Sunday, June 26, 2011

60 Minutes: a little homeless boy describes going to bed hungry as a black hole! Talk about heart breaking! Our children go hungry, & yet we have the money to drop bombs!
60 Minutes episode on now is dealing with homelessness as it affects children! Reaching 25%! A national DISGRACE!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

TNT's big production, Falling Skies, looks like it can't decide whether it is an episode of Star Wars, War of the Worlds or ER...& the resistance is run by Mr Rogers!
Whoops! on the iPhone is touchy! As I was saying, as many times as I try...Inception us impossible to get thru! Geez!
I'm sorry but as many timess I try

Friday, June 24, 2011

“Dare to be yourself.” AndrĂ© Gide (1869–1951) French writer, Nobel Prize winner
Stopped at The Reagle Beagle for a trim. Guys only salon! Guys, if you live on Cleveland's westside? Make it a point to visit Anita & staff!
Social Media Day? We've had Social Media Day every day for 3-4 years anyway! Now we can sell Hallmark Cards or SOC? Yeah, that's the ticket!
I give! What's this thing about filming Internet Marketing videos while driving 70mph on I-90 thru a major city? Bad lighting, sound & all!
TuffGuy & I made it. A solid 2hr walk brought fitness into focus. Now it's time to get to work, again! Tired but I've gotta love endorphins!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Time to get cleaned up for dinner & my walk! Listening to The Beatles' Love Version of "Yesterday!" 1 of my all-time favorite Beatles tunes!
Gonna finish "The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, & Achievement" Audible-FREE Why we connect, etc
It's stopped raining! 73 degrees & TuffGuy will be back shortly! I need a walk. Gotta come up with new material from the "real world!"
Not a True Blood fan. Nope! Bela Lugosi was my kind of vampire. But HBOGO (super idea) has announced a special double premier for Sunday!
Leave it to Caltech! Someone says "can't"? They did! Amazing stuff for paleontology! We all love dinosaurs...right?!
Was going to offer a product as an affiliate. GREAT product, wide-open legal support niche. Then I got to the video...captive! Nope! Pass!
@CPC_Andrew Andrew, when it comes to spam, in all its guises, I can't say it anymore eloquently than these experts!
2010-11 Alien Films 1)__ 2) Predators (Fishburne!) 3) Battle: Los Angeles (USMC recruiting film) 4) Skyline (phew) 5) District 9 (cat food?)
Documenting Endangered Languages Remember the Cosby character from Fat Albert? The NSF made his language #1
Did you see Apple is coming out with an iPhone25 & an iPad76? The technology chase unabated! Message to Apple: Sequels S#ck! Get it right!
Did you see the Beiber-Letterman moment? Talk about frosty! & that commercial? Hmm?! "Smell my neck"? Sure! He must have LeBron's publicist!
Know what I do when I'm trying to watch a video & I can't escape an ad? Yup! When will they learn? It isn't outbound marketing! You'll LOSE!
I gotta take a walk! Phew...been on a rant today. Sorry folks! Am I the only one who's just HAD IT with the majority of these "politicians"?
In case you haven't noticed? The decisiveness in DC will escalate until the elections. Every election we're subjected to the juvenile dance!
The only "Tea Party" required? One that throws out the "Tea Bags" in D.C. After they get a free workout in, teeth fixed & parking validated!
"Eric Cantor Pulls Out Of Debt Ceiling Talks" Number 2 to follow! Yup! That'll help solve everything~Walk out! Geez!
So amusing & thought-provoking! "The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, & Achievement" Get it FREE!
My main (overwhelming) concern with education here in the US? The government has been so successful to date! STEM?
"Successful K-12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics"
Listened to the new Linkin Park album b/c of the negative "stuff." Wow! Think about when Pink Floyd introduced "The Dark Side of the Moon!"
Pumped! Earth, Wind & Fire! Aisle seats-Row 11, Akron Civic Theater on Sept 14. Cool venue, an awesome musical experience in ~ "September!"
BRILLIANT "The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, & Achievement" Thought-provoking! Get it FREE!
The people at LinkedIn are awake! An alert young man asked about video quality & our prospects for daylight in Cleveland! One can only hope!
Many remain oblivious to the fact that in 2008 the US economy faced the very real threat of a GREATER Depression! Now?
Let's all take a moment this morning! Japan is under yet another Tsunami warning after a 6.7 quake!
Oh good! I have 66 emails for replica watches! Now my day's complete! Thank heaven for spam filters! I hope someone is profiting here...NOT!
Most are afraid of paid traffic. Google, Facebook are like casinos. PPC? Slot machines! These videos are helpful!
Ha! I turned around & my best buddy is already stationed at the top of the steps...waiting patiently & "cleaning" his paws! Very cute!
Writing a book? Thinking about writing one? Be honest! This may be extremely helpful! From Seth Godin & The Domino Proj
Super doc's appt last night! All green! They'll check me out once a month anyway! Oh well! Then met with a new client in Mentor! So NICE!
OK @NobleSamurai Market Samurai? It's about time you guys get it together! More down time than any program I subscribe to or have purchased!
The power of video! This came via Google Alerts this morning! I did this a year ago, at night. I did it yesterday too!
"There's been nothing but discipline, discipline, discipline all my life." Celine Dion ~ I'm wondering if anyone else thought this was sad?
If this doesn't touch you to the very essence of your being.... I'm "reading" a book that explains this so wonderfully!
What I do today must be important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! ~ "Choose well, Grasshopper!"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Late doc's appt followed by a meeting with a new client! Gotta sneak out & do a 2hr walk. I have to sneak b/c it's too hot for TuffGuy!
No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune. ~Plutarch via Lor Loewen FB
To get through the most difficult journey we need take only one step at a time, but one must keep stepping. Chinese Proverb
Seth Godin is about doing the work! The Grateful Dead is always a great lead-in! Particularly when the content sings!
Do you think of weather in terms of its cost? You should "Economic Cost of Weather May Total $485 Billion in U.S."
RT @sigaindico Siga & Indico ^.^ ❥ @saferprint @URdriving @tjholthaus @MusicInspires @TeamFollowU2 @BarbaraBathurst @Poet_Carl_Watts Thanks!
iTunes drawback? Ultimate control of your library belongs to Apple! You paid for the music, rights, who knows? At least we owned the albums!
Watching 2 of my children smoke after my mom, brother & father-in-law died as a direct result of smoking has been my greatest heartbreak!
WebMD: "Myths and Facts About the Sun!" #1) Nicolas Cage does not double as an MIT prof & he doesn't know world's end date: ∑∑
“Do what you can to do what you ought, and leave hoping and fearing alone.” Thomas Henry Huxley
"If you wait until there is another case study in your industry, you will be too late." Seth Godin
Got a call while, tweeting, plurking, pinging, etc! Added a new client (seriously)! See, social media works! Ha! Quantify that one!
WebMD asks: Can vinegar cure diabetes? My answer: Only if you bath in it! Then it'll keep people away & you'll have time to exercise!
Amusing "I know PhDs who drive cabs!" Well, I know PhDs who RIDE in cabs! What's missing?Applied knowledge? Directed effort? DESIRE? Truth?
Noon Eastern! Don't miss this! I'm an affiliate because Perry Marshall is a SMART marketer! Personal beliefs? Well? ;-)
Black Sabbath US release 1/71 BUT if you were in the military (or had friends) UK release was 9/70! 70-71 US wasn't very popular in the UK!
Reviews for Linkin Park's new album are amusing! Take a look at U2s success! They evolved~The great bands do! Youth resisting change? Hmm?!
My students are SO shocked & amused when I tell them I like Linkin Park! Black Sabbath's War Pigs drove my dad INSANE in Sept 1970 amusing
Earth Wind & Fire Akron 9/14! AMAZING musicians! Train 8/27, OAR 8/5, Bill Maher 7/24, & Jersey Boys 7/17! The summer is filling in nicely!
"Life of Brian!" I remember people picketing World West Theater Cleveland '79! Funny! George Harrison cameo was funny!
Monty Python? "Life of Brian!" & "MP and the Holy Grail" Love the bit about Spam! As with all's about mood!
Favorite Mel Brooks movies? "Young Frankenstein" & "History of the World: Part I!" Tops!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

THIS IS R RATED! I love Mel Brooks! When I wrote: "It's good to be the king!" a few minutes ago...I couldn't resist!
Allie just got home, Panini's pizza in hand. Yup! Delivered to my bedroom/office! As Mel Brooks noted: "It's good to be the king!" Ha!
Just 50 rounds of "There was a little creek mouse...." Followed by "This little piggy went to market..." Brynn's response: "AGAIN!"

Monday, June 20, 2011

"Don’t let what you are being get in the way of what you might become." Harry Palmer.
"Crystal Blue Persuasion" & "Crimson & Clover" by Tommy James & The Shondells ~ I love summers & this music takes me back in an instant!
The 5 and 5! Dealing with Chronic Neck, Back, and Sciatic Nerve Pain
Thanks! RT @headhunterbrian The HeadHunterBrian Daily is out! Top stories @buddingup @attjobs @hatmdesign @johnzajaros
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Martin Luther King
"Our words reveal our thoughts...manners mirror our self-esteem...actions reflect our character...habits predict the future!" Wm Arthur Ward
"A man learns to skate by staggering [&] making a fool of himself...he making a fool of himself." George Bernard Shaw
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals!" Zig Ziglar
I'm not big on movies with quotes! The 1st time I went to see Zig speak was in '75! These'll kick start any day!
Whoa is me! I used to hate Mondays, did anything to avoid them! What in the world has become of me? Good morning...have an amazing day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The best Father's Day since...last year!
RT @docmarion Marion Ross PhD "As we grow old, the beauty steals inward." Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ Absolutely! ~ That's Stallone for I agree!
Why wait? The entire "A Game of Thrones" series is available at Audible! Load the Kindle version to almost anything! The cost? The download!
60 Minutes is going to blow your mind! Now, if I can only remember where I put that darned remote! Work with me. You'll get it in 15 mins!
Marillion - Kayleigh (Live) HQ. I named my middle daughter Kayleigh!
Celluloid Heroes - The Kinks!
Off to the marsh! What we need are a few more mosquitos in northern Ohio!
Received another surprise Father's Day message from a student! She was a student athlete I tutored & trained in 1983 & 1984! She's now the women's basketball coach for a NCAA DIII school in central Ohio! She still calls me "Coach!" ;-)
Yes, we should live each day as if it is our last! I'd take it a step further! Ask yourself if the life you've left behind is the one you wish to leave behind...for all to see & share in!
My Mom used to tell me that if I'd be ashamed to have something I said or did made known to my CHILDREN, much less anyone I love & respect, then I should think twice about the message I'm conveying!
@thisisstewart Great! Going to spend a quiet day with my wife. The kids & grandkids are all here, said hi & dropped off the cards. Nice!
@jenuinehealing Thanks for the RT Jenuine! Great profile picture! I've got one sleeping on my feet & another snoring by the front door! ;-)
I received a "Happy Father's Day" text from a student who needed my help at a time when he needed me to make it...& I him! What a gift!
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! It's such a rare gift to be a Dad (capital D). To me, every day is Father's Day!
"As a coach, high standards of performance, attention to detail & above all how hard you work set the stage for how players perform." Shula

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My favorite headline for 2011! "Facebook PR: Tonight We Dine In Hell!" ~ Also dead on content...pun intended!
"Imagination grows by exercise and, contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young." Paul McCartney~I knew it!
RT @AamirKhanATK ♥ Aamir Khan ♥
R •• E •• T •• W •• E •• E •• T if you WANT new followers ➜ ➜ ➜ ( Must Be Following ✈ @JohnZajaros ) ✖1 ;-)
For Clarence Clemons! This is an amazing much junk on YouTube! This one does The Big Man justice!
LOVE the websites with a Lamborghini on top promising easy income, $20 a pop! Takes a lot of sales to get that Lamborghini! Maybe a Yugo~Ha!
"Hold tight because Daddy's coming!" Gotta love The Boss~Shaking the walls on Saturday morning!
Amen! Teachers are tied to test results, as are school districts, & we are teaching how to take tests! 12% of 12th graders are proficient in history! Sad!
CNN addressing education & the LACK of the word education mentioned even once in direct context over 2 hours of Republican "debate" the other evening! 9:30am EST CNN!
“Question with boldness even the existence of God.” Thomas Jefferson 1787 ~ Very thought-provoking article!
Imagine you're 19, half a world from home & someone's trying to kill you! Now imagine the same thing...only you are home! Pray for Peace!
RT @tmbeaudoin ~Tim Beaudoin~ "The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none." Thomas Carlyle
RT @mattasamuels ~Matt A Samuels~"You can always get someone to love you~even if you have to do it yourself." Tom Masson ~ That's funny!
@CwbyWsdm In my case: A "Forthright Foresighted Four-eyed Flamboyant Flummoxed Florentine! A stretch but we all aspire to be a bit more! ;-)
Obviously drank a bit too much! Or was it the catnip?'s all the same on both sides of The Pond!

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Google Me" vs "The Social Network" I have a feeling...I'll wait! Hint: An anthropologist's dream & a definite doctoral research topic vs...
The "They All Die Award" goes to "The Ghost Writer" & "[A] Game of Thrones" for the cable, fantasy series! The CIA vs a 13 year old tyrant!
Worst accent by an actor...EVER? It's between Jeff Bridges in "True Grit" & Meg Ryan in "Courage Under Fire!" AWFUL all around!
The girls are out! Kailyn & Brynnie are taking in The Wizard of Oz in their room & TuffGuy is snoring! Maybe some sleep tonight? Pulleeezz!
@Thoora As a scientist, an anthropologist, Google Me intrigues me! It touches on what it means to be human, the need for connections!
@Thoora "An inspiring truth about being human!" Rejection? Connection? At some level we're all social. Rejection (fear of) may be defensive!
Courage derived from social media support is inspiring (Saudi women driving). However, we have rights in the US they do not! Beware the cost
"Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune." Jim Rohn ~ "Both will give you an edge few have!" JZ
Would you like to have a genuine feel-good moment? Provided by a wonderful little boy & his loving brother Matt!
FollowFriday note: I reciprocate most follows. No porn (ever), spammers (loath blatant spam accounts) & those who do not follow back! ;-) is very irritating! Now that Seesmic has taken the reins you must constantly refresh or you lose your thoughts! Argh!
@stellaworld ~Toshiaki Naito~ From this side of the Pacific I hope you hear this: "Stella!" My thoughts are with you!
☯☯☯▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩♕۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☯☯☯ .....................#ℱℱº •â„±Ïƒâ„“ℓσω •@mehmetkircali ☜☜º • ℱσℓℓσω • º ☯☯☯▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩♕۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬☯☯☯ Thank you!
"Do not rely on a rabbit's foot for luck, after all, it didn't work out too well for the rabbit." Anonymous
RT @TikejaOnline "Human beliefs, like all other natural growths, elude the barrier of systems." George Eliot
RT @macproperty ~Ben Wilson~ "Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?" Abraham Lincoln
Who pays for the news media? ~ AMEN! If John & Jane Q Public turned off the cr#p they serve up? Riigghhhtt! You OWN it!
“A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.” Proverbs 18:2 ~ The Weinergate Watchwords...all sides!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unreal! CNN's John King is now walking a concerned American public through the "Weiner Scandal" via timeline! They just WILL NOT let this die! CNN? I'm out if that's your best! Argh!
Ex-Congressman Wiener was SUCH a distraction for the ENTIRE Democratic Party they were almost caught sleeping regarding the privatization of Social Security? Those rascally Republicans! Give me a BREAK!
I listened to Dr Sanjay Gupta talk about cost benefit analysis & research that would save children from a horrifically painful death from Krabbe Disease & was sickened!
Politicos gear up & we're subjected to yet another round of dog & pony shows! Who'll be next to titillate John Q in the name of distraction?
Do you know why I DON'T watch videos on CNN's websites? 30 second commercials! Talk about not learning from outbound marketing failures!
Accepting a limited number of ADD & ADHD students for a summer with Huck & Jim! We will also take a look at some of Twain's other work!
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that." Mark Twain
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" Bellwether? When will we ever learn...when will we ever learn? Peter, Paul & Mary
If you're trapped in a Plan B life? GET OUT...NOW! Life's too short & if you have the courage to change? All things are possible!
Well, I'm about to be invaded by a gorgeous 2yr old! I hear her on the steps telling Allie, my daughter, "I do it!" Echoes from the past!
When considering who to follow or follow back, across social media, look for the lack of a profile image. A definite SPAM red flag!
I saw an article on WebMD I'm going to have some fun with later! "Top Causes of Chronic Pain!" That can go in all sorts of FUN directions!
Clearing up social media? Don't take it badly when you're unfollowed! Some people use software. If they're important, contact them directly!
I've almost had it with TweetAdder! The software just doesn't perform & you end up with a lot of bad data! Support is terrible! Beware!!
4550 LinkedIn connections & I thought: What the heck! A few links in the chain! I even opened Pandora's Box once or twice! IPOs all around!
NOT the best Aliens film! For recruiting? If the Marines didn't fund "Battle: Los Angeles" the USMC Commandant owes someone a big wet kiss!
I thought I handled the walk better! Yeah right! 60mins, sweating like a, sorry TuffGuy, dog & forced to face an agonizing reappraisal! Nite

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

@JeffCutler I used to go to heavyweight boxing matches in the hope that a hockey game would break out! Congrats Jeff & the Bruins!
@crauert Thank you! The crauert Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today!
@RyanWebTips Thanks for the RT Ryan & have a great night! I'm about to hit the bricks w/TuffGuy! We've got to get ready for bikini season!
It's impossible to mention all the amazing people I follow! @AnthonyIvJr7 @stellaworld @GregMartin_ @GregoryMJackson @monedays @irwanlee
Awesome people! @Kibler @JoeTheProducer @WilliamBuist @GregoryMJackson @CwbyWsdm @RichardBejah @FrankDickinson @BobCallahan @Eric_Halsey
"I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it." Jonathan Winters
"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end." Denis Waitley
Is retweeting redundant? Hmmm?!
“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” Louis L'Amour
"The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it." Edward Bulwer-Lytton
"Black holes are where God divided by zero." Steven Wright
"Notice how everyone is just doing the best they can...." Anon
"The majority of men meet with failure because of lack of persistence in creating new plans to replace those which fail." Napoleon Hill
Groupon and Google Battle for the Group Online Buying Bonanza - The End Result: The Local Businesses Will Lose…Big!
Inbound Marketing Consulting and the Group Buying Phenomenon - Group Online Buying: The Downside – Long Term
2008 I started listening to I heard they might not make it, was surprised & upgraded in support! Congrats on your IPO!
Jan '11 I suggested group online buying will be a disaster for local business! Now? Techcrunch on Groupon
"Life is long. There is always time for Plan B. But don't begin with it. Find work you love." Drew Faust, Pres., Harvard
Should all your staff be engaging in social media? Excellent points! be careful who puts your "best" foot forward!
Irony They say 1 hasn't lived until Pacino has done your life! The day-of-days for the BBC & Dr Death bowed out!
The BBC sunk to an all-time low! An assisted suicide on the tellie! NOT a statement re: Assisted Suicide! Horror!
Lifehacker: "The Worst Times to Go to the Hospital!" I know the answer to this one: Day or night-24/7-ANYTIME! Now, give me a tough one!
“I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy.” Marie Curie (1867–1934) - "She stated glowingly!" Sorry, couldn't resist!
Peter Dinklage continues to steal HBO's Game of Thrones! As for the ultimate way to go? Dinklage/Tyrion nailed it! 80-in bed-"all the rest!"
"Life's not about waiting for the storms to's about learning to dance in the rain." BJ Gallagher
The 1st indication that you may NOT be on a serious news site? The advertisement reads" "Russian Girls Ready for Marriage!" Ah, yeah sure!
Pet PEEVE? "Marketing" consulting firms so out of touch with the immediate & negative response when website reply SPAM is received! DUMB!
This band has been playing for 27yrs on July 5th! Prior to becoming "official"? We were actively "unofficial!" Both eras have been magical!
Fun times! Now at 4^3-Something we're on the road! Rock concerts & hotels. Summer 2011! No tents! Hotels were Connie's idea! Road trips!
Nasty bug time on Lake Erie! Every year it's the worst it's ever been...until this year! This IS the worst ever & they're EVERYWHERE! Putew!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just talked to a prospective client. I LUV what I do EVERYDAY! I can honestly say I can't wait to start the day! It wasn't always that way!
"You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it." Einstein
Elora Celeste Fundraiser/Raffle I've had 4 little ones. Now 2 grandbabies! I know what it takes to survive! Help her!
Summer 2011: Rock & Roll 1 More Time!
Heard this funny noise & thought perhaps the new digs are haunted! Then I looked around: TuffGuy is snoring! QC15 noise suppression? Hmmm!

Monday, June 13, 2011

For those who've not read A Game of Thrones, tonight had to be a shocker! It gets better...worse!? Very good Tolkien-esque reading!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

"Years of championship teams!" Famous first words! LeBron James. Thanks for the memories! Dallas 105 Miami 95
LeBron who? JJ Barea is Da' Man & the unofficial Mayor of Cleveland this week!
Le Bron who? JJ Barea is Da' Man! 10 points & going away...JJ does it again!!!
Tony's break! Dallas 81 Miami 75 Goooooo Dallas!
A Game of Thrones at 11pm! You gotta love DVR even if HBO & HBO GO weren't so cooperative! Nevermind the NBA & the Tony's! Decent book to film version & acting very well done!
I gotta tell you...I'm enjoying the Tony Awards too! You gotta love Neil Patrick Harris' opening number! Too funny!
I'm a Cleveland Fan win or lose! Tonight? I'm a Dallas Mavericks fan through & through! Do it Dallas!!!!
Let's make excuses why we can't hold overpaid prima donnas to a high standard! After all, let's not ruin the NBA's game 7...heaven forbid!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer Tutoring: ADD & ADHD Tutoring Specialist - Summer Session for ADD and ADHD Students? Yes!

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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