Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Wish: Pay it Forward Today! Make Pay it Forward mean more! ACT TODAY! Call your local church, Salvation Army location or United Way Hotline at once and get the name of a family with children and help them!

The Furry Nation Holistic Pet Store: The Ultimate Internet Image The Furry Nation Holistic Pet Store is a great little natural pet supply store that just opened in Lakewood, Ohio. The Ultimate Internet Image will help ensure their success.

A Christmas Wish: Pa

A Christmas Wish: Pay it Forward–There's Still Time! HELP! I apologize for getting misty in this VIDEO! Please HELP!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Want a future? Model

Want a future? Modeling exactly what we did in the 80s, for the Internet! 2 local salespeople needed! Training begins Monday I'll train you!

Sorry for the overla

Sorry for the overlap! I REALLY need 2 salespeople! I'll train you in the Cleveland area! I'd RATHER train you! System is in place & ready!

How to Build an Internet Inbound Marketing Consultancy The how to of creating an inbound marketing consultancy will be covered step-by-step over the next few weeks from creation through implementation and on to results for the client.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to Build a Social Media Following: The Use of Autofollowers As more and more Internet marketers hop on the social media band wagon, chasing social media riches, many focus on building huge followings using the various autofollowers.

Understanding Neck, Back and Sciatic Nerve - Spine-Related Pain In order to achieve lasting neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief we must understand not only why we are experiencing the pain but where the back pain originates and why.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Furry Nation Holistic Pet Store: Pet Supplies Lakewood Ohio A new and very cool pet supplies store has opened in Lakewood, Ohio: The Furry Nation Holistic Pet Store is your new stop for pet supplies in Lakewood, Ohio. Very cool!

Death of Outbound Advertising: Emergence of Inbound Marketing The transition from traditional old media outbound advertising to new media inbound marketing hasn't always been smooth, easy or pretty, as is evidenced in this video.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Financial Effects and Impact of Back and Sciatic Nerve Pain The financial effects and impact of chronic neck pain, back pain, and sciatica can be profound. Understanding that the financial effects also exacerbate back pain is crucial.

Freak Storm! Blizzard Strands 3 in Lakewood, Ohio Just thought I'd share a nice moment with my buddies! Cheesy headline... But hey, I need the views...NOT! I just thought I'd give you yet another window into my life after pain!

Google Alerts, Video, the Viral Effect, and Internet Marketing The viral effect of the Internet is undeniable. But how best to test? Regardless of niche, video marketing driven by Traffic Geyser has been a very effective resource.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How to Succeed at Inbound Marketing Consulting The 1st video in a series demystifying inbound marketing. Educating consultants about the relationship between traditional brick and mortar and online business.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Chipmunks, Owls, and Churches: Internet and Inbound Marketing TuffGuy and I took a walk this afternoon and received a lesson in outbound advertising and inbound marketing. It was a surprise but really shouldn't have been. Owls!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Psychological Effect of Neck, Back, and Sciatic Nerve Pain The first of the five effects contributing to, resulting from, and exacerbating neck pain, back pain, and sciatica is the psychological effect. Psychic pain is very real pain.

Introduction: The 1st Effect and Chronic Back Pain and Sciatica The 1st effect, contributing to and exacerbating chronic back pain and sciatica is the psychological effect. The psychological effect plays a significant role in chronic pain.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

TuffGuy, Walks, Tunes, and the Head Tilt! Puggles are amazing companions, easy to raise and easy to train, provided you provide them with a consistent and compassionate environment. Then you must be firm yet loving!

Video, Social Media, and Inbound Marketing Using Traffic Geyser The combination social media and video marketing establishes inbound marketing as an effective model for businesses big and small, thus opening doors for consultants!

Monday, December 14, 2009

How to Stop Sciatic Nerve Pain - Sciatica!

It has been a year now and I am 99.9% neck pain, back pain, and sciatic nerve pain (sciatica) free! It has been an amazing year and I have an awesome family, wonderful friends, and God to thank for my recovery!

Then, about 6 months ago I really started ramping things up and started telling people about the possibilities of a pain free life! I fist started blogging about how to stop sciatic nerve pain, also referred to as sciatica. Some of the people who read my article and blog posts are sciatica free today. That's right! No sciatic nerve pain at all!

How did they do did I do it?

Well, it has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. You see, I also had significant neck pain, upper back pain, low back pain, and numbness in my legs, feet and toes. Additionally, I have a history of 15 major surgeries, 14 on my spine.

Even still, the journey from total disability and debilitating neck, back, and sciatic nerve pain has been surprisingly easy, at least compared to living with the kind of pain I had to endure for years.

Can you do the same thing?

Certainly! If I can, I would argue almost anyone can.

I would suggest visiting my blogs, beginning with my neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief strategies blog.

Once you have visited that blog and my other blog, The Bad Back Guy's Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief Blog you will be ready for the next step...and it is, as I have stated, easier than your think to get started and to achieve real and lasting neck, back, and sciatic nerve pain relief!

Start with a visit and then we will go from there!


Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

PS, If you are ready to begin today? Go to and I explain the next steps in a pain free life!

"'What Matters Now'

"'What Matters Now' & Do-Overs: A Second Chance at Life! Seth Godin's ebook too! Share your own do-overs with us too!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica: The 5 Effects and the 5 Factors The 5 Effects and The 5 Factors Contributing to and Exacerbating Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica. The combination of the 5 factors and the 5 effects can be devastating!

How to Choose the Right Gym and Back Pain and Sciatica Program Choosing the right neck pain, back pain & sciatica exercise program goes hand in hand with selecting the right gym. Choosing the right gym is second only to choosing a doctor!

Friday, December 11, 2009

How to Succeed With Video Using Traffic Geyser The program is amazing, as is everything associated with Traffic Geyser! Traffic Geyser has been the most important resource available to me for building my business!

My apologies! HelloT

My apologies! HelloTxt is having problems

The funny part about

The funny part about this? This young man did by accident what many are struggling to do with experience! Free video!

Decisions: The Basis

Decisions: The Basis of Success and Failure in Internet Marketing...and Life! This may ruffle a few feathers!

As a vet this young marine's story is inspiring!

As a vet this young man's story is an inspiration & it's just plain good theater! A US Marine makes good in a BIG way!

This is an extraordi

This is an extraordinary FREE video! I don't "link" with offer after offer so you should know this will be a good one!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This man's videos ar

This man's videos are amazing! Can you imagine what his product must be like? A mega-expert in all aspects on CPA mktg!

The Recumbent Bike, Weight Loss, and Back Pain Relief! The recumbent bike is perfect for dealing with the first of the five factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica; that being excess weight and/or obesity.

The Truth About Back Pain and Diagnosis Bias! Diagnosis bias and value attribution are real and complex issues affecting many people suffering from neck pain, back pain, and sciatica...and you may not even be aware of it!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

When was the last ti

When was the last time you wanted something so badly it made you ache? That's the place you need to get to! Nurture it with every action!

I tell the people I

I tell the people I train, real winners, they can accomplish anything! ANYTHING! It's up to you how far you want to reach! It's about desire

@RichardBejah has a

@RichardBejah has a brilliant mind. He has great nose for getting his message out. This is totally customizable!

Kailyn and Grandpa at Malley's: Tin Roofs and Peanuts! Kicking back with Kailyn at our favorite hangout Malley's Chocolate in Lakewood. It doesn't get any better than this! Sometimes you just have to unplug and smell the peanuts!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Giving Thanks and Thanksgiving: Here and Around the World! It has been my pleasure to share a bit of myself and my work with all of you! From my family to yours during this holiday season, I wish you good health and a pain free life!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Thanksgiving gift!

A Thanksgiving gift! Mark is very smart & his stuff is first rate & affordable! Check out this video on quality linking

Because there are si

Because there are site coverage differences between & I repeat: Thanks again & Happy Thanksgiving!

Funny! I just finish

Funny! I just finished writing about our walks & being thankful & guess who pranced in? Timing is everything!

Happy Thanksgiving t

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Bart, TuffGuy, Yogi Berra & Sam Walton! I covered it all! I hope you enjoy it & the day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica Relief through CANI! Tony Robbins's concept of CANI! is not new. The word may be but the principle is thousands of years old. Applying it helped me overcome my neck pain, back pain and sciatica!

Gotta run! Have an a

Gotta run! Have an awesome night. TuffGuy is chomping at the bit for a walk...2am or not! Have a wonderful Weds & Happy Thanksgiving Yanks!

I've been getting th

I've been getting this for months & just upgraded. I read every page & love it! The 1 magazine I read front to back!

I forgot to mention!

I forgot to mention! This magazine is giving away 4 issues with its basic subscription! Online oriented & 100% free!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Recumbent Bike, Time, Weather, ONO, and Back Pain The recumbent bike is great for time management! Not only is it best as a neck pain, back pain and sciatica relief and treatment exercise tool, it is great for other reasons!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Family First Afternoon with The Zajaros/Purdy Family Family First Entrepreneurship isn't just a catchy phrase, it is a commitment to a way of life that provides so much. Today I share what is possible when your family comes first!

Ultimate Back Pain and Sciatica Strategies: Leg Workout-Machines The legs are literally the foundation of your ultimate neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief strategy. I have started with stretching and walking, now it is time for more!

Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica Strategies: The New Year! The next 40 days leading up to the New Year will define your neck pain, back pain and sciatica relief strategies and set the stage for a pain free life! It will be amazing!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Recumbent Bike and Back Pain Relief: Cats and Dogs! The recumbent bike is great for maintaining momentum and enthusiasm as you progress through your neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief exercise program! Great in rain too!

Dehydration and Neck, Back, and Sciatic Nerve Pain The 5th Factor Contributing to Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica: Dehydration or Inadequate Hydration! The intervertebral discs are made up of 85-90% water. Hydration is key!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Diet and Nutrition: Overcoming Neck, Back and Sciatic Nerve Pain The 4th of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica is inadequate diet and nutrition. Without adequate nutrition the body cannot repair and/or rebuild!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Low-Impact Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Exercise As stated previously, the recumbent bike is about as good as it gets for
someone just starting out with any sort of neck pain, back pain and sciatica relief exercise program.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief Through Stretching! Stretching is a crucial part of any neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief and treatment exercise program. Begin your routine slowly and you will be amazed at the results!

The 3rd Factor and Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief Of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, muscle imbalances may be the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition. Understanding them is crucial!

Muscle Weakness and the 5 Back Pain Factors Of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, muscle weakness may have the most profound effect on the musculoskeletal system and overall spine health.

Muscle Weakness and Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica The second of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain and sciatica is muscle weakness. This factor is a complex one. The spine is an important and complex system.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back Pain & Sciatica

Back Pain & Sciatica are a thing of the past! What an AWESOME day! We do get out during the daylight hours! Video fun!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

How to Stop Sciatica: Understanding Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatica is defined as a painful or tingling sensation felt on the body parts that are being innervated by the sciatic nerve.

Sciatic nerve pain is caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body. It innervates the lower back, legs and feet. That is the reason why you can feel the pain from your lower back, across your legs, and down to your feet.

There are different conditions that can cause compression of the sciatic nerve. Perhaps the number one cause for sciatica is the presence of a bulging or herniated disc. There is a gel-like substance known as the nucleus pulposus found in between vertebrae. It is encased by an outer wall known as the annulus fibrosus. The nucleus pulposus acts as a cushion and shock absorber so that the vertebral bones do not scratch against each other.

Disc herniation happens when the nucleus pulposus breaks out of the annulus fibrosus and compresses and irritates adjacent nerve roots, hence causing sciatica. Worse, it can cause nerve inflammation, thus adding to the numbness and tingling experienced in sciatica. Disc herniation can be a result of degenerative disc disease, which often happens in older people because it involves the gradual deterioration of the discs in between the vertebrae due to wear and tear.

Degenerative disc disease can also cause sciatica. Just like other body parts, the vertebrae are also subject to wear and tear, which is what happens in degenerative disc disease. When this happens in the lumbar or lower back part of the vertebrae, it can result into sciatica, since the sciatic nerves become irritated. Also, this condition makes a person more susceptible to developing disc herniation.

Another disorder that commonly affects the lumbar spine and thus causes sciatica is spondylolisthesis. In this condition, a vertebra slips over another vertebra, and this displacement can cause compression of some nerve roots. If the sciatic nerves are affected, then the person will feel sciatic nerve pain on the lower back, legs, and feet.

Other than the sciatic nerve pain, the affected person may experience other spondylolisthesis symptoms, such as lordosis, weakness on the affected thigh or leg, decreased bowel and bladder control, tight hamstrings, and a waddling gait. This condition can either be acquired from trauma or spinal degeneration, or developmental if it has been present since birth.

Another condition that can create compression of the sciatic nerve and produce sciatica is the piriformis muscle. This is the muscle that is found in the lower part of the spine. It is connected to the femur or thigh bone, and functions in hip rotation. The sciatic nerve is located very near the piriformis muscle, since the former is located beneath the said muscle. When the piriformis muscle develops muscle spasms, it can compress the sciatic nerve, thus resulting into sciatica. This condition that leads to sciatica is known as the piriformis syndrome.

Diagnosing piriformis syndrome may be a little difficult since it cannot be found through x-ray or MRI. However, one can prevent and cure sciatica caused by piriformis syndrome through physical therapy that involves stretching, massaging, and strengthening the piriformis muscle.

Even tumors of the spine can cause sciatica. Remember that most disease conditions that cause sciatica basically compress the sciatic nerve, which in turn causes sciatica. An abnormal benign or malignant spinal tumor is no different. While these spinal tumors are very rare, they can compress the sciatic nerve if they grow in the lumbar or lower back region.

Sciatica is not only due to several disease conditions. Trauma can also result to sciatica, since the sciatic nerve can also be directly compressed by external forces on the lumbar or sacral area, where the sciatic nerve is located. The impact from the trauma may also cause injury to the nerves.

In order to relieve sciatica and stop back pain associated with it, one can apply alternate hot and cold packs on the lower back. The cold pack is applied when there is intense pain, while the heat pack is used after the pain has subsided. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used to reduce inflammation and pain. Examples of these drugs include ibuprofen and aspirin. Consult your doctor first before taking any of these drugs.

For more information and a program guaranteed to work:

The Bad Back Guy endorses this program!

Contact me any time!

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Learn how a 16 year

Learn how a 16 year old kid taught me a real lesson on desire, a mastermind group & success!

Providing Real Value: Why I am "The Bad Back Guy!"

"The Law of Increasing Returns" is the real key to success! It's what we now call "over-delivering" or "moving the free-line!" Nothing new, just a way of giving back and helping others achieve real and lasting neck pain, back pain and/or sciatica relief!

Contact me any time via the contact information for information on neck pain, back pain, and sciatica relief at:

Ultimate Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica Strategies!


The Bad Back Guy's Back Pain and Sciatica Blog

Or, simply begin a new and neck pain, back pain, and sciatica free life at:

The Best Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Relief Program of its kind anywhere!

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

"Moving the Free Lin

"Moving the Free Line" is nothing new! Listen to Napoleon Hill & his QQMA formula

"The only real limit

"The only real limit you have is the one you believe and set up in your own mind!" Napoleon Hill

Listening to Think a

Listening to Think and Grow Rich part 1, my absolute favorite book & videos! From Napoleon Hill himself! Just awesome!

It's raining here in

It's raining here in Lakewood! Beautiful 64 degrees, great for walking! But TuffGuy is not a rain dog! May be on my own tonight! Love rain!

I don't like the new

I don't like the new version of Huitter at all! They've returned the old version! MUCH better, easier too!

This is a 1 min invi

This is a 1 min invitation to a very special story! A story of heart desire & triumph! I'm sharing it for the 1st time!

Want to see the grea

Want to see the greatest video? Of course I am partial! It was about 4am & we had just returned from our usual walk.

Am I the only one wh

Am I the only one who budgets & sticks to it for business? The 3rd week of the month (Carlton & StomperNet) is the WORST time for a launch!

I just finished here

I just finished here a couple hours ago! Give or take a few minutes! Client at 10am & then teleconferences all day! Finally touching base!

Have a puggle? I jus

Have a puggle? I just added new videos & 2 free offers! They aren't up to Scorsese's muster! But neither were Frank's

12 is the

12 is the greatest thing! It really teaches you to be brief! But this picture is worth 1000 seconds!

This is the greatest

This is the greatest shot yet! 12 seconds of joy...and comfort! I am going to take a hint from the little man!

Here's a video of th

Here's a video of the little guy just chugging along at 3am! Now? He's snoring away on the couch behind me in the office here! Snoring loud!

TuffGuy & I on our w

TuffGuy & I on our walk!

4:30am & I've a clie

4:30am & I've a client at 10! Been at it for hours! Listened to @russellbrunson again on our walk! Very smart guy! Very!

AND! Why are all the

AND! Why are all the big marketing events in the West or South? I've seen 2 in Chicago & 1 in New York & 2 of those were Tony Robbins events

Am I the only one wh

Am I the only one who budgets & then sticks to it? The 3rd week of the month (Carlton & StomperNet) is the WORST time for a launch! Unreal!

You know what I find

You know what I find funny? For people that are supposed to be so SMART isn't the middle of the month the dumbest time for product launches?

TuffGuy is driving m

TuffGuy is driving me nuts! We should have been out of the house an hour ago! Did you see last night's video? Amazing!

If you get a chance

If you get a chance read "ONO: Options not Obligations" by @MarcWarnke it is one of the best marketing/business books of the decade! Truly!

I just received a no

I just received a note from a good friend I met here in social media! I have developed some awesome relationships via Web 2.0! Lasting ones!

What began as a way

What began as a way to inspire others to take control of their back pain has grown into a way of life for me too! TuffGuy loves it too boot!

Off for a walk aroun

Off for a walk around Lakewood with TuffGuy! 12:45am so it'll be about 3am when we get home! Uploading stuff so I have to wait anyway! CYA!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fitness is the road

Fitness is the road to self-consciousness self-awareness & self-reliance! You learn the harsh reality of physical & spiritual limitations.

Want to see where I

Want to see where I was at 3am? Roaming the streets with TuffGuy! No, it is NOT Manhattan as you will soon see!

“Diamonds are only

“Diamonds are only lumps of coal that stuck to their jobs.”-B.C. Forbes-The "secret" is not in instant riches, it's in lasting wealth!

I had some great ide

I had some great ideas for fitness people! Are you currently in the fitness business & struggling to get people to sign up? I can help you!

Now? Back to normal!

Now? Back to normal! Although the money was great, the amount of time to get several people set for the LSAT was an ordeal! Back to sanity!

Well, after a 36hr w

Well, after a 36hr workDAY & an 18hr day back-to-back! I'm ready for some sleep! Finished helping the last of my LSAT students for Saturday!

It dawned on me whil

It dawned on me while I was on my walk! A eureka moment! The 4 Hour Workweek is a misprint! They left out the zero! The "40" Hour Workweek!

Outside of police a

Outside of police a few drunks taxis to ferry drunks & a few kids closing the bars, TuffGuy & I were it on the streets!

The streets of Lakew

The streets of Lakewood, Ohio at 3am! TuffGuy & I were doing our nightly walk! Check out the video! Lakewood sleeps!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Further evidence of

Further evidence of how interconnected the environment really is! Glacial evidence is interesting & a bit unsettling!

"The measure of a ma

"The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune."-- Plutarch, historian--Brain Tracy's Quote of the Day is right on the money!

Watching Randy Pausc

Watching Randy Pausch once again! The man was a gift to us all! His life is a reminder to us of how precious life is!

Was attacked by a cr

Was attacked by a crazed Canuck! Just when I thought it was safe to go out into the big wide world! Ha! Go figure!

Focus on reminding y

Focus on reminding yourself you're living your life! Not trying to keep pace with somebody else! It's about your journey not someone else's!

Has a doctor told yo

Has a doctor told you you have back pain? Well, what kind? Did you know there are different kinds? This will explain!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Attacked by a crazed

Attacked by a crazed Canuck! Yup! It even happens to guys with thick skin & bad backs! Go figure!

New blog post! "Unde

New blog post! "Understanding LinkedIn: An Integral Aspect of the Ultimate Internet Image" Don't be caught without it!

"Thick Skin & Bad Ba

"Thick Skin & Bad Backs: Attacked By A Crazed Canuck & The Quest Continues!" Perhaps old hat for some! A first for me!

BTW, Aaron Cox is th

BTW, Aaron Cox is the winner of the US Mountain Biking! Playing through pain, winning by getting out of the comfort zone defines champions!

"When the guy says g

"When the guy says go, you start to suffer—or you might as well not be out there. It's a small piece of your life, make it hurt." Aaron Cox

The results are incr

The results are incredible! The evidence? People like Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy & John Carlton using it too! It works!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Are you attempting t

Are you attempting to find like-minded people on Twitter or friends throughout social media? LinkedIn connections works!

2102 connections on

2102 connections on LinkedIn! Are you linked-in? You should be! An awesome professional networking platform! This helped

Positive benefits ca

Positive benefits can accompany negative experiences-if you have the right attitude! Learn from mistakes instead of being beaten by them!

"The major differenc

"The major difference between achieving people & average people is their perception of & response to failure" *Failing Forward* JohnCMaxwell

Monday, September 21, 2009

You know by now that

You know by now that I don't post many links & when I do it's to the best programs in marketing! Is a PROVEN program!

"Should you find you

"Should you find yourself in a--leaking boat, energy--changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy--patching leaks" WBuffett

Get John Carlton's a

Get John Carlton's amazing course & an awesome @JamesSchramko offer making it irresistible & an unbeatable education!

Study "Suggests ther

Study "Suggests there's an Entrepreneurial Silver Lining in Today's Economy" Interesting article!

If you're considerin

If you're considering John Carlton's amazing course? Get a double dose of awesome material with a @JamesSchramko offer!

This is always great

This is always great to see! The VIRAL effect of the Internet! I took the day to recharge & came back online to this!

Whoops! Sorry! I for

Whoops! Sorry! I forgot to uncheck some of the boxes on Sorry guys! Didn't mean to overload you! Especially facebook!

I spent the night li

I spent the night listening to @JamesSchramko & John Carlton among others! Brilliant stuff! I'm not an affiliate but I'm a fan! Great stuff!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's sad some people

It's sad some people use the Internet to attack others & put forth beliefs & ideologies espousing intolerance & ignorance. Tragically sad!

I found a great outs

I found a great outsourcing telesummit, an all-week teleseminar, for outsourcing! Looks awesome & very worthwhile!

The 7th Habit of Hig

The 7th Habit of Highly Effective People is "Sharpen the Saw," yet most people resist spending $$$ on their most important asset! "SELF!"

"When a man dies, if

"When a man dies, if he can pass enthusiasm along to his children, he has left them an estate of incalculable value." Thomas Edison B.T. QOD

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Well, off for a walk

Well, off for a walk! You know Marc Joyner is right about the rock & the knife! And "Simpleology" is basic yet brilliant! Try it! It's free!

I rarely post links

I rarely post links but last month was a new record! All due to 2 programs & Transformed my business

Without a doubt, Tra

Without a doubt, TrafficGeyser is the best investment I have ever made online! It has paid for itself 100-fold at least!

To TrafficGeyser's c

To TrafficGeyser's credit they offer a 30 day free trial of the entire program, no restrictions! I tried it & have been a member ever since!

Suffering from neck

Suffering from neck back or sciatic nerve pain? I'm making a very special offer for the next 30 days! The video explains

Received a nice lett

Received a nice letter from one of the children's shelters thanking us for the Zoobies Christmas in July! Here's a video

It's the little thin

It's the little things that make the big things possible. Close attention to the fine details of any operation make the operation 1st class.

Thanks much everyone

Thanks much everyone! I had to spread the Zoobies out over a few shelters but I know they were well received & the kids treasure them dearly

If any of you would

If any of you would like to help out a great charity? Check our They're a sanctuary for children in need of help!

For those of you who

For those of you who contributed to Zoobies Christmas in July! I just received a nice letter from 1 of the shelters! Thanks again folks!

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's nice to be reco

It's nice to be recognized by your peers! If you aren't Linked-In, you should be! The best money I spend online, truly!

#FollowFriday @Terry

#FollowFriday @TerryDean went to the head of the class with this article as far as I'm concerned! EXACTLY my sentiments!

It's nice to be reco

It's nice to be recognized by your peers! If you aren't Linked-In, you should be! The best money I spend online, truly!

Just went over 2000

Just went over 2000 on LinkedIn! Interestingly I've only invited a handful of people to my network, ever! Thanks so much

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Terry Dean nails it

Terry Dean nails it right on the head! THANK YOU Terry! Finally someone else is saying what I've been saying all along!

While new to Int mkt

While new to Int mktg I've been running businesses for 30yrs, aside from a bit in academia. This's the BEST article yet!

This is always great

This is always great for a laugh! Good night folks! Got "stuff" to do! You've gotta love his "stuff!" He's at his best!

DON'T forget, drawin

DON'T forget, drawing tomorrow! FlipMinoHD & free newsletter! Guaranteed to help build your business fast! John

I've got to get some

I've got to get some rest! Sat down yesterday for a minute with a cold! I'm still sitting here! Minus the cold! Brynn is here it's play time

Supper's Ready! Mayb

Supper's Ready! Maybe I'm getting old but they just don't make music like this! Too much musical ADHD! 2:40 or nothing! A 25min song? Never!

Back to the newslett

Back to the newsletter! Just got finished with a huge section on keyword research! So many cool free tools out there!

Been working all nig

Been working all night! Rockin to early Genesis! Peter Gabriel is amazing! Good thing I have headphones! It's wake the dead loud! I love it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Caught a summer cold

Caught a summer cold from H*ll! Burning the candle at both ends! Lost my voice too. Perhaps a good thing? Good thing I stocked up on videos!

If you would like to

If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter & have a chance at a FlipMinoHD & Sunpak tripod just register

Just put finishing t

Just put finishing touches on the table of contents. The artwork for the cover is cool! The newsletter is really something! Free & complete!

Everyone in life is

Everyone in life is looking for a certain something. My family & hugs from my little granddaughters is where I get mine. My ONE thing!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A nice problem to ha

A nice problem to have! Received an affiliate check today & I don't even know who it's from! Funny! I mean, I'll take it...but it's funny!

@CPACareerCoach I ha

@CPACareerCoach I have a client ihn 10 minutes but should be free later tonight. Or any time! John

@CPACareerCoach Anyt

@CPACareerCoach Anytime! You've my email address! Here's my personal Skype johnzajaros1 If free I'll answer!

I've been applying E

I've been applying Earl Nightingale's The Strangest Secret & it's transformed my life! You can do ANYTHING for 30 days!

If you can't build a

If you can't build a niche marketing strategy after reading this? Punt! It has everything! & you may win a FlipMinoHD!

Still working! The I

Still working! The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed Newsletter! Picked up a tripod to GiveAway to the winner FlipMinoHD

Are you LinkedIn? Jo

Are you LinkedIn? Join me, it would be my pleasure! email Welcome!

I love this man! He

I love this man! He is a role model for us all! Talk about Gurus, this man the real deal! I every sense he is! Humbly!

Wonderful! @russellb

Wonderful! @russellbrunson has created a life where he can pursue the Ultimate Quest! This helped make it possible DREAM

Life's biggest secre

Life's biggest secret?! Try to figure it out first!

"The Quest Reveals t

"The Quest Reveals the Ultimate Master: Tony Robbins and The New Money Masters" Going to Chicago? Follow @TonyRobbins

"The most important

"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people."Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President

As many times as I r

As many times as I read Napoleon Hill Earl Nightingale Zig Ziglar Tom Hopkins Wayne Dyer @TonyRobbins I never tire of the timeless wisdom!

I will be attending

I will be attending @TonyRobbins event in Chicago in October! Let's get together and share a weekend of the possible!?

Let's meet in Chicag

Let's meet in Chicago! How about a group getting together and making a real connection? See @TonyRobbins and connect!

One of the first wor

One of the first works I read by @TonyRobbins was this one! Just as great today and what a tool for success! Download!

Did you know that dr

Did you know that drinking water can help with relief of neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica? Watch this video & see!

A couple of hours sl

A couple of hours sleep & back at it! The Sept "The Internet Marketing Quest Newsletter" is going to be amazing, join me

Can't get enough @To

Can't get enough @TonyRobbins The New Money Masters, trip to Chicago! Then try this awesome pair! &

I honestly don't thi

I honestly don't think many people realize the power of Google's tools to analyze! My subscribers will, completely!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Gotta run! So behind!

Gotta run! So behind! Have a great night everyone!

Back to Work! TuffGuy and I Walking 8 Miles Tonight!

Back to work! TuffGuy & I are walking 8mi tonight! Listened to Chicken Soup for the Soul today & it took me back to 1973 & Army hosp! Wow!

Want a free copy of The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed Newsletter?

Want a free copy of the newsletter? A chance for a FlipMinoHD? Subscribe & Thursday 6mo anniversary, you'll have it!

One of the 5 Factors Contributing to Neck Pain, Back Pain and Sciatica!

One of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain & sciatica! Especially degenerative disc disease! REAL relief!

The newsletter is really coming together nicely!

The newsletter is really coming together nicely! Had an asst bow out today so more of the work falls to me but it looks great! Very exciting

One of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain & sciatica!

One of the 5 factors contributing to neck pain, back pain & sciatica! Especially degenerative disc disease! REAL relief!

Jody Powell dead at 65!

Jody Powell dead at 65, an apparent heart attack. Even in terms of expectancy, Jody went too soon! Met him once! Amazing man! Loved Carter!

TuffGuy and I: 7 Milles Last Night!

TuffGuy & I walked 7mi last night! Just measured it! So exciting! In 2008 I literally passed out from back pain walking to the bathroom!

Whoops! Sorry guys!

Whoops! Sorry guys! I forgot to uncheck some of the boxes for that last post! Sorry! Didn't mean to overload you with extra links!

MarcWarnke and ONO, An Awesome Plan for Life!

@MarcWarnke Hey Marc! Did a review for @TonyRobbins program on 1 of my blogs & mentioned ONO, an awesome plan for life!

I've witnessed failu

I've witnessed failure on the brink of success, promotions lost on the eve of same & sales made & never closed! All quitting on the brink!

When speaking to my

When speaking to my children about success I repeat the words of Napoleon Hill & Vince Lombardi! NEVER give in & NEVER give up! NEVER QUIT!

When we think of Hen

When we think of Henry Ford, Walt Disney, & Abraham Lincoln we think of great, successful men! Not the multiple failures endured on the way!

Spent my walk last n

Spent my walk last night with TuffGuy & Napoleon Hill! Love the back story behind T&GR it helps to understand his message & how to apply it!

So many people are t

So many people are the fly, escaping thru the closed window! Working harder without smarter will doom you to failure...kill you & your dream

Work Smarter Not Har

Work Smarter Not Harder! The analogy of the fly: It'll die trying to escape thru a closed window, instead of changing course & escaping!

Everyone is looking

Everyone is looking for "The Secret of Success!" It boils down to education, application, delegation & right action! No smart!

Take Me Out to the B

Take Me Out to the Ball Game! Connie & John Zajaros with Friends!

The Truth About Exce

The Truth About Excess Weight and Obesity: Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica or Lose the Weight Easily & Painlessly!

"The Quest Reveals t

"The Quest Reveals the Ultimate Master: Tony Robbins and The New Money Masters"

"The Secret to Life:

"The Secret to Life: It Delivers!"

"All glory comes fro

"All glory comes from daring to begin." Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor

80pg newsletter full

80pg newsletter full of useful content on Internet marketing! All aspects! Free & a drawing for a FlipMinoHD!

Good night all!

Good night all!

New newsletter out t

New newsletter out this week! Covering all aspects of Internet marketing! Free & drawing for a FlipMinoHD too!

Listening to Napoleo

Listening to Napoleon Hill explain the history of his work is so helpful! It's about burning desire but more than that, it's CORRECT Action!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

All because I spent

All because I spent less than $50mo for DCS! I just picked up a contract for more up front than I paid them in 9 mos!

Have a great night e

Have a great night everyone! Gonna eat lots of pizza over the next few months, I think! Ha!

How great is that? G

How great is that? Go for a walk with your dog at midnight & come back with a commitment to do business! Pizzeria with no list! Great opp!

Call from a new clie

Call from a new client just added, excited about the upcoming project! Wants to get together tonight! What do you say? No? I said "when?" Ha

OK! So I'm a bit pun

OK! So I'm a bit punchy! Sleep deprivation will do that to a guy! Or am I a woman trapped in a guy's body? I saw that on a XXY infomercial!

I picked up a parach

I picked up a parachute from this guy who said it was guaranteed to open 99% of the time! You can beat those odds! I'd go to Vegas with them

Or maybe it was the

Or maybe it was the keyword tool for the Commodore computer I bought yesterday still in the box, hardly been sued! Fits right in my tool box

HEY! I just won the

HEY! I just won the Irish lottery run by a Nigerian company! Now I can retire to that ocean front property I bought in S. Dakota! I have it!

Newsletter & drawing

Newsletter & drawing for a Flip MINOHD! This week! Save hundreds on setting up your business! Learn all the ins & outs!

It's been 6mos since

It's been 6mos since I launched 20 blogs in various niches! I'll be giving away 1 FlipMinoHD & an amazing newsletter!

This week, after 6mo

This week, after 6mos since the launch of marketing blog I'll be giving away a new FlipMinoHD & an amazing newsletter!

I think the perspect

I think the perspective a person brings to the table & how they came to it is crucial to understanding them! Join me!

FREE! Drawing Flip M

FREE! Drawing Flip MinoHD & free 80pg newsletter this week! The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed Newsletter! Exciting!

Got off the topic on

Got off the topic on this video! I hope it helps someone! I talk about everything from TuffGuy to oxycontin to catheters

I've listened to Fra

I've listened to Frank & Tony several times! Taken the workbook apart, added a TON to my busniness &

Tearing Think and Gr

Tearing Think and Grow Rich apart again! The impact of which may be viewed at Along with The Strangest Secret! The best!

Uploading a video! W

Uploading a video! Wait until you see TuffGuy, it's too funny!

Owl City, Hellogoodb

Owl City, Hellogoodbye, Nevershoutnever, Jack's Mannequin! Take me to alternative music & grad school in early 90s! Great stuff! Love music!

Sun Tzu & Cortez had

Sun Tzu & Cortez had this in common! They knew, faced with no alternative but ultimate failure men will triumph or die, never backing down!

TuffGuy's asleep on

TuffGuy's asleep on the couch in my office on his new "Indians" blanket! How can such a little dog snore so loud!? Snores louder than Autumn

Want to see an amazi

Want to see an amazing marketing lesson? Truly!

Life is amazing! See

Life is amazing! See what is on the other side of the looking class!

Join me at the ballg

Join me at the ballgame! We hung out with friends! A far cry from the days in the nose-bleeds or bleachers! We're BACK!

The secret of life!

The secret of life! Getting what you want! Knowing how to ask for what you want & knowing how to LISTEN for the answers!

JOIN ME! Last night

JOIN ME! Last night Connie & I & some friends went to an Indians game! We won 13-6 but the game was quite a life-lesson

If you need help set

If you need help setting up a business blog autoresponder video or article...or need help starting a pain relief ow eight loss program? Ask!

Good night folks!

Good night folks!

I LOVE LIFE! Checked

I LOVE LIFE! Checked my email! Nothing gets me as excited as notifications of leads & sales! It means my message of HOPE is getting out! YES

Well, I pinged my ar

Well, I pinged my articles, my video & article & now it's time to crash! Can't keep my eyes open! I am BEYOND tired! Great game

Funny thing? I used

Funny thing? I used to LIVE at stadiums, working with many great athletes! I can't remember the last time I was there!

Take Me Out to the B

Take Me Out to the Ball Game! Connie & John Zajaros with Friends! Indians 13 KC Royals 6! HooYah!

@JeffHerring I'm so

@JeffHerring I'm so impressed with the look of your blog! The colors, the logo, of course the content! Great stuff Jeff, very cool! John is as hypo is as hypocritical a video sharing site as there is! They have porn & pimples being popped (yup!) but don't allow back pain videos

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back from the Indian

Back from the Indians game! Won 13-6 I should go more often! Video to follow! Plenty of parallel life-lessons! Amazing to observe & join in!

Considering back sur

Considering back surgery? Have had back surgery & it failed? This video is for you!

@RunTellmanRun Wheth

@RunTellmanRun Whether you think he's crazy or not? He has dared to be great, to do something great for others! Eccentric? Perhaps! But wow!

Just finished up wit

Just finished up with my 1st student of the day! I LOVE Saturdays! I get to teach & coach some awesome students & athletes! Love both ALOT!

80% of tweets have l

80% of tweets have links! OK, but when I get links from someone who doesn't have the class to at least follow me first? That's SPAM! Geez!

Thanks @russellbruns

Thanks @russellbrunson DotComSecrets! Pizzeria without an email list is now a client! Thanks to a DVD of the month idea!

Thanks @russellbruns

Thanks @russellbrunson DotComSecrets! Picked up a client on my walk with TuffGuy last night! Pizzeria without a list!

"Too many people ove

"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are." Malcolm Forbes, Publisher Brian Tracy Quote of the Day

I can't imagine a mo

I can't imagine a more amazing than seeing a @TonyRobbins experience live! Add this 1-2 punch! &

@russellbrunson is d

@russellbrunson is doing something amazing! He's LIVING his dream! Want to know what's so amazing & making it possible?

@russellbrunson is d

@russellbrunson is doing something amazing! He's LIVING his dream! Want to know what's so amazing & making it possible?

I can't imagine a mo

I can't imagine a more amazing than seeing a @TonyRobbins experience live! Add this 1-2 punch! WOW &

Join me! Chicago @To

Join me! Chicago @TonyRobbins event! Let's LIVE life & talk marketing! Come with me for the weekend!

I can't imagine a mo

I can't imagine a more amazing @TonyRobbins experience than this 1-2 punch! Want to live life?! &

That's right! I used

That's right! I used @russellbrunson idea from DCS to pick up a pizzeria client on my walk with TuffGuy! SO easily too!

Friday, September 11, 2009

LOVE IT! 64 degrees!

LOVE IT! 64 degrees! Maybe I'll try a different route tonight & avoid the bars & the drunks! The door guys will miss TuffGuy, their mascot!

Time for my walk wit

Time for my walk with TuffGuy! Hate Friday & Saturday nights because of drunks! Some people are so rude! LOVE the walks, HATE the drunks!

My Kayleigh! Named f

My Kayleigh! Named for the Marillion song! I've the most beautiful daughters! But then, once again I'm very biased!

A great picture of T

A great picture of TuffGuy! Why don't you join me while you are there! This is a great shot! Of course, I'm biased!

"If you lead your li

"If you lead your life the right way...if you live properly...the dreams will come to you!" Randy Pausch

I'm showing you this

I'm showing you this at some risk! Most of these copies have disappeared from the Internet! But it's too too important!

@runtellmanrun You m

@runtellmanrun You might think he's eccentric but I bet he doesn't care! I'll also bet the kids he helps will think he's just AWESOME! GO!

Keys to success: Mak

Keys to success: Make a decision! Take action! Be open & receptive to the myriad opportunities that will come your way as a result of 1 & 2!

I love my life! Got

I love my life! Got a call from a prospect I'd written off! They want to meet & get started YESTERDAY! Meaning right now! Ya gotta live it!

Published an article

Published an article: Understanding Sciatica - Sciatic Nerve Pain and Symptoms of Lumbar Radiculopathy

An old colleague at

An old colleague at John's Hopkins just sent me an email about an article validating everything I've been saying! WOW!

PLEASE! If you do no

PLEASE! If you do nothing else today, this #FollowFriday WATCH 2 SHORT VIDEOS & Thanks guys!

Wait until you see w

Wait until you see what I dug up! @TonyRobbins in his earlier days! You are gonna love it! Check out the links too!

This's a video revie

This's a video review @TonyRobbins The New Money Masters! It's a bit long but you'll see some interesting VERY things!

Waiting for a final

Waiting for a final video to be uploaded so I can go to bed! I'm glad I use TrafficGeyser for most! Saves me a ton of time & thus, money!

Remember all the peo

Remember all the people who were wiped off the face of the Earth in a single cowardly act today! Let's hope they will be remembered always!

I've been considerin

I've been considering just how happy the Marquis De Sade would be lately, if he was alive today! VERY HAPPY!

Did your grandmother

Did your grandmother or someone you know have a "giggle machine?" Too funny!

Internet Marketing,

Internet Marketing, Back Pain and The Marquis de Sade He would be so proud of some companies! Watch and see!

Dropped 8 inches off

Dropped 8 inches off my body in the last 12 days! TuffGuy & I had a great walk! Almost didn't go, I was falling asleep sitting up! Amazing!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

No walk tonight! Tuf

No walk tonight! TuffGuy is gonna be bummed out! I am too...but I am also SHOT! Good night folks!

50 minutes of sleep

50 minutes of sleep in 3 days is catching up with me, big! I just built a blog plus opt-in for a student of mine & I keep nodding off! UGH!

You can do ANYTHING

You can do ANYTHING for 30 days! What if I told you that 30 days from today you'll be in an entirely different place?

Want real success? D

Want real success? Do @russellbrunson 's Then take this challenge: I took it & never looked back! JZ

Are you having troub

Are you having trouble setting up your blog &/or business? Let me know, I'll help you get going! FREE! Need a mentor? Someone to help you?

As a result I was ab

As a result I was able to touch other people because of a challenge & today I got a letter that brought tears! Amazing!

A year ago I was str

A year ago I was struggling to stay alive, no one said anything or recognized I had anything to offer @TonyRobbins did!

I can't imagine a mo

I can't imagine a more amazing @TonyRobbins experience than this 1-2 punch! Want to live life?! &

Want to join me at C

Want to join me at Chipotles? Well, sort of! TuffGuy & I were hanging out & I thought I would share it with you guys!

The letter is on my

The letter is on my personal blog I love coaching, mentoring & tutoring! You couldn't pay me NOT to do it! Just awesome

I received a letter

I received a letter from a student's mom thanking me for helping her daughter. If you want to see what brought tears to my eyes? Intangibles

Small-minded people

Small-minded people think in terms of scarcity & protecting their piece of a pie that is only so big! I believe the "pie" is inexhaustable!

Why am I telling you

Why am I telling you? Because I'm a "big pie" person! There's SO much opportunity right now, why wouldn't I share a great idea with you?

I really like my wei

I really like my weight loss theme! I'm also into childhood weight loss (obesity) now! What an opportunity! Epidemic & weak competition!

I found 1 that has a

I found 1 that has a product but it's really just a big front for a CPA promotion for a major Clickbooth offer! Amazing how they did it! Fun

I buy the competitio

I buy the competition's product check, out the gravity, etc. It's so much fun! I'm now in so many niches & all following the same model!

Now that I have this

Now that I have this tool, the build & the application of the build are improved & the time to making major $ much less!

Want to know how I g

Want to know how I go from idea, to drill down, to up & running in less than 12 hrs? Subscribe to my newsletter! Thanks!

I then add my new to

I then add my new tool to it & do the competitive research & there's decent but weak competition with low rank, links, etc in competition!

I'm so excited, coul

I'm so excited, couldn't sleep! Got 4 ideas during last night's walk with TuffGuy & they ALL have major possibilities! Awesome keywords!

"Everyone has talent

"Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads."Erica Jong-Brain Tracy Quote of Day

@TonyRobbins & Frank

@TonyRobbins & Frank Kern Part 1! They're "masterful" together! Get it via this link & get an @russellbrunson video too!

You'll be amazed at

You'll be amazed at the tools & ideas I've developed for you guys! All in my free newsletter! Try it out, OK?!

Well, I'm heading ba

Well, I'm heading back off to bed (1 hour of sleep doesn't get it!). Subscribe to my newsletter & get a brand new system for keywords, free!

This video's an intr

This video's an introduction for my Sept newsletter & it's so cool! Total build business process, start, to up & running

These videos are an

These videos are an announcement! As Yanik Silver says "I exploited the kids!" But not really! See?!

My newsletter is alm

My newsletter is almost complete! It is amazing, if I do say so myself! Free & very useful! A build process revealed!

Meet me at Chipotle'

Meet me at Chipotle's! NOT met me! Oh well, you'll see what I mean. What an incredible day yesterday & night last night!

Met me at Chipotle's

Met me at Chipotle's! Well, sorta! You will see what I mean.

Got a video of the l

Got a video of the lady in black, did a video at Chipotle & wrote down4 ideas for new businesses! I'd call that productive! What a day!

I ran last night 3 o

I ran last night 3 of the 5 miles, walked 7 miles tonight for 2 1/2 hours & I just stood up after sitting down after my shower! Good sore!

Back from my walk wi

Back from my walk with TuffGuy at 3:30! 2 & 1/2 hours! Great walk! Listened to @russellbrunson microcontinuity! AWESOME!

Just before I left f

Just before I left for my walk I heard from my young woman in the Philippines! @russellbrunson is right! She seems VERY conscientious! Good!

If you are looking t

If you are looking to learn the business & will WORK, let me know! Off for my walk...finally!

I was due to get art

I was due to get articles all day from assts! Guess how many I got? I did add an awesome VA & she is amazing! I may need to replace another!

Walk time with TuffG

Walk time with TuffGuy! Gonna take my MicroC mp3! @russellbrunson has an amazing program! It's so smart & easy to apply!

Got a comment on 1 o

Got a comment on 1 of my videos! Breaks my heart! He's in severe pain! I wish I could take it away from him! I remember every night in pain!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ACT as if it's IMPOS

ACT as if it's IMPOSSIBLE to fail! Do it all out 30 days! Write down your goal, your burning desire & keep it with you!

1mm! 1%! 1/16th of a

1mm! 1%! 1/16th of an inch! 30 days! Small adjustments! @TonyRobbins Success is all about focused but tiny adjustments!

People are basically

People are basically good! Here is your chance to Pay it Forward! I explain how this Zoobies thing got going & why!

Brynn & I make an an

Brynn & I make an announcement about Zoobies Christmas! I hope you will help out, the kids need your help!

If you ask for help?

If you ask for help? Run the opposite direction from a mentor who tells you just what you want to hear! Accept & embrace criticism! Grow out

We become what we th

We become what we think about! Think about your success, have a burning desire, a clear cut plan to get there & you will

Listen to this! Don'

Listen to this! Don't conform buck the herd! Think of the possibilities, not the realities! Stop playing among the sheep

Listen to this guys!

Listen to this guys! The take this 30 day FREE challenge! I did & it transformed my life, business & personal! You can!

The secret to succes

The secret to success? There is no secret! Purchase & do what he teaches you to do! Do this 30 days!

@russellbrunson 's M

@russellbrunson 's MicroContinuity is amazing! I learn from his free MP3 EVERY night on my walks with TuffGuy! Awesome!

I was telling someon

I was telling someone who purchased @russellbrunson 's MicroC that I listen to & learn from his MP3 EVERY SINGLE night!

I think the thing I

I think the thing I find most frustrating when mentoring is failing to bring a point home to people who are NOT listening, much less acting!

You cannot help peop

You cannot help people who won't stop long enough to talk, listen, think about the message & then act intelligently! They must WANT help!

I had a friend I'm m

I had a friend I'm mentoring tell me he used to get VERY aggravated when he was selling a program, knowing it'd help people & they refused!

I just used Free Pre

I just used Free Press Release to announce the 2nd Annual Zoobies Christmas! Check out the video!

@TonyRobbins New Mon

@TonyRobbins New Money Masters is amazing! Check out the video! See for yourself & Pay it Forward

Kailyn is in rare fo

Kailyn is in rare form! Announcing The 2nd Annual Zoobies Christmas for Kids! Kailyn & I need your help, so do the kids

@clarenceag Sent a S

@clarenceag Sent a Skype IM & tweet! I'm free for the next little bit if you'd like to talk! I saw that you signed up as an affiliate! GREAT

Talk about amazing s

Talk about amazing science! The NSF on Antlers, Shells and Beaks! Being a bone guy, this stuff is so interesting!

I'm psyched! Picked

I'm psyched! Picked up another asst & she's amazing! Once I get permission from her, I'll let you know who she is so you can use her too!

I love teaching! Yes

I love teaching! Yes, I can multiply myself & my knowledge many times on the Internet. But there is NOTHING like those calls from my kids!

I'd tutor & coach th

I'd tutor & coach the rest of my life for free because I LOVE it! Got a call from a student who failed the GED twice! SHE JUST PASSED! YES!

I've been associated

I've been associated with many marketing pros over the years but 2 who rank as "All-time BEST!" @TonyRobbins @russellbrunson TRUE GURUS!

If you want to make

If you want to make money, these guys not only provide the tools, they provide the training! Class operation!

This is the best aff

This is the best affiliate program outside of Clickbank & Clickbooth I've ever been a part of! A class act top to bottom

Success? Step into s

Success? Step into someone else's shoes & make an investment in them, purely to push someone else up! In doing so, you push yourself up too!

Do you want to find

Do you want to find meaningful success? Find a way to touch someone who you have absolutely no financial stake in...& simply push them up!

In a few days my sub

In a few days my subscribers are going to receive a newsletter that re-defines "Moving the Free-line!" Guaranteed!

TuffGuy & I climbed

TuffGuy & I climbed Mt Everest on our "Walk Away from Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica!" Join us &

I climbed Mt. Everes

I climbed Mt. Everest last night! Well...! You know what I think about linking up on every tweet! &

OK! Off the soapbox!

OK! Off the soapbox! Between Dennis Miller & George Carlin, I have been ruined! Never mind Don Rickles & Foster Brooks! Foster is too funny!

You will find that t

You will find that those who pay the most, sqwaak the least & are the happiest clients you have! They also refer the most new business!

When marketing there

When marketing there are 3 groups: freebiie/cheapies; cheapies/yet-stretchable; & affluent/top-shelf buyers! They're 1st class or no-class!

I met with a new cli

I met with a new client last night & it was such a pleasure! No price point, only interested in 1 thing! The best...& willing to pay for it!

"The world makes way

"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet Brian Tracy Quote of the Day!

Made my first run to

Made my first run tonight & now I'm going to crash! After 2 days of going nonstop, I'm beat! UGH! Have a great day!

Even when I was runn

Even when I was running every day for years, I hated hills! This "hill" might as well have been Mt Everest! Amazing!

What an adrenaline h

What an adrenaline high! To begin a marketing program designed to help people & ending up with your life transformed!

While very dark, joi

While very dark, join me as I scale "Mt. Everest!" What a huge obstacle overcome after just 60 days of back pain relief

Join me on my 1st RU

Join me on my 1st RUN in years! In a little over 60 days I am running! No neck pain, back pain or sciatica! PAIN FREE!

TuffGuy is the ultim

TuffGuy is the ultimate accountability partner! He is relentless & never takes no for an answer! Puggles are inside out Bull Mastiffs! True!

I had a great meetin

I had a great meeting with a client tonight! Talked about expectations! Such an exciting topic, positive vibes & expectancy! Just amazing!

1:22amEST! Time for

1:22amEST! Time for my walk with TuffGuy! Listened to The New Money Masters again tonight! @TonyRobbins is a master! JZ

@DionGeBorde @LisaSa

@DionGeBorde @LisaSawyer317 @clarenceag I look forward to our talk tomorrow! Let's get a ton done! I have a list of things to cover! You?

@LisaSawyer317 Make

@LisaSawyer317 Make sure you're an affiliate here, start promoting! Your clients will love you for it! IT's REAL QUALITY

@BingoBabeTalk Make

@BingoBabeTalk Make sure you're an affiliate here & start promoting! Your clients will love you for it! REAL QUALITY!

The Internet Marketi

The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed Newsletter will save you a ton in the future! This is going to be amazing!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This video starts to

This video starts to explain the Sept newsletter but can't so it justice! It has articles, video, Jing & so much more!

The newsletter for S

The newsletter for September is amazing! If you can't use it to make money? Retire! Over 80 pages of content on IM!

Neck Pain Back Pain

Neck Pain Back Pain and Sciatic Nerve Pain: Fast and Guaranteed! I hope you will share this with hose you know in need!

This is a video abou

This is a video about the newsletter coming out the week of September 14th! How to Build an Internet Business! 80+ pgs!

Do you have sciatica

Do you have sciatica or back of the leg pain? Do you know someone who does? This will help understand it better!

@CynthiaLasVega Give

@CynthiaLasVega Give me a call! @DionGeBorde I haven't slept yet, never got to bed last night, couldn't sleep! Give me a ring guys! OK?

@CynthiaLasVega Got

@CynthiaLasVega Got your message about the TV shopping this morning! Also added another client from another delayed call today! Oh well!

I hope you'll take t

I hope you'll take the time to subscribe to my newsletter! The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed! 80+pgs amazing content

Seek to do good and

Seek to do good and you will find that happiness will run after you." James Freeman Clarke Brian Tracy Quote of the day! True happiness!

I also picked up a n

I also picked up a new client! Thank goodness for the holiday weekend! They called Thursday & I must've missed them! Phew! Big account too!

Had an awesome phone

Had an awesome phone conversation with a new student this morning. It's fun working with people & helping them! I learn so much too!

Just added 6 pages o

Just added 6 pages of the coolest features I've ever discovered for September's newsletter! I'm so excited about this!

Good night all!

Good night all!

Almost forgot! Sept

Almost forgot! Sept newsletter 86 pgs free on how to build an online business & a drawing for free FlipMinoHD Sept 14th!

Make sure you check

Make sure you check out @TonyRobbins AWESOME The New Money Masters! @russellbrunson is giving away a video with it!

Have a great night e

Have a great night everyone!

Well it's 3am here s

Well it's 3am here so it's time to call it a night! I've hired 3 VAs (virtual assts) this weekend! Finally! 2 from the US & 1 Philippino!

I think I've listene

I think I've listened to the free mp3 player with his seminar no less than 10 times already & I still pull stuff out!

I think the real pow

I think the real power of @russellbrunson microcontinuity is its simplicity to implement & its common sense approach!

Monday, September 7, 2009

I've listened to @To

I've listened to @TonyRobbins & Frank Kern half a dozen times over the last couple of days! So exciting & so inspiring!

Listened @TonyRobbin

Listened @TonyRobbins & @ebenpagan again! Eben is so thoughtful & analytical, reserved. Tony is amazingly passionate & insightful! Awesome!

@TonyRobbins is righ

@TonyRobbins is right! What have you done today to move yourself closer to what you talk about wanting so badly? TNMM!

Raining earlier so T

Raining earlier so TuffGuy & I were on hold! Did 6 miles the last 2 nights! Just amazing for me to get that far! Video!

This month's newslet

This month's newsletter is covered in this video! I'm so excited I can't wait for people to see how it's going to help!

Wrestling with Quick

Wrestling with QuickTimePro to get better quality video in a compressed size! The quality is suffering! Any video geniuses out there?! HELP!

Suffer from back pai

Suffer from back pain and/or sciatica? Know someone who does? This video will help you understand what sciatica is!

I hope you'll join m

I hope you'll join me as a subscriber of my free newsletter! Sept's promises to be better than ever LOADED with content!

I use his stuff on a

I use his stuff on all my blogs, a nice SEO package & simplifies choices! He also has fantastic videos for all levels!

80+ pages of amazing

80+ pages of amazing free content in The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed Newsletter & a drawing for a free FlipMinoHD

Accept my invitation

Accept my invitation to the September newsletter week of 9-14! Amazing content & a drawing for a new FlipMinoHD camera!

The worst phrase in

The worst phrase in ANY language: "I can't!" Follow by: "I can't afford it!" Make it happen by envisioning the possible! Open your mind!

Video introduction &

Video introduction & invitation to The Internet Marketing Quest Revealed Newsletter! Hope you will join me!

So much for cimenato

So much for cimenatography! I cut off my head but the message was a good one, one from the heart! 6 miles! Awesome!

Outside The Beck Cen

Outside The Beck Center where Tom Hanks got his start! Accountability partners in life, business, weight loss, whatever!

Do you experience ba

Do you experience back pain & sciatica? This video should help you to understand the condition a little bit better!

Have you had questio

Have you had questions about how to develop your own info products? This is a great video that should help you a lot!

Having issues with S

Having issues with SEO? Is it a big question mark for you? Well, Jeff Johnson has some amazingly helpful tools for you!

The fact is, if you'

The fact is, if you're interested in making money in this business @russellbrunson 's strategy is amazing! Free mp3!

I spent 2hrs again l

I spent 2hrs again last night listening to the free mp3 marketing seminar of @russellbrunson It gets better every time!

"Your training [acco

"Your training [accountability] partners are key to your success & friendships based on your runs together are strong." Bill Rodgers

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stop in at my newest

Stop in at my newest blog and say hi! Leave a comment! "How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain" Suggest a topic if you want!?

Then it's off to Gra

Then it's off to Grand Funk Railroad & "We're an American Band" Fall of 1973! CWRU Phi Delta Theta & penny a beer night at The Mad Hatter!

Listening to Eric Cl

Listening to Eric Clapton & Derrick & the Dominos "Layla!" US Army Summer 1972! Takes me back there every time! Music is so powerful!

The Bad Back Guy's!

The Bad Back Guy's! How to Relieve Chronic Back Pain: The Ultimate Neck Pain, Back Pain, & Sciatica Relief Strategies!

Just waiting for my

Just waiting for my client! Thought I would share a bit of my walk from last night with TuffGuy! 6 miles last night!

Well, I have a new b

Well, I have a new blog to finish up & a client due in 8 minutes! Have a great night!

If you're interested

If you're interested in learning many of the tricks the "gurus" use but don't always teach Spt newsletter will amaze you

The newsletter for S

The newsletter for Sept is going to be amazing! Save big on hosting tips very few know about! Domain savings! Amazing keyword tools, free!

Just built another b

Just built another blog! Got slapped by for TOS! Outgrowing the freebies! I've over 30 blogs now but I hate to say goodbye to my 1st!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

BTW, Howie Schwartz'

BTW, Howie Schwartz's new niche tool is very cool! Regardless of the niche you are in or the keywords you plug in, it is very powerful!

You know what's a ki

You know what's a kick? Trying out Howie Schwartz's keyword tool & discovering everything in the boxes is from articles & videos I created!

If you want to learn

If you want to learn the marketing business from the ground up, including research & writing, building blogs, etc! Contact me right away!

Just trying to catch

Just trying to catch up with everyone! Connie brought Brynn home! & a turkey panini! There goes my diet! Granpa now gets to feed Brynn! Fun!

"The making of frien

"The making of friends who are real friends is the best token we have of a man's success in life." Edward Hale-Brain Tracy Quote of the Day

Put the finishing to

Put the finishing touches on Chapter 3 for the September newsletter! Subscribe now! It's amazing, full of content & free

Friday, September 4, 2009

I apologize for "lin

I apologize for "linking up" so much but this really has me excited! @TonyRobbins The New Money Masters! Just awesome!

@TonyRobbins New Mon

@TonyRobbins New Money Masters! All kidding aside the interview with Frank Kern is worth 100 times the price! Amazing!

@TonyRobbins New Mon

@TonyRobbins New Money Masters is amazing! If you aren't bouncing off the walls after watching this get out of the biz!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Most email I get, I

Most email I get, I don't even open but this marketer's email is a must! Just a very brilliant guy & a pleasure to read!

Wow! Just 48 hrs awa

Wow! Just 48 hrs away from the biz & I'm swamped! That's a good thing, I think!? Kayleigh is doing better! EEG tonight! Thanks for prayers!

I'm not an affiliate

I'm not an affiliate for this program, although I am for his other products! They're execellent! Every one @TonyRobbins

If you haven't alrea

If you haven't already ordered it, you should! @TonyRobbins has an amazing new series out & it promises to be amazing!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Almost lost it! Foll

Almost lost it! Following up on my story, talking about @TonyRobbins I almost lost it! He moved me more than I thought!

Do you suffer from o

Do you suffer from osteomyelitis &/or sciatica? Know someone? I'm putting together articles & videos for sciatica relief

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Check out @TonyRobbi

Check out @TonyRobbins program! Just ordered mine! Can't wait to get it Tony is a true Guru capital G! Russell's link!

Imagine opening your

Imagine opening your blog & getting the nicest comment from one of the true GURUS in the world today! Tony keeps giving

Out of the Light: In

Out of the Light: Internet Marketing, Life, Tony Robbins and Other Stuff!

New article on back

New article on back pain, sciatica & osteomyelitis! Hope it helps someone!

Google alerts: "Exer

Google alerts: "Exercise: Neck Pain, Back Pain, & Sciatica!...." It's from 1 of my blogs! You can get great exposure with FREE

Dream & shoot higher

Dream & shoot higher than you know you can! Don't bother to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Be better than yourself! BT

Good night everyone!

Good night everyone! I still need a writer & an asst. Local, if possible! That's God's Country in case you are wondering! Cleveland! Ha!

TuffGuy & I are goin

TuffGuy & I are going for a walk 2:30am! To know what a miracle that is read my story! Feel like I went to confession

This is so good I'm

This is so good I'm changing over my entire business model to work with it! Everything is pointing to it! It's that good

I rarely get excited

I rarely get excited about the marketing programs out there. In fact I've only promoted 5 or 6 ever! But this is a must!

Just finished 65pgs

Just finished 65pgs of Sept's newsletter! Feel like I do at Christmas when I want to give the presents early! It is going to be awesome! Ha!

I have to tell you,

I have to tell you, recession or no, I tried to hire people here & can't get it done! I had to change over my blogs & write articles myself!

Surround yourself wi

Surround yourself with people who keep you energized! People who inspire you to achieve your best every day. Do this & you can't lose!

Understanding Sciati

Understanding Sciatica: 9 Causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain! Not a complete list but the start to a series with video!

Ha! Just in time to

Ha! Just in time to trade links with a site! Anyone into health & fitness or Internet marketing want to exchange links? Let me know!

Just got finished cl

Just got finished cleaning up a couple of my blogs! Love the new look. Had to do it myself. I couldn't find anyone to do it right! Oh well!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Listening to Eben &

Listening to Eben & Tony. Great stuff! I remember when Tony Robbins was just a kid starting out! Amazing determination!

The people with the

The people with the most talent often fall by the wayside! The person who succeeds is the one who gives 110% all the time, every day!

I was walking with T

I was walking with TuffGuy & had an epiphany! Then, 2 days later I get an email on the very subject! This guy is awesome

This is a LONG artic

This is a LONG article! Started as a blog post & took on a life of its own! Hope it helps someone! You can do anything!

Out of the Light: In

Out of the Light: Internet Marketing-Life-Tony Robbins & Other Stuff! Don't tell me you can't do something, YOU CAN!

Just a "short" story

Just a "short" story! How I got to this place & how my success was made possible by others, by faith & by determination!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"The Pursuit of Exce

"The Pursuit of Excellence!" What exactly do we mean by it? I hope this gives you a window into my thinking anyway! John

Just a question! Are

Just a question! Are Shawn & Tellman ever REALLY going to give away that Ferrari? Seems like they were giving it away some time ago?! HMMMM!

A year later? I'm he

A year later? I'm heading off to the gym! Everyone suffers from neck, back or sciatica pain at some time! This will help

It's funny, I was tr

It's funny, I was trying to think where I was a year ago! It seems like so long ago! Most of the time I had to be in bed due to back pain!

Time to hit the gym!

Time to hit the gym! If you haven't picked up "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" you should! It's a great resource & it's FREE!

Nothing in life wort

Nothing in life worth having is free! Why is "You get what you pay for!" embedded in our lexicon? Because it is true! Pony up or punt!

Problem is that most

Problem is that most people reach for the peak before they ever get on the plane to get there, before setting foot in base camp! And........

@russellbrunson hit

@russellbrunson hit on the same thing on his free mp3 for MicroC! Once you make the 1st dollar it's simply numbers, driving more traffic!

I was recording an a

I was recording an article for one of my blogs & kept going back to Tony Robbins & John Reese video. It makes so much sense, doesn't it?

Don't like writing?

Don't like writing? Voice activation software for $100. Increased my productivity! 2 monitors too! @JamesSchramko clued me in on the latter

TuffGuy & I are back

TuffGuy & I are back from our walk! Great stuff recorded for 2-3 articles! I just have to transcribe it using my voice activation software.

Funny! What did we d

Funny! What did we do before kettlebells P90X spinning (are they still even doing that?) Jazzercise (remember that) & all the other crazes?!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Well, it stopped rai

Well, it stopped raining & contrary to what a few fitness "gurus" advise, I did get in 65mns of "mindless" cardio today! TuffGuy's turn now!

Now my day is comple

Now my day is complete! Just got yet another announcement for yet another MLM miracle juice & program! Now I know I will live forever! Geez

PLEASE! I just read

PLEASE! I just read the worst article ever on sciatica! If anyone out there is having problems, considering surgery? Talk to me 1st, please!

Contact me at excell

Contact me at if you are ready to work & produce quality results! No drama, I have enough of that already!

Still need drawings

Still need drawings of bones, discs, nerves, etc. Need a logo, an article writer/assistant! I'm buried in work & need quality NOW! Need $$?

Look to the experts'

Look to the experts' experts! Who the "gurus" look to for advice, can you afford that? If not I suggest A SOLID program!

When I first started

When I first started online I made many mistakes, listened to many "idgits!" Be skeptical but eventually you have to take action & 1st step!

Particularly when it

Particularly when it comes to marketing & fitness! I honestly believe some of these people make this stuff up as they go along! Be CAREFUL!

Careful what you rea

Careful what you read & believe on the Internet! I've read articles, watched videos, listened to audios that are just TERRIBLE information!

Save on domains, set

Save on domains, set up the right hosting, keyword research you've probably never heard of & more! Sept '09 newsletter!

Are you having probl

Are you having problems with spyware or other malicious software? I got this tip from my cable guy! Free & works great!

This book may be the

This book may be the beginning of a whole new life if you suffer from chronic pain of any kind! Well worth the time!

Good night everyone!

Good night everyone! Have an awesome day tomorrow! @CynthiaLasVega I should be home by 3am EST! We're playing phone tag! Call if you need me

I've a ton of strate

I've a ton of strategies like that for saving up to half on domains hosting more in this month's newsletter!

Saving this for my n

Saving this for my newsletter! Purchase domains .com .info then wait until checkout for the others! Then add a code & get another discount!

Have a great evening

Have a great evening! TuffGuy has given up on me & is now trying to wake up someone else to take him! He's the embodiment of persistence!

I spent some time to

I spent some time today with an awesome program! I've been planning to integrate this for a while & this makes it easy!

TuffGuy is NOT happy

TuffGuy is NOT happy! It's 42 mins after walk time, midnight! But I did 65 mins on the recumbent bike & a 1/2 hour with weights! Now walk?!

Well, I hope you guy

Well, I hope you guys like the article! I put quite a lot of thought into it! Hope you like the theme too! John

Just finished a new

Just finished a new blog post & new theme! Life & Internet Marketing: The Intangibles, Finding a Balance and Prospering!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

This is an amazing r

This is an amazing resource for anyone with neck, back or sciatica pain! It's FREE! It includes a donation to charity!

The most ironic thin

The most ironic thing of all? Sam Walton's final words: "I blew it!" One of the wealthiest men at the time, he knew too late he had it WRONG

Success is a journey

Success is a journey a process! The money is irrelevant! Just ask Sam Walton (you'll need a medium) how important money was on his deathbed!

Funny thing about su

Funny thing about success? People still think it's a destination! I hear "when I succeed" or "she's successful!" Success is in the journey!

Success is contagiou

Success is contagious, it rubs off, gets under your skin! Success is the pursuit of a worthwhile ideal, derived from a burning desire!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Success fuels succes

Success fuels success! Want to be successful? Hang around successful people! Want to fail? Listen to most family & friends! Sad but true!

I feel so good after

I feel so good after getting word about the launch of Jesse's book I'm gonna take TuffGuy for a walk! I was going to take the night off!

I've waited all day

I've waited all day to announce this FREE book launch! An amazing resource for anyone with neck, back or sciatica pain!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Off to the doc's off

Off to the doc's office! Have a great evening! If you're serious about making money online? This is it! JZ

The more you do to p

The more you do to plant seeds, articles & videos, even if you only get a few views at each sharing site, it accumulates & builds over time!

Still another great

Still another great video sharing site that allows for bigger uploads like YouTube and Break is Love it!

Another video sharin

Another video sharing site that will get you to Google's page 1 VERY quickly if you provide good content is

Want a really great

Want a really great video sharing site? Check out I really like it and it is quite user friendly! Enjoy!

I would invite you t

I would invite you to check out my personal blog It's just my take on life, people, perceptions, and everything else! seems to be seems to be down! I know they've had problems in the past. Is anyone else having problem accessing

Not only will you un

Not only will you understand neck, back, & sciatic nerve pain better you'll get a better idea of my spinal research!

The Zajaros/Purdy Fa

The Zajaros/Purdy Family Night Out: The Quest Revealed! Overcoming life's hurdles has allowed for an amazing life!

Your neck pain back

Your neck pain back pain and sciatica are due to a combination of 5 factors! Wrapped up in the curvatures of the spine!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back Pain Relief: The 3 Primary Causes of Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica

Back Pain Relief: The 3 Primary Causes of Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica

Neck pain, back pain, and sciatica affect millions of people worldwide every year. No group is immune from neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica, although certain demographic groups seem to be at greater risk. The back pain complex may manifest itself as a dull, aching feeling or it may present as a sharp, almost unbearable pain ceasing all movement and activity until properly addressed; and, that means seeing a medical practitioner. Or, the symptoms may appear anywhere along a continuum from dull and barely noticeable to sharp, intense, and debilitating. The etiology, or cause, of the pain may be immediately apparent or an individual may wake up in the morning with a new “friend.” In fact, many of the most serious incidents of neck, back or leg pain (sciatica) are seemingly innocuous at the time, with the individual only later realizing that he or she has injured himself or herself.

The Process of Aging

So, who is most likely to suffer from this common, often debilitating condition? The most obvious answer is everyone. However, while true, certain groups are at greater risk, for a myriad of reasons from aging to the type of work we do. The first reason, the most common reason, is that we get older; and as we age, certain parts of the body, in this case primarily the neck and back, just don’t handle the aging process well. The older we get, the greater the likelihood is we will develop symptoms associated with what is commonly referred to as a “bad back.” As a rule, middle-age (30-40 years of age) is when the symptoms associated with the back pain complex first present themselves; and, men are more likely than women to present with symptoms. The difference between men and women tends to balance out somewhat after menopause, and this is generally associated with the consequences of osteoporosis.

Sedentary Lifestyle and Inadequate Fitness

The next cause of neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica we will examine is poor or inadequate fitness. Significantly, poor fitness ranges from carrying a few too many pounds around the midsection, to consequences associated with a sedentary lifestyle. The secondary curvatures of the spine, the curvatures associated with the neck or cervical region, and the lower back or lumbar region, are most affected because of their function and the biomechanics involved with walking on two legs. The neck and the lower back are particularly prone to injury, and with it varying degrees of pain. As we age, as our muscles weaken due to inactivity. The muscles atrophy, meaning they get weaker and lose tone and strength. As the muscles weaken, the secondary curvatures of the cervical and lumbar regions come under tremendous pressure as they are responsible for holding our heads upright and standing upright, walking without being bent over. The atrophied musculature, no longer doing an adequate job of supporting these two vital areas, have some of their work taken over by the intervertebral discs (IVDs) and the vertebrae themselves. When this transfer takes place, the spine comes under constant assault, and injury is the result. Degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, bulging discs, osteophytosis, and back sprains and strains are just a few of the many things that can go wrong as a result of poor fitness.

Overweight and Obesity

The third and final reason to be covered in this article is obesity. Obesity in the United States, and in much of the developed world, has reached epidemic proportions. If we carry just an extra 20 pounds, we are seriously affecting our overall health, as well as the health of the musculoskeletal system. The spine, already at risk due to inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, comes under incredible stress, particularly at the secondary curvatures of the neck and lower back. Much of the neck pain, back pain (particularly lower back pain), and sciatica are the direct result of too much weight being carried by the body, too much stress placed on the spine.
Think about the following example: Take a 20 pound dumbbell or a 20 pound bowling ball and put it in a book bag, one of those the kids use for school. Now, wear it in front instead of on the back, and wear it all day. Get the idea? Carry that around all day, with the weight forward, and see if you can still move by the end of the day. Interestingly, most overweight individuals are more than 20 pounds overweight and experiencing neck pain, back pain, and sciatica they don’t have to, just because they are overweight!

The Back Pain Complex: In Concert

Taken in concert, aging, poor fitness, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity lead to what I refer to as the back pain complex. The back pain complex, meaning any combination of neck pain, back pain (again, particularly lower back pain), and sciatica is avoidable or treatable, depending on your current state of fitness. Failed back surgery is a reality, a rather harsh one for many. Many never had to undergo surgery the first time, had they simply followed a few simple to implement bad back strategies.

I hope you will continue to read: Part II of Back Pain Relief: The Primary Causes of Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica.

Tired of neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica? Join me as we take back our lives…back pain free! Get pain relief by taking the first step with me!

Act now! This is the answer and you are entitled to a free trial, you have nothing to lose but the pain!

Just click here and get started today!

Best wishes for your health and a pain free life!

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
Skype: johnzajaros1

There was a time whe

There was a time when going to sleep meant little sleep, ice bags & narcotics! Now I'm back pain free! That's a miracle!

A special offer for

A special offer for anyone suffering from neck back pain or sciatic nerve pain! We'll get relief together! Guaranteed!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Given my personal he

Given my personal health battles past & present this is an awesome article! I'm also big on perspective, as you know!

Sorry for the all th

Sorry for the all the postings on some sites! Still getting the hang of using along with Not intended to spam you guys!

Created a special of

Created a special offer for back pain & sciatica sufferers on my walk today! Then go to for details!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to Stop Back Pain & Sciatica: A Bit of the History of "The Bad Bad Guy!"

A Little Bit of My History! How I Cured Back Pain and Sciatica and Reclaimed a Pain Free Life...You Can Too!

I would like to share a bit of my self, just so you know that we have shared some of the same experiences. If it helps you get closer to taking that first step towards a pain free life...GREAT!

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
The Bad Back Guy Pain Free Program!

How to Stop Back Pain & Sciatica: A Long Walk & a Request!

How to Reclaim a Back Pain and Sciatica Pain Free Life!

You will never be sorry! Join me, what do you have to lose but the pain?

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.

I am absolutely amazed!

I'm absolutely amazed at the results I've achieved with just this one resource! It's paid for itself many times over!

How The Bad Back Guy Became "The Bad Back Guy!"

How The Bad Back Guy became The Bad Back Guy! A little more about myself & why I help back pain & sciatica sufferers!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Updating HelloTxt! A Great Hub for Web 2.0!

Updating A great site for coverage of a vast area with one click! Between & the coverage is amazing!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How to Stop Chronic Back Pain and Sciatica Guaranteed!

The video introduction for this program will change your life forever! You can do one of two things, you can continue to live with back pain and sciatica, treating it in the usual manner with only limited results, if any, or you can take control of your life, changing it forever! It is totally your decision. Suppose for a moment you decide to take control and reclaim your life, live the rest of your life back pain and sciatica free? If you would like to live pain free?

I wish you health and prosperity! I cannot tell you how wonderful life can be pain free, you must experience it for yourself...and you can! Before you watch the video via the link below, one guaranteed to change your life forever, sign up for The Bad Back Guy's Newsletter and mailing list! I promise not to load your inbox with spam and I guarantee it will add to and supplement the wonderful and exciting pain free life you are about to have!

Just right click the link below and open it in a new tab or window, subscribe to the newsletter while the video is loading, and then change your life forever!

Think for just a moment, imagine waking up every day without back pain, pain of any kind! Imagine being back pain free forever! How incredible would that be? How much would it be worth to you to be back pain and sciatica free? In terms of money it would be priceless! Yes, both money earned and saved. But it would also be priceless in terms peace of mind, happiness, and a painless existence! A life free of back pain...WOW! I have such a life now and I never thought it was possible to have my life back again and you can too!

What do you have to lose...but the pain?!

If you want to change your life forever? Go to the link below now and I wish you every happiness!

Click this link, watch the video in its entirety, and act! Change your life forever! Live your life pain free and join me in a celebration of what is possible in life once again!

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
Skype: johnzajaros1

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Bad Back Guy & The Back Pain Guy Unite: The Best Treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica!

The Best Treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica - Based on Years of Experience as a Patient and Researcher Specializing in the Spine and Sacroiliac Joint!

by coachz on Mar.27, 2009, Neck Pain, back pain, back pain and exercise, back pain and sciatica, back pain sciatica and ice, low back pain, low back pain and exercise, medication back pain and sciatica, sciatic nerve pain, sciatica, sciatica and exercise

How to Overcome Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Can Be An Awful Ordeal, I Know, I’ve Been There: The Back Pain Guy & The Bad Back Guy Are One! They’re Me!

Let me suggest three programs I have reviewed and tried. All three are safe and medically sound. All three work and, all three have fantastic guarantees! They are all good so it’s just a matter of personal preference. In the long run, any one of them is going to yield optimal results and give you your life back, pain free!

After 14 major surgeries, just on my back, and another to totally reconstruct my shoulder after my bones became so brittle after a massive infection in my spine that when I fell the entire joint shattered. I am no stranger to pain!

I also studied for my doctorate at one of the most prestigious programs in the country and my emphasis, my research, was on the spine and sacroiliac joint, the joint between the sacrum (tail bone) and the ilium (hips). I have probably handled as many spines and hip bones as any human alive, and I am not exaggerating! So, I know what I am talking about from both perspectives!

So, take a look, evaluate all three. If I were to pick one for myself and I have, I would recommend them in the following order: 2, 1, 3!

But as I said, it’s a personal matter, all three are excellent and all three will get you there…

#2 will just get you there a little faster and with a better guarantee!

The 3 intelligent programs of treatment and/or exercise, one that will work for your neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica, guaranteed, go to:




For additional information and links to several excellent back treatment programs; ice-compression braces for inflammation and swelling; New Balance running shoes, the best for heel cushioning when pain is at its worst; other heel and foot cushioning devices; orthotics for days when running shoes won't get it and you need cushioning and support; and, and awesome array of other products for neck pain, back pain, and sciatic nerve pain sufferers you can also visit:

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

Article Source:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stop Back Pain and Sciatica Without Surgery: The Bad Back Guy

Back pain and sciatica are treatable! Back pain and sciatica sufferers are not doomed to the surgeon's blade. A bad back can be dealt with effectively, without surgical intervention, if proper bad back strategies are implemented early and followed consistently.

Have you ever gotten out of bed and felt that nagging feeling in your back, a kind of stiffness that doesn't seem to want to go away with normal movement? Have you ever started to bend over and felt that twinge in the lower back, perhaps radiating down the leg? Have you ever bent over to pick up a child, a pet, even a package and felt a blast of pain? Has your back pain and sciatica ever gotten so bad you had to stop what you were doing and rest?

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, you are in good company. Unfortunately, back pain and sciatica are a pain complex suffered my literally millions of Americans every year. In fact, almost half a million people are operated on every year for what most people refer to as a bad back. Severe and chronic pain may be caused by many things but is often the result of the stress, strain, and trauma we impose on our muscles, connective tissue (tendons and ligaments), discs, and even the vertebrae themselves. While it is true that many back injuries are the result of significant trauma and disease, the majority of back pain and sciatica results from normal, day-to-day activities. The activities resulting in back strain and injury may be as mundane as working around the garden, sweeping the driveway or raking leaves, shoveling snow (always a good one), lifting laundry or grocery bags, household chores, and picking up children or grandchildren.

Often, simple adjustments to movement and behavior, properly and consistently implemented, go a long way towards preventing or at least minimizing back strain and its consequences. A few bad back strategies in particular are quite effective in minimizing the consequences of back stress and strain: first and foremost, be aware of body position while engaged in activities that may impact the back, particularly the lower back; next, maintain good posture through exercise, conscious thought, and eventually, habit; third, make sure to stretch often, usually as part of a total exercise program; along with the third bad back strategy, integrate a consistent, individualized, and professionally supervised exercise program into your life; next, make sure to always know your limits; and, always listen to that still, small voice in your head, if it says you're pushing it, you probably are; finally, lose weight. Significantly, added weight may have more of a negative impact on back health that any single factor. If you are carrying extra weight, you are placing incredible stress and strain on you back. The combination or all of these strategies, tied to an intelligent weight loss and exercise program, will do wonders, often alleviating, then eliminating, back pain and sciatica

Ultimately, a medical consultation may be the wisest strategy, particularly if your back pain and sciatica continue for more than a few days. Do not wait for it to worsen! If you have engaged in an exercise program and are losing weight, you should begin to experience relief quickly. You will be amazed at how soon after beginning an intelligent, focused, and individualized exercise program you start feeling real relief. If you do not, see your physician and he or she will recommend a good orthopedic surgeon or neurologist. Don't wait until you are disabled to get help, it is not necessary and the damage may be irreversible without surgery.

Bad back strategies are easy to implement and, from personal experience, are easily made habits, allowing you to significantly minimize, and ultimate eliminate, your pain. After years of pain and surgeries, weight loss and exercise, along with the other strategies mentioned above, allowed me to re-enter life as a participant and not just as a spectator, miserable, depressed, and disabled. It is not easy and it takes conscious effort but it is doable and the results are amazing! So remember, posture, positioning, lifting, exercise, and weight loss. If you follow these five bad back strategies you will alleviate, and eventually eliminate your back pain and sciatica.

The following programs are excellent for neck pain, back pain, and sciatic nerve pain or sciatica:

Or! Dr. Graeme Teague's X-Pain Method! New and Exciting, 4 Simple Steps!

John Zajaros, The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sciatica, Back Pain, Exercise and Failed Back Surgery: The Bad Back Guy

Back Pain, Sciatica, Failed Back Surgery, and Alternative Strategies for Relief: Exercise

The back pain and sciatica sufferer facing surgery today faces a much happier future than the prospective back surgery patient of a few years ago. Years of pioneering work, focusing on the integration of a multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and care, before and after surgery, has completely changed the prognosis for literally thousands of back pain and sciatica sufferers facing multiple surgeries. For patients who have had back surgery that has failed, a new hope is now justified as a result of improved techniques and advances in the science of orthopedic surgery. Back pain and sciatica sufferers who have had previous surgery or surgeries and who were integrated into this new system, evaluated through a multidisciplinary approach, had success rates as high as 80% versus a rather discouraging 30-35%
described in the medical journals. Interestingly, the success rate not only applied to single incidence patients but to patients who had undergone a number of back surgeries, like the author of this article.

The Focus Changes for Back and Sciatica Pain Sufferers: A Holistic Approach

The focus on the back pain and sciatica patient as a whole person, referred to as a holistic approach, is the primary reason for the success of this surgical method. The addition of a team concept, engaging physicians, practitioners, and therapy specialists, to evaluate the individual singularly and as a group, looking at the entire history of the patient, has offered new and exciting insights. The holistic approach has resulted in an entirely new process, one that works for a remarkable number of back pain and sciatica patients.

Ultimately, the support system of the patient, combined with their motivation to return to an active, productive lifestyle was crucial to the overall success of the intervention. In other words, the mind plays a pivotal role in the recovery of the back pain and sciatica sufferer. We will return to this.

The remaining 20% of back pain and sciatica sufferers, having undergone one or multiple surgeries, remain a source or frustration, as these patients present with a myriad of symptoms. Not only does this failure affect the back pain and sciatica sufferer, it impacts the family, friends, co-workers, associates, and even the physicians involved in the individual's care. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience and express, anger, frustration, despair, and even depression as symptoms persist and even grow worse over time. Unfortunately, in many of these cases practitioners are at a loss to explain exactly what is going on and why.

As the back patient and sciatica sufferer succumbs to the pain, inactivity and disability only feed into the loop that ultimately contributes to further disintegration, pain, despair, depression, and hopelessness. The symptoms of back pain and sciatica sufferers in this group often include but are not limited to: severe and debilitating pain; numbness in the feet, legs, and back; overall weakness and loss of muscle tone; sciatica in one or both legs; possible neurological deficits such as foot drop and/or a loss of function; and, other physiological problems beyond the scope of this article. The typical back pain and sciatica patient in this negative, failed-back loop deal with: weight gain and obesity; a de-conditioning or atrophy of the musculature; inactivity leading to a sedentary lifestyle; and, chemical or drug dependency often occur, as well. The back pain and sciatica sufferers in this group, and their support systems, often families, are often stressed and even dysfunctional. The entire negative feedback loop closes in on itself and fuels the disintegration of the patient and their support network until the patient is fully and completely incapacitated and isolated. The problems are myriad and unless something is done, the outlook is not encouraging. The above condition, and it gets worse, is referred as "failed back surgery" or "failed backs" or "failed spine surgery." The name is really secondary to the impact the failure has on the individual and individuals involved.

The question becomes: When is enough, enough? And, when is enough, too much? The focus and central issue, particularly for the latter 20% is, what are the chances of an additional surgery being even remotely successful? If a potential surgical problem still exists, is it wise to pursue it or are other alternatives available? If they are, why aren't they fully exhausted prior to additional surgical intervention? These are all questions the patient should be exploring with his or her physician and, given a multidisciplinary approach, clinicians should be asking each other prior to another surgical event.

An Alternative Strategy for Back Pain and Sciatica Sufferers: Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands and Exercise

Ultimately, the 20% must pursue other means of rehabilitation if they are to have any chance for a real life, ever. It is this author's personal experience that, beyond a certain point, the surgical alternative is a doomed pursuit, one that will only cause more harm and, ultimately despair, pain, and depression. This is the point where the back pain and sciatica sufferer must take things into their own hands and seek alternative solutions. Exercise, ice, positioning, diet, weight loss, and other methods can, and will, help but the individual must be motivated and the importance of support from family and friends cannot be overstated. It is up to the individual but the end result does not have to be a life of pain and hopelessness. This author was in the 20% for a long time, years, and I know there is a way out, you just have got to want it! Start with an intelligent, individually designed and supervised exercise program and work from there. We will discuss addition strategies in upcoming articles.

For further information and an intelligent program of exercise, one that works for back pain and sciatica, guaranteed, go to:

For additional information on products and a link to an excellent source for blogging about back pain and sciatica issues go to:


John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
Article Source:

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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