Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I just received my upgrade for Socrates. I use it for many of my affiliate blogs in various niches! VERY clean & easy!
Wrestled with a bad tooth last night so I watched ABC's "Mind Games" about James Arthur Ray! Absolutely frightening!
I can count on 1 hand the programs I endorse. This is 1 of them! A solid, no-nonsense program, especially for novices!
It's tough to watch Connie who stood by me thru my terrible ordeal struggle with hip pain. 26 years on July 5th & I love her more than ever!
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Frederick Douglass
Social media policy? Social media is fluid, a conversation! Hubspot got this one! I've been saying this for over a yr!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Qualification: Randy Cassingham's Mastermind Source subscription is free, what you do from there is up to you. His info is always worth it!
Want to learn how to create a mastermind from a very smart Internet marketer FREE? Randy Cassingham's Mastermind Source

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I believe we make a mistake using blogs as "blogs!" Blogs are content delivery systems & a lot more! Static websites? Undergoing extinction!
To be sure, Chris Baggott of Compendium Blogware sounds a lot like the kid in the story of the Emperor's New Clothes!
This article written a while ago by Chris Baggot, Compendium Blogware is the best & most intelligent I've come across!
Great effort! USA Go England!
It's a funny thing about sports. The higher up you go, close to the top, the greater the players & teams, the more disappointing the losses!
History repeats itself! WorldCup USA Darn it!
I just scared the heck out my dog! Ooooohhhhh! USA WorldCup
I just scared the heck out my dog! Ooooohhhhh! USA WorldCup
Another dive & the fans in the stands chanting "B*llsh*t...B*llsh*t...B*llSh*t!" I agree! Very poor sportsmanship! WorldCup USA
A few years ago the diving got so bad they threatened red cards for dives! This is the real turn off in the mens' game! WorldCup USA
4 mins plus stoppage in regulation! Ugh! USA WorldCup
That wasn't soccer it was a wrestling match! Come on Altidore! USA WorldCup
Bradley!!!!!! Ohhhhh! USA WorldCup Talk about a missed chance!
OMG!!! Altidore! USA WorldCup So close!
PK! Donovan! USA WorldCup Goooooooaaaaaaaalllllllll! 1-1!
YYYEEEESSSSSSS! USA WorldCup I just scared the H3LL out of TuffGuy!
USA is definitely a different team this half! WorldCup
Ghana isn't pressing USA as hard as they were in the 1st half! WorldCup
I am always amused when I read about or hear people critique soccer skills. It is an easy looking, terribly difficult game to play! Try it!?
@desjardins Extra-time if it is a draw after 90mins & stoppage.
Thank goodness for Howard on that save! They better wake up! USA WorldCup
USA misses best chance yet! Finley!! USA WorldCup
Pulling Clark was a smart move by Bradley! Yellow card & a weak showing in the midfield. Ghana seems faster, quicker, stronger. WorldCup
Shot of President Bill Clinton & Mick Jagger sitting together at the World Cup! USA seems to be getting manhandled. USA pressing hard now!
Got up to get a soda & Ghana goes up 1-0 in the first 5min! Ghana pressing hard early. 50,000 USA fans there! 2 yellow cards against USA!
Undoubtedly due to the home pitch advantage, it'll be rockin in S.A! Ghana is favored in spite of USA's higher SPI. But USA has Tim Howard!
Read "Bush at War" in the last few days. Finished with "State of Denial." Watched Green Zone (same storyline) Next "Imperial Hubris." Heavy!
USA over Ghana today! Should be a great match! The stadium will be full for this one! Ghana will definitely have a "home pitch" advantage!
Reading & writing all morning! Added a bit to Inbound Marketing A through Z: Beginning a Marketing Consultancy Part II
Zig Ziglar was 1 of the 1st "motivational speakers" I saw live (mid-70s) & I remember it like it was yesterday! Awesome
I often write about Life Lessons & Intangibles. It seems we often lose sight of what really matters~Marty didn't! Video
Just finished "Bush at War" again! Want to set your hair ablaze? Read "State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III" It's absolutely frightening!
2 days in a row! Brian Tracy must be trying out a new writer. 2 days in a row he's had spelling errors in his quotes! That's not like him!
"Only by coming to grips with difficulty can you realize your full potential." Charles de Gaulle
Sorry about the Yahoo echo! I've noticed others are having the same issues with Yahoo cross-posts even after Yahoo is told not to! Apologies
Facebook "Gold Rush"? Hype or fact? I'd argue it's already underway! Response 100 ads~10 tests~10 niches~$1000s v Google? Google~hands down!
"In most situations, I'd argue, you earn the right to be heard." Seth Godin His "tangential point" is worth the read!
"There's something about the mechanics & arms-length nature of the web that just begs companies..." S. Godin Must read!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yahoo is relentless! I've tried repeatedly to get them to stop posting to the various social media sites no avail! Sorry!
Part II How to Begin an Inbound Marketing Consultancy A-Z: Nuts & Bolts of an Inbound Marketing Consultation! Comments?
A mentee recently asked how to build a solid list. It's the question I'm asked most often. Answer? Over-deliver! Over-deliver! Over-deliver!
Just met with a new client. In my mind he already is! He couldn't believe how much I knew about his business. Today how can it be otherwise?
How do you view client acquisition? I make note of the fact that acquiring a client is not unlike a marriage commitment
Brilliant! Seth Godin is right on the money. I view every client acquisition as a longterm arrangement, a marriage!
Scientists funded by the NSF have found tar balls along more than 99 of 112miles of N Florida beaches they've surveyed!
Some will not agree with my take on the marketing process. Others will find this helpful. Marketing & Gold Rush Fever!
I rarely offer this sort of thing but I had a friend with tinnitus & it helped, a LOT! I thought I'd pass it on to you!
“Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.” Mark Twain
"Action is the real measure of intelligence." Napoleon Hill
This is going to ruffle feathers! There's been so much hype about "Offline Gold" I felt I should add some perspective!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I give up! Connie keeps updating me on the Japan v Denmark match. 1 more appt with a client this evening, I have some time for the 2nd half
Had a SUPER marketing consultation! Tip: Don't use a canned "Pitch Book!" Do your homework & go in knowing everything about THEIR business!
I agree with Seth Godin! Each & every day we decide whether to "Open for Business" or simply go thru the motions!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Google's Page One in 1 hour for multiple keywords! Here's a screenshot of just one example vs 1,470,000 results! Video!
Page One! In less than 2 hours the video I created is on Google's Page 1 for the keyword I was focusing on! Page 1 twice for another! Fun!
At 2:23pm this afternoon I posted this video! It's already on someone else's site! Complete with links & content! Viral
I'm gonna "talk" about American football. Well, sort of? I love Animoto & the things I can do for all sorts of clients!
Busy day! 4 appts with clients & a doctor's visit just to make sure nothing "medically" has re-entered my life. Key? No worries! Ha!
@ShawnRobinson I agree! How've you been? It's interesting how people come & go here. Life beyond the box! I'm so pleased to hear from you!
"One of the things I doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy..making optimism a way of life can restore your faith." "Lucy"
You might dismiss @LeeMilteer & her work with intuition. All you have to do is read "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell to recognize its real power!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

VIRAL?! This went from to (200+ more) to to Google Alerts & back to me!
The keyword tool I'd keep if I had to rely on only 1! Powerful & versatile, you can't go wrong. Free version available!
Need an SEO education? This course is 100% free & I'm NOT an affiliate of Dan's! It's just a great SEO course! Enjoy!
I've been preparing for a new client for a week! When I meet with a prospective client for the 1st time, I know what they had for breakfast!
Ever wonder how they create kitchen & bath countertops? This video walks you through the entire process. Interesting!
The majority of people don't need marketing "secrets," they simply require the courage to apply the information FREELY available to them!
I love this video channel! A compilation of some of my favorites & I hope they'll touch your heart! Happy Tuesday all!
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life." Muhammad Ali ~~ "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!"
"....a bucket of heads." At Southwest Airlines?! Randy Cassingham's This is True never fails to amuse & often astound!
I love it! "Don't snowglobe me bro!" So true, some tactics are so utterly inane! That goes for the "snowglobe" sign!

Monday, June 21, 2010

", you'll never make it...if you love what you're doing & always put the customer first, success will be yours."R Kroc
Just received this email from a client! "I'm so glad we met. Thanks for your time, energy & understanding. I know this will work out." Yes!
"Except that caring works. On both sides." Well put! I spent the weekend w/2 clients & I can tell you this, THEY care!
"Of all the races, there is no better stage for heroism than a marathon." Dr. George Sheehan ~~ I'd argue life is the ultimate marathon!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

You have got to love the viral nature of the net! Every day, all over the world!
World's worst job? A person in a chipmunk suit in front of a Verizon store waving people in! 90 degrees! Outbound marketing at its worst!
All 3 daughters & all 4 of my grandkids are here! It's already a great day! This is a fitting video about a super song!
Well, it isn't even noon & the kids & grandkids are all here! Looks like it's time to shut down the box & live in the real world for a bit!
While Hubspot received a black eye for the recent "reality" stunt, Foursquare cops is amusing & very scary!
With 3 amazing daughters, all amazing soccer players, this is one of my all-time favorite videos! Go USA Mens Team!
If someone takes the time to criticize you, it's because they care! If they didn't, they'd simply write you off & walk away! Value criticism
My friend @JeffHerring has shared a video on his blog, undoubtedly a favorite of many dads! Where does the time go?
@bpinaud login & password? If you'd send them to my email address? Great channel
@bpinaud Happy Father's Day! Good luck today vs Ivory Coast! Can you help me with my login & password? Nothing works!
A Father's Day dream! Platinum KeywordSpy To go with my SpyFu & Market Samurai! Call me crazy...I'm in Keyword Heaven!
Happy Father's Day to all of my customers, subscribers, clients, followers, associates & connections! In other words: MY FRIENDS!
"Without courage, all other virtues lose their meaning." Winston Churchill
You've GOT to see this! Memories! Some not-so good. After all, we were jumping out of a perfectly good airplane then!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just got home after an awesome meeting with a client! Now an incredible World Cup match! GKs are keeping both sides in this wide open match!
England's looking a bit rough in Group C. USA & England must win Wednesday to move on! Can Slovenia upset England? Hmm?
I've a meeting today with a client! I really like my clients & look forward to seeing them, it's a real treat! Pick them carefully, it pays!
When I consider taking on a marketing client, I do a TON of research. I get to where I know the business as well as they do! THEN we meet!
Even my fellow academicians are getting into digital products! Johns Hopkins is more relentless than many "gurus!" Ha!
I was going to subscribe to a well known expert's course on memory & procrastination but I forgot all about the deadline! Maybe next year?!
Tipping my hand! This is #1 in my 1-2 punch when it comes to keyword research! I still use Google (#3) but this is #1!
The individual who triumphs is the one who sticks with a difficult task when everyone else around them is quitting!
Used SpyFu last night. 1 night & I know exactly what keywords the competition focuses on & how much is spent per click!
The real "secret" to success is no "secret" at all! You must be better than your competition! And most of your competition is mediocre!
"All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail."
Dorothea Brande
As I do research on a new niche, 1 thing strikes me! A total lack of creativity in marketing! Seth Godin's right! It's all Meatball Sundaes!
Think it's not important to be on page 1? The #1 spot gets 42% of clicks! 1-7 get 86% of ALL! The remaining sites listed by Google? 14% Yup!

Friday, June 18, 2010

You know you're busy when: You think it might be nice to have a Diet Coke, you look over & there's the one you got 3hrs ago. Still unopened!
Time for a break! I just got my premium "This is True" email from Randy Cassingham! The best email I get, period!
Can you imagine knowing every dime a competitor paid for every keyword for the last 4yrs & the ad they ran too? Scary!
I love helping businesses with their marketing! It sure beats working & with 30+yrs experience it's SO easy with the help of the Internet!
Keyword research w/Market Samurai & SpyFu ought to be illegal! I know who spent what, when & what the ad looked like!
Gorgeous day! My Flip is fixed~support came thru! 2 amazing meetings w/clients! Came home to a ringing phone & ANOTHER new marketing client!
Gotta love ANIMOTO! Of course it helps when you have clients who create amazing art in plant & stone!
“If you are irritated by every rub, how will your
mirror be polished?” Rumi (1207–1273) Persian poet/philosopher
I love this movie! We have all heard this before, or should have. It's a great way to start the day!
I love ANIMOTO! This site still needs some last minute polishing but this video is so cool & adds a lot to the page!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

This is a super niche marketing system. They're launching 6/22! If you'd like to review 3.0 & offer it to subscribers?
"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." Kenneth Blanchard
Listened to Seth Godin's "Permission Marketing" on my walk with TuffGuy! Very interesting to listen his thoughts earlier in his evolution!
Viral video can be double-edged! This is "deja-vu all over again!" 18mos ago & a look back at a "newbie" 30lbs heavier!
One of my favorite emails of the month! Bar-none! NatGeo's Photo of the Month
Beware the Flip MinoHD upgrade! I went from a very satisfied client to totally disgusted! My Flip & the software are almost useless! Argh!
I've received more angry, even abusive, comments to this video than to any of the 307 (for this channel) I've produced!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

HubSpot sent this to me! I've been advising my clients to take this tack all along! Static websites? Extinct w/in 5yrs!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Don't know what I'd do without this! With its variety of tools & functions it FAR surpasses Google! Has a free version!
What a day! Just picked up a new client over the phone in less than 5mins! The power of referrals & word of mouth trumps all else, combined!
Have you ever noticed those who advocate those long-winded sales pages are the ones writing them? Who reads that stuff? Not anyone I know!
Marketing failures! My wife, in her 40s, was amused by a "Funeral Advantage Program Assists Seniors" mailer! Looked official. File 13 stuff!
When I started online the 1st thing I observed the fundamental disconnect between a "Guru" & an Internet "guru!" Wow!
What are you committing in terms of marketing dollars? Marketing Sherpa offers an excellent perspective!
Looks like 1 of my clients may land a BIG job as a result of our marketing efforts! Talk about a KICK! I love helping my clients ~ friends!
Need help understanding Facebook Fan Pages? @JeffHerring 1 of the good guys(!) has written a article you should read!
As an inbound marketing consultant I often have a tug of war with clients over the number of images! Load time is huge!
OK! All you Google/SEO black belts out there! Let's all get clear as mud on Google Caffeine! Somethings ALWAYS change!
So many people I talk to don't understand search & how it applies to the various search engines. This is a good intro:
Are you a "This might work" or a "This better work" person? Great distinction!
Counting Crows - Miami (Acoustic)
"You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take!" Anonymous ~ I've always loved this one!
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." Dr. George Sheehan

Monday, June 14, 2010

"The End of 'Guru-dom!' I'm not a 'guru'—never hoped to be,never wanted to be—never will be!" A man after my own heart!
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." Epictetus
The viral nature of the Internet always amazes me! I have nothing to do with this site! This "viral thing" is awesome!
As a scientist by education & avocation, I always love NatGeo's videos & articles! This one is very interesting!
"...find a Great Big Empty Box, hop inside and see what happens...." Super article, took me back...& forward!
"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict." Wm Channing ~ Eustress is a good thing!
SEO & linking is covered quite well in this article. If you are unclear how it all fits together, this will help!
Great article! "Using the Blogosphere’s Trends for Your Niche" Worth the read!
@MaritzaParra has a new look & I love it! She's someone you should listen to, a quality individual! Check it out!
“If we did all the things we're capable of doing, we'd literally astound ourselves.” Thomas Edison~~Astound yourSELF today! Be amazing!
"If you are working hard to please the wrong people, you'll fail." Seth Godin Listened to "The Dip" last night! Again!
Yes you can upgrade. I did a long time ago. It works better than any tool of its kind, including Google's! I love it!
I rarely promote anything directly via social media. When I do it's awesome & I use it! This is & it's free! The BEST!
Time to call it a day! Oh! That was yesterday!
Went for a walk at 12:30am w/TuffGuy. Great walk~super night! Pulled an all-nighter! Worked on a client's site because I love it & CoolIris!
Awesome walk! Beautiful night & I got through all of Seth Godin's "The Dip" Obviously, we walked for a couple of hours! TuffGuy is zonked!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Long day! Been cleaning up images for hours! Not the best use of my time...but a necessity! There are some things you just can't outsource!
What are your fondest music memories? We all have them. Favorite concert? A moment captured with someone special? Come on folks, get social!
Power of Music! In an instant I am back in Bay Village 1968! Stairway to Heaven for the very 1st time with my best friend Charlie Quindlen!
The power of music never ceases to amaze me! Listening to Chicago takes me back to 1969 in an instant! Listening to Beginnings the 1st time!
Q: Where can men over the age of 60 find younger, sexy women who are interested in them? A: Try a bookstore under fiction!~I know, not PC!!
Met an interesting man on my walk the other night with TuffGuy! Life Lessons come via the most interesting messengers!
My wife is happy, Germans over the Aussies in World Cup! Her mom came over w/her Dad after he served in the army. I rooted for the Aussies!
Q: As people age, do they sleep more soundly? A: Yes, but usually in the afternoon. ~~ So true! As a matter of fact, it sounds like a plan!
Q: How can you increase the heart rate of your 60+ year old husband? A: Tell him you're pregnant! ~~ It would stop my heart...& I'm only 55!
Life Lessons: A Conversation with a man & his dog about the "most honest man on the planet!" 40 years later! Law of 250
"You can't do it unless you can imagine it." George Lucas
Algeria vs Slovenia Gooooaaaaaallllllll! In the 79th minute Slovenia scores! I lackluster match just got interesting for the USA's group!
"Leaps look good in the movies, but in fact, success is mostly about finding a path & walking it one step at a time."
"What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us!" Ralph Waldo Emerson (my personal favorite!)
Spent the last 3hrs working on a client's site! Cool! Go to this link & then click PicLens. It's almost done! Love it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

BTW, sorry if this post is a bit long or ruffles some feathers! But 40yrs is a profound backdrop for the DellH#ll story
It's amazing what I learn on walks w/TuffGuy! The lessons I learn & the wisdom shared by others, often unintentionally!
I had a wonderful talk with a older gentleman (listen to me, I'm 55!) on my walk the other night! Life lessons come in the strangest forms!
It was great to see the USA Men's National Team do so well today at the World Cup! Yes, the Soccer Gods were smiling but they looked great!
Here's a study that will shake you up! All of you who take only "safe," over-the-counter pain meds. Watch out!
The secret to happiness is writing! Not talking! Something magical happens when we write about the things we should be & are grateful for!
Interesting! Many of the researchers reporting the benefits & retention rates of social media are the consultants invested in the outcome!
@LisaMLoeffler Try the "Linter." Depending on your precise issues, this may give you some ideas
BUGS! Anyone else having problems with facebook fan widgets on their sites? Several clients have them & they're not working across browsers!
USA wins 1-1! Regardless of the Green miscue in goal, Howard was brilliant for the USA! The best GK in the world showed why he is! Well done
Dempsey's goal from outside the 18 sneaks by Green & the USA is tied that team from across the pond!!
1-1 How cool is that? 62mins Go USA!
USA v England~Countdown guys! What do you say across the pond? Do you think Tim Howard can keep your boys from reaching the back of the net?
This promises to be an excellent program for those starting out in business! Dave Riklan is well known & respected!
Argentina already up 1-0 over Nigeria! Forgot to reload page! Been staring at the picture of a Korean player for the last 30mins! Duh!
Argentina v Nigeria 3mins! On ESPN or online! has every match! Australia v Germany should be super! USA v England today, any bets!
"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." Julie Andrews
Argentina v Nigeria? Argentina is the favorite but Nigeria is always tough! Should be a great match, on 10am EST. France v Uruguay ended 0-0
The best thing about working with 2 monitors? I know, multi-tasking isn't effective! But I can work & watch the World Cup! So I'm not 100%!
USA v England 1:30pm EST on ABC! S Africa v Mexico was a great match at 3am this morning 1-1! Korea over Greece 68:45 min 2-0!

Friday, June 11, 2010

If I had to pick 2 programs with which to build my business, & those of my clients, this would be one of them! Awesome!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"When you're...prepared to meet the demands of a race, not only will your race...go well, but your recovery [will] go smoothly." Susan Paul

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

USAJOBS - NSF editor-technical writer
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Who encouraged Hubspot to go off the grid? There's a difference between groundbreaking & bad judgement. An obvious farce backfired bigtime!
@MaritzaParra You are most welcome! Sorry I didn't respond nightmare slowed me down for a day! I hate that sound!
Needless to say the fun job, 1st time away from home ended in less mo. Charge the kids to live there & then give them 2hrs a day~Neat trick!
Cedar Point Disaster! 2wks in & my daughter's hours are already cut, glut of hires & zero employee empathy! We ended up subsidizing the job!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

AP has picked up a story published by the Huffington Post on back pain. It's quite relevant! Overtreating back pain!
Many marketing consultants who use the Internet suffer from Marketing Myopia! However, many NEVER turn on a computer!
Suffer from neck pain, back pain or sciatica? The best solution in almost every instance is activity not inaction!
Dentist today! My least favorite place! I'd almost rather have back surgery...almost. The ultimate lie? "This is going to pinch a little!"
My favorite blog post-EVER! I've been telling my kids & clients I work with this for years! "Drip, drip, drip you win!"
Awesome news! Several of my blogs jumped from 0 & 1 to 3 & 4 in PR! Google is just now coming out with new numbers! So much for no more PR!
Got an email: "Stop Training Like It Is 1990!" Guys, your muscles have no idea what year it is or what you are using! You push & they adapt!
Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service. Henry Ford
Countdown to the World Cup June 11! Speaking of S. Africa & the World Cup, has anyone seen Invictus? Who says sports is trivial~unimportant?
"....chances are you'll be able to find meaning in that other absurd pastime - LIFE. " Bill Bowerman
" absurd pastime upon which to be exhausting ourselves....if you can find meaning in the...running you need to do...."
How Fit Are You? I'm not much of a runner anymore, 14 spine operations will do that to you~I still read Runner's World!
Day 4~30 Day Back Pain Challenge! Huffington Post today published an article dealing with overtreating back pain! Yup!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Want to watch an amazing video?
Just spent time listening to The Coach! Coach John Wooden demonstrated by way of action, greatness & how to achieve it! An amazing example!
The next time someone offers criticism? Thank them! Criticism is a gift to be analyzed & understood! Don't take it personally!
Hugh nails it with this message! His art is edgy & usually dead on! How many ransom their selves a bit at a time~daily?
I'm listening to an amazing recording by @TonyRobbins If you have a chance to learn from the very best in modeling, why wouldn't you?!
"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who believed that something inside them was superior to circumstance."Bruce Barton
The Ultimate Edge by @TonyRobbins Check it out! Click "Home" at the top of the site & try the free trial! It's amazing!
Kindle should send Seth Godin a solid gold thank you note! He's given them an idea that'd revolutionize an industry!
I think a lot of @MaritzaParra Anything she sends me I pay attention to! This video on failure & success is AMAZING!
Intangible rewards! "It's in giving that we receive the greatest gift!" Please help the children if you're able! Thanks
As you hurry thru the week I just want to say thank you to each & every one of you for enriching my life! Take a moment
"To some degree, you control your life by controlling your time. " Conrad Hilton
For me, running is a lifestyle and an art. I'm far more interested in the magic of it than the mechanics. Lorraine Moller~Olympic Marathoner
It'll be interesting to see social media evolve. Twitter has become nothing more than a spam site for many. How long will it be tolerated?
Marketing Myopia: Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Advertising Can There Be A Balanced Approach? There must be!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

If you'd like to be part of a network of experts serving research requirements in various niches?
I'm creating a network of EXPERT researchers to take on projects specific to various niches. If you'd like to be part of this, let me know!
Looks like the USA has a shot of getting out of the first round. Group C certainly isn't the group of death! Groups look fairly balanced!
Supper's Ready is the all-time Genesis anthem! 22:52 of pure magic! Genesis, Chicago, Earth Wind & Fire! Amazing musicians & amazing music!
Lost my little brother to cancer recently. I made it, he didn't. He loved the World Cup & Gran Prix racing. An amazing man! Tobacco kills!
World Cup June 11th. South Africa is the host! How cool is that? USA vs England on June 12th! The greatest sporting event in the WORLD!
"The Cinema Show" The best of Genesis w/Peter Gabriel. Memories~The Allen Theater Cleveland 1973 What an amazing show! Phil Collin on drums!
An orthopod & I were speaking about my research into aging & the spine. He said "In 100yrs today's doctors will be thought of as barbarians"
Love the Internet! Just spent 30mins & set up a new business! Now that the framework's in place, the real fun begins! Infinite Possibilities
Last night TuffGuy & I walked by a business I'd offered my services to. Out of business! I felt sad, angry & frustrated!! I could've helped!
Received an offer "Developing A Great Character" Imagine a lifelong progression, intrinsic nature built into a box! Anyone buy this stuff?!
ATTY:How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS:By death ATTY:And by whose death was it terminated? WITNESS:Take a guess! (transcripts)
ATTY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th? WITNESS: Yes ATTY: And what were you doing at that time? WITNESS:_______
ATTY: "Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?" (actual transcript)
"No matter how good an idea sounds, test it first." Henry Bloch of H&R
Know the study every self-help guru cites? The Yale longitudinal study re: goals? Never happened! Urban myth! Research & think for yourself!
Are you in marketing? Are you an inbound/new media marketing consultant? Thinking about becoming one? You must read "Meatball Sundae" Super!
I'm NOT an Internet groupie, this guy is just someone you pay attention to! Got a GREAT idea reading this blog post!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

It amuses me when I get a request for a link exchange from a site & they want me to add their link 1st! Yup, got off the SEO boat yesterday!
I'm so ticked off at Flip! I use my Flip MinoHD daily but now that I've had my software upgraded I can't get the *$#&*^% thing to work! ARGH
Do you get out of bed & wonder, "Where did I go wrong? I envisioned something different from of my life!" Life Lessons!
Now, if only I can start applying Tony Schwartz's wisdom as it pertains to energy & circadian rhythms! Old habits die hard...It makes sense!
Took TuffGuy for a walk at 1am for 2hrs while listening to Tony Schwartz's new book. Awesome! Been working in client's campaign ever since!
Having problems with your Flip software upgrade? You're not alone! You have to uninstall & then reinstall. You don't lose anything. It works
RT @JohnZajaros The Brynnie Happiness Dance! | Panini's Restaurant! Last weekend it was Buca de Beppo! Fun

Friday, June 4, 2010

Having trouble with my FlipMinoHD ever since they sent the upgrade! Now I can't get it to work! ARGH! Don't mess with a good thing! #$!&*%$^
Started the 2nd Annual 30 Day Walk Away from Neck Pain, Back Pain & Sciatica (not to mention obesity!). TuffGuy must know! He wants out NOW!
Life Lessons: Astronauts and Presidents, Is It Too Late? What were you going to be? How far from that are you today?
"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea." Napolean Hill
Christmas! Received my latest Amazon shipment today! Tony Schwartz, Jim Loehr, & Jay Abraham! Light reading to be sure. Ha! Exciting stuff!
Yes, provocative name, "Black Hat Ninja!" But that's marketing! The premise that "All Data Should Be Free" is appealing
Yes, me! Gone over to the dark side! Yeah right! SEnuke recommended this interesting FREE SEO forum! Donations accepted
“The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon..only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other..higher” T H Huxley
Suffer from neck pain, back pain or sciatica? Or perhaps you need to lose weight & just can't run anymore? Join me!
I love it! 6 of 10 spots on pg 1 in a very competitive niche! Competing with major players, I own the page! As a marketer THAT's exciting!
Keep in mind I could care less if you ever buy or join, I truly want to help people reconnect, REALLY! It's my treat!
Touch someone you care about, someone you haven't seen in a while! FREE! Just follow the steps! This month is on me!
2nd Annual 30 Day Walk Away from Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica! Last year people from all over the world joined in!
I can only say one thing, I'm SO glad I've never been filmed dancing! This is too funny!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Don't even know why I try with Mozilla & IE! They're unstable! Thank goodness Google got Chrome together & corrected its early dev issues!
Do me a favor? Get in touch with someone you care about! Courtesy of your's truly! Touch someone you know! No strings!
This is VIRAL! I uploaded this video late this afternoon across the web & it's already on someone else's website! COOL!
“He who answers before listening - that is his folly
and his shame.” Proverbs 18:13
I highly recommend this resource on Social Selling created by XeeSM! It is super & right on the money!
What we think about ultimately defines our reality! In other words, our thoughts create who & what we are, the world around us! Define yours
Seth Godin is a genius! I'm certainly not a "guru groupie" but his message is always dead on! I read his blog daily!
RT etiquette! Interesting to use the new tool & watch people strip a tweet, failing to attribute it to the source! Mini-plagiarism?
There are a myriad of business networking sites! Getting social media right depends on the platform & your message!
"Life is not fair, get used to it!" Bill Gates Have you read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell? Interesting Bill Gates story!
Fell asleep at 3am listening to Tony Schwartz talk about energy! Was so jazzed I woke at 7am & started listening again
New articles! Business blogging. It's not an oxymoron! Social media for offline business. New media & meatball sundaes?
Made an offer last night & will continue it today! Reach out & touch someone today FREE! Just connect, touch someone!
Friends, even some business clients wonder why I still teach. "It costs you time & money! Why bother?" The intangibles!
I hope some of you'll take me up on this! No strings, just make a difference in a person's life TONIGHT! On me! G'Day!
Take a moment & tell someone you appreciate them! Do it 2-3 times FREE! Totally on me! You've no excuse! No obligation!
No kidding! It's my way of saying thanks for reading my content & allowing me to share in your lives! Send a card FREE!
When was the last time you got a card from a business you patronize? The last time you sent a card? Send a 2-3 on me!
Pres Obama signed the Daniel Pearl
Freedom of the Press Act promoting freedom of the press around the world, media access was restricted!
A positive note? Individuals like Paul Galloway, Bob Oros, Mike Koenigs, Tony Robbins & others offer consistent, quality services & products
ANY death is sad! When someone loses the battle to alcohol, & it seems this's going to play out as such, it's TRAGIC!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Had to upload a few images for a client! This is awesome stuff! Just click PicLens!
10:20! Quiting early tonight! Before 4am, that is! Connie's watching the grandkids & TuffGuy & Bart have been very patiently waiting! Night!
Updated a client's Google Maps Biz/Merchant listings. It's amazing how many people are completely unaware of the FREE mktg tools available!
This comment made my day! "John you rock. Smart Content. Simple as that. Thanks for all the awesome info! Gary Cobb" Thanks Gary! You Rock!
I always enjoy tweets (still can't believe I use that term after 18mos!) offered by @ebenpagan He thinks a lot like I do! Well, maybe not!?
Here's a question for Facebook users: If you've yet to engage me, if you don't know my name, my likes & dislikes, why would I become a fan?
We're all victims of our world view! The more limited our world view, the more limiting! Read, communicate, listening first, grow & prosper!
Working on a Best & Worst of my first 2yrs online! Should be titled Best Products vs Biggest Disappointments: Hype vs Reality!? Coming Soon!
I don't always agree with Perry Marshall but I ALWAYS read his stuff! This interview with David Bullock is awesome!
If you're a writer or create videos? Create Google Alerts for the keywords & tags! It provides content ideas & you can monitor viral effect!
Just referred 1 inbound marketing client to another for services 1 provides & the other! Talk about win-win-win! I love it!
Regardless of the NYTimes take that this trend may be spurred by desperation, this is still interesting & informative!
What pets can teach us about marriage? I feel a new blog coming on but the NYTimes beat me to it!
A headline I just read: "Recent Studies Confirm The Connection Between Old Age And Wisdom" I've been telling my kids this for years! Ha!
How much time & energy are you spending online in an attempt to build brand awareness & trust? Great article!
Give 10% to a deserving & worthy cause! It enriches you exponentially more than the receiver! Ten-fold, at least! Help!
Think social media enhances trust in brand? Think again! It takes more than a few "tweets" & a fan page!
If you can watch this video & not be moved, moved to touch someone's life? You're not human! THIS'S what it's all about
Sorry about the previous link! Got carried away w/the initial message. I don't endorse programs that play on heart strings to make money!!!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world!" Ghandi
Keep in mind, the idea is to change the world, not make money! If you can do both, great! How you make a difference is a personal decision!
The thought of the day! In video form! Imagine, you can change the world! Now, do it!
Brilliant! Business art. The idea is to hit the bullseye, literally & figuratively! Geez! Wasn't I just at my computer?
I have a client meeting at 10am so if I want to get any rest, I better knock off now! It was a great day! Have a wonderful day! Hug someone!
I've had 1 job in my entire adult life that guaranteed a paycheck, academia. Never sell yourself cheap! This says it!
Awake? 18hr days x 7days for a year or 2? 4Hr Workweek? Ha! They don't tell you how "easy" it really is! It's NOT easy bit it IS worth it!
An awesome image from the Hubble shared by @ebenpagan
If you are serious about making a business blog (much criticized) work, this is a super on demand webinar by Hubspot!
Stephen Hawking thinks that aliens probably exist, and that we should think twice before contacting them: - Interesting
The new media & video marketing! Seth Godin's book is great! Meatball Sundae! Well, here's my take on video marketing!
2 of my favorite WP plug-ins-Askimet & WP Greet Box! Former? Without it the plague of spam would overrun us! Latter? It's a real nice intro!
Do something for helpless children! Make a recurring monthly donation or a 1-time gift! Touch a life tonight!
I received an email explaining that ONLINE the term "guru" means "trusted expert." In actuality the perception of most is "Slick Marketer!"
Got a Facebook friend suggestion. Cute 25yr old from California looking for a relationship...with another woman! Yup! They hit that dead on!
Transformers 3 love interest of Shia LeBouf is a Victoria's Secret model who director Michael Bay "likes!" SURE he does! But can she type?
Love Randy Cassingham's "This is True!" Whenever I need a laugh, I get an email & Randy reveals another "truth!"
A huge spider made a leisurely trip across my office. Hung mid-air on a silken thread! How can I kill it? It made that look easy? Admiration
There's yet another launch to make "mega bucks" consulting local businesses! You better know your stuff! You're dealing with people's lives!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Finished 5 articles today. EzineArticles is having a 100-n-100! Of course I set a goal of 300! Ugh! Here we go again! I hit 80%? 240-n-100!!
I absolutely love Animoto! Create trick videos with Animoto & upload them to TrafficGeyser & they're everywhere! Viral!
To think in 8 of '08 I had to ask my daughter to help me build my 1st site! Now? On my way to black belt, several inbound marketing clients!
Got SUPER feedback about this site! I'm still a couple of days away from completion but love it! PicLens is amazing!

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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