Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"The world makes way

"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Poet Brian Tracy Quote of the Day!


  1. I love Brian Tracy, I translated him last year here in Italy for 500 people. An amazing experience.
    I had sciatica and a few back pain last year, which seemed to have disappeared after some reflexology.
    Alas, it came back just two days ago. The pain is so intense I cannot walk, sit down if not jumping continuously like a Mexican bean and only after a while something gets better and I can sit.
    The best is to relax. Arnica and Vitamin B is helping, but this time i really can't afford to let my life slip through my hands because of it.
    I'll deal with it, whatever it takes.
    Thanks for such a blog, it was very couragoeus of you.
    God bless,


  2. Nicola,

    Go to I post a stretch for sciatica sufferers! There is also a free book at that is very helpful!

    I also have many articles on sciatica at

    I wish you all the best! Let me know if I can help!


    Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
    Skype: johnzajaros1


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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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