
How about this for results? We've moved every client we have to Google's Pg1 for the keywords targeted! Quality content
Remember Atari? The Sony Walkman? The Commodore Computer? Line Dancing? Pong? Social media????
Been working on a social media post & this SlideShare presentation pulled it all together! Brilliant & SCARY stuff!
I've been writing a series of articles for the past week on various life lessons. Steve Jobs hit upon all of them here!
Take a moment to connect, to express genuine interest & caring! Social media isn't a strategy & it isn't about marketing, it's about people!
Highlighting what's working helps you make that happen more often. Perfect is overrated. Perfect doesn't scale. S Godin
Connie bought the girls a little inflatable pool & they had the time of their lives! The real scream was TuffGuy! Funny

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My friend @RichardBejah hit the Big 50! If you ever need to know anything about Twitter? His blog has 380+ resources!
3 SnagIt pictures are worth 3000 words? A million? 6/10 on Google's Pg 1! 5/10 on Pg 2! 13/30 on Google's first 3pgs!
Kailyn just ran in to tell me all about her latest dive under the water! A very big thing at 3yrs of age! Gotta check it out! Film at 11!
Lazy morning! I have 2 meetings scheduled at mid-day with clients. Then I'm going to do some writing outside! That's if the heat cooperates!

Friday, July 16, 2010

If I feel a bit off, the first 3 videos help me a LOT! My channel is slow today but worth it! Especially for parents!
It's an amazing world we live in Master Jack! Or...Ms. Paula!
More power to her! You gotta love America! You can be down in the dumps one day & on top of the world the next!
What's with Paula Abdul & the IM "gurus"? She hasn't been this popular since Straight Up! She has as many lives as that cat she danced with!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Zuckerman's comparison of the News Feed controversy to the privacy issue is apples to oranges! This is a concern!
Maybe this time? Good night & have a great week everyone!
11pm I said goodnight, sat down with my laptop to finish up & at 3am I'm still at it! Got a ton done, including 3 new sites set up but GEEZ!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The USP of all time? "I need it bad!" I do! Gotta take a vacation...soon! Let's see if anyone comes up with a travel idea via social media!?
Can you afford a $20 recurring gift to provide 1 person w/clean water for 20 YEARS? You'll get it back 100-fold!
A $20 per mo gift will provide 1 person with clean water for 20yrs! A $100 monthly gift can give a family of 5 clean water for 20yrs!
Took Seth Godin's advice! I sent a birthday gift to Can you imagine NOT having clean water? Start the week right
I think I'm going to try the Facebook FanPageEngine for a client! Any thoughts? Anyone using it now? I'd appreciate the input!
Started a Facebook page for a client today. Have you or anyone you know ever played football? Hope you'll "Like" this!
One thing with kids & grandkids, always plan...and then be flexible when something comes up! 'Cuz "stuff" happens! Life remains interesting!
Taking the kids to the park! Kailyn's not-so-subtle "Let's go Grandpa!" & dropping my shoes in my lap is my cue! 3yr olds are relentless!
Seth Godin on opinions & lunch! It's interesting how "opinionated," like "insubordinate" has become a negative label!
Break time! Kids are out of the pool & Grandpa has to run to Walgreens! Gotta replace the exploding diapers. No, from the pool water! ;-)~
Following this series on kitchen remodeling will help you if you get the "urge" to customize your kitchen, as we are!
RT @ThisisTrue 20 Colleges With High Tuition, Low Return on Investment Thank Heavens I bucked that trend! A CSU BA is 755
Thanks to my colleagues, associates & connections on LinkedIn for pushing me over 4000. Gratifying!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Took Connie to dinner! Wildly popular place but the wait time? Argh! Had to turn off the "I'm in a big hurry" part of me & enjoy the moment!
Gonna hit a local restaurant to do a review for 1 of my blogs! Should be is supposed to be very popular! Weeee'll seeeeee!
The Moody Blues video posted to my personal blog took all honors! Views~comments~etc
I'd love to say this is my favorite client. He is! They all are! Honestly! I can't seem to take a day off Fun
Love Animoto & Studiopress! Cool videos & simplicity of design. A well-crafted message gets you to page 1! No tricks, just quality content!
Sent this to a client "We're on Pg 1 & I mean EVERYWHERE!" He sent "That's great! I'm extremely happy with the music!" Intangibles

Friday, July 9, 2010

Finished my weekly run of targeted keywords. It made my week! Several clients now listing 1 or 2 on Pg1 for competitive keyword phrases! Fun
Want to know how cued in Google is to social media? I posted a message on & Google Alerts delivered it thru in 60secs! Wow!
It's SO easy to create a marketing strategy when your client is this talented! All I can say is: WOW! I want one!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

If you've recently opted in for my back pain video & it was down? We have the TrafficGeyser glitch ironed out! Thanks!
Proof that article marketing works occurs every day! This article, written a while back, has gone viral. Lots of links!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's been a long day! Even TuffGuy's given up on me. Gone to sleep! Time for a nice, long, hot shower, a bit of Breyer's & some mindless TV!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I run into high powered clients like this too. Completely frazzled, disillusioned! Great observations by Tom Hoobyar!
"..they never gave in, never gave up..just kept at the impossible until it became inevitable..." Tom Hoobyar on rats in a cage! Interesting!
"Most websites are like billboards in the desert!" @MikeVolpe, Hubspot~Yes, absolutely! Particularly static websites w/o a mktg strategy!
Email marketing can create as much harm as it does good, particularly if you fall into these traps! Lifehacker advice!
"'ve used good energy & positive reinforcement...he likes the sessions. It really motivates him to work & learn!" Intangible rewards!
Think about remodeling your kitchen? Custom Kitchen Remodeling: Understanding Kitchen Cabinetry Part I Useful post!
I'm amazed by "gurus" claiming the "secret to 6 figures." There's NO secret! Work smart & hard! Read everything you can get your hands on!
I'm a hit in India! Not bad in the US either! So says Alexa. Interesting. Jumped 750,000 on the Internet last month! Not bad for a rookie!
"My take on blogs: website is corp presence, blog is inner office–invite me in for tea..Inviting me in 4 tea is more personal." @y2vonne Yes
"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." Louisa May Alcott
@rajeshlalwani "No SM strategy means...the blame, for not working, goes to Social Media, not to the lack of planning :)" Yes! Well said!
@whatsnext Well said! "Be real. Talk like a human being. Offer to help..answer questions..give away intelligence, not intellectual property"
"Don’t hit people over the head with a sales message..we’re all humans, talking to..humans. Monitor, measure, bold!" @whatsnext
"Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf." Native American Wisdom
"Why Social Media? People are talking and we better be listening and engaging the conversation. 'Markets are conversations'." Paul Chaney
“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.” Eric Jong
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." Albert Einstein
Funds are allocated for SEO & inbound marketing based on the size of the organization but they're ALL spending money!
Wrote 5000 words~3 videos~already paying off! Spend time to do it right & it goes viral! Title, description & link!
Lebron "...maybe most of get the idea that...the big news that maybe the rest of us should’ve known all along: He’s home!" Yahoo
"Knowledge has to be improved, challenged and increased constantly, or it vanishes." Peter Drucker
Great article, as usual! Do you educate or do you obfuscate & manipulate? Interesting Seth Godin post!
The video is the best part of the post! Funny! The article provides a different perspective on a REAL marketing lesson!
How to Create an Inbound Marketing Consultancy & not end up with a Meatball Sundae! Part III of an A thru Z series!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Marketing takeaway! Diffusion of responsibility, Independence Day & Happy Birthday America! Blog post & a fun video!
My Girl, Fireworks Cleveland & the Best Weekend of My Life! Celebrating Life, Faith, Hope, Desire & Unconditional Love!
My Girl! Back-to-back videos The Moody Blues & My Girl! At least Kailyn's rendition & the Cleveland Fireworks finale!
OK! Live goes on, is back up & running! Love the metrics & the functionality!
LeBron James is the talk of the town! LeBron is set for life! Let's see if he's loyal to the "town" he's such an important part of...or not!
Perry Marshall is right on the money! We have all experienced this & it's so costly! Great advice!
Anyone else having issues with today?
Great blog post by Geoff Steck! "The Lesson of July 5th: Achievement Takes Risk"
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly....”
Thomas Paine~The other edge of the double-edge in "moving the free line!" Real value?
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: 'tis dearness only that gives every thing its value.” Thomas Paine
@RichardBejah Wonderful happy blog post Rich! Great soundtrack! The kids makes us feel young again, don't they? Awesome
Heck! If I'm going to give you a plug, I may as well go all the way & post the link to your blog, right?! Good luck!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Home from Cleveland! Grandpa is getting really brave! I took Kailyn on the train to see the fireworks! Just the 2 of us! Life is amazing!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA! Flip came thru! This clip got it all, including my favorite guy & a surprise ending! Have fun!
I couldn't think of how to say Happy 4th to so many amazing people. So I decided to let others say it for me here! Fun
This VIDEO tribute to America's birthday is an AWESOME example the wonderful people here! 1 segment won't play! Darn!
If you're fans of The Moody Blues you're in for a treat! Hope you enjoy this~Happy 4th of July everyone! TheMoodyBlues
I've got a couple of surprises for all my social media connections & followers, in other words: Friends! I can't wait to show you later on!
Remember when we said "Don't trust anyone over 30"? George & John are gone! Crosby Stills Nash & so many others are in-near their 70s! Scary
Made some interesting observations over the last couple of days 1) Some people say no! To everything-always 2) "Permission" is situational!
The Moody Blues Salutes Independence Day & brings down the house!
Super service at Shooters! Very nice waiter! Food was good. The bathrooms were atrocious! Too many guys there for the bikini contest? Hmmm?!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Went to see The Moody Blues tonight! We were 7 rows back & almost dead center! Awesome show! Video to follow!
Had the most amazing chocolate chip cannoli at Buca di Beppo last night! It's 2:25am! I think there's 1 in the fridge calling my name! Yup!
TuffGuy & I had a blast tonight on our midnight walk! Wait 'til you see what we did! 30 hours & we'll reveal all! Well, I'll reveal it!
I'm putting together a very special video for Independence Day! I think you'll get a kick out of it but I don't want to spill the beans!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Gotta run!
TuffGuy just let me know in the nastiest way that he has to go! How can something that nasty emanate from such a cute little dog! Goodness!
Create Your Own One Goal Taskbar Reminder by Lifehacker! Super efficiency idea! Stay on task with this simple reminder!
I owe my buddy Kevin Knebl for this memory! Tom Hanks at his best! "There's no crying in baseball!" Very funny stuff!
Some "gurus" speak of creating a "Likable Character!" Randy Cassingham doesn't have to create one! He's likable already
I've had My issues with GoDaddy but this tribute to American Independence kinda got to me! Nicely done!
Several friends are doing amazing things with this step-by-step approach! Available for $1 for 14 days! You'll LOVE it!
I thought I should mention this man's name. Thoroughly entertaining & very smart! TED video by Rory Sutherland! Awesome
Just watched the funniest, smartest, most entertaining TED video yet! Total enjoyment!
Mediocrity is everywhere! It's all around us! I just said the same thing to a client yesterday! This video is a must!
This is such a radical idea...yet it's so obvious! Seth Godin explains The Dip & quitting!
Brave Grandparents taking Kailyn (3) & Brynnie (1) to Buca di Beppo at 6pm! Can't wait to shoot the video of Brynnie with Mac & Cheese! Wow!
Best USP? "I need it bad!" Well, "I need it bad!" I'm unplugging! Gonna reintroduce myself to my wife & family until Tuesday! Happy 4th!
"There's gold in them thar hills!" There's money in offline consulting but PLEASE be careful! Beware the "guru's" song!
Life Lessons: Who better to listen to? Great video!
Seth Godin is right! But I'd extend the post to life! Do we "Manage" our life or do we "Run" our life? Huge distinction
“Being maniacal about something is very helpful.” Bill Gates ~~ Agreed!
I agree w/Hugh! There's no cure for this entrepreneur thing! While it isn't terminal, it's a life altering affliction!
Want to be successful? Want to make money? Forget about both! Focus on the other person's needs, wants & desires! Make a friend~Make a sale!
Reading "tweets," trying to find things to comment on, I was struck by "Expert Services For Search Engine Optimazation" See the problem? Hm?
Well it's midnight & I met with 3 ongoing clients & 1 new client today beginning at 9am. Now? It's TuffGuy's time until 2am! Love our walks!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Malcolm Gladwell's "Blink" has really opened my eyes (pun & all) to just how quickly we access situations & are affected by 1st impressions!
People don't believe me when I tell them I interview my clients more than they interview me. Pick your clients well & you'll always prosper!
Added a new client today! I usually meet prospective clients 3Xs before taking them on. I almost didn't take a contract with me. Almost!
Randy Cassingham's Mastermind Source & Mastermind Dues Report are brilliant! Worth every minute to read! Excellent!
Bob Oros is a super salesman & along with Jim Cockrum's OfflineBizGold his course helped me build my marketing business
A Cavanagh, Jim Cockrum, J Jonas, Jim Orr are OfflineBiz! I've never looked back! Super resources & you make 10k+ month
You DON'T need to spend 1000s to start an offline-inbound marketing business! Jim Cockrum's OfflineBiz Gold is super!
Added another inbound marketing client. No "pitch book" "pitch!" Made a friend, gained a client! 2-3 clients monthly! What recession!?
"The successful man is the one who had the chance and took it." Roger Babson
I really like my dentist but not following up after a rough appt blows a crucial opportunity to build a relationship! Very common mistake!
I've been listening to/reading "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell (again) & it's brilliant! Really makes you think about perception & assumptions!

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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