Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sorry for not touching base with people over the last couple of weeks. Burning the candle at both ends cost me a bit! Back in the saddle!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Siren's Call! Another day, another launch! Incredible to witness this phenomenon, bright shiny objects & promises of riches!
Today I got to go to a family function that 2yrs ago I would've missed! I almost didn't make it! If you don't quit, all things are possible!
The best keyword tool I've found at any price! They did a great job putting together a very useful tool!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Overcoming Inertia: The Ultimate Internet Image and Inbound Marketing
How many clients do you need at one time? 1! One at a time, focusing all your efforts to provide the very best service possible! Every day!
"Careful planning helps us maintain a sense of perspective, purpose and ordered priorities." Stephen Covey
Amazing lessons from Einstein! My mom used to take me by his house in a stroller every day! Osmosis? Hmm?
Seth Godin mentioned this "BookMill" on his blog! Being in inbound marketing I LOVE the whole concept & the theme!
@dhollings is at it again! The fastest growing new market & I suggest it may eventually overtake many current methods
"The history of the world is full of men who rose to leadership by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery, and tenacity." Mahatma Gandhi
This is from an email I received: "Discover The Easiest Way to Make More Money This Year." How about "Meaningful" instead of "Easiest!"????
This is an awesome concept & an absolutely beautiful theme & store! One of the prettiest of both, in both worlds! Nice!
For a long time I bothered these guys about becoming an affiliate! They have an awesome product! The BEST keyword tool!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

20mos of Facebook! I've watched people come & go. They're still friends, they just quit posting! Same with Twitter. Retention is quite low!
All the hub-ub about Facebook PPC was WAY overdone! I've used Google & Facebook for PPC, a lot, & there is no comparison! Google wins!
Having fun working on a video with Animoto & YouTube! Add in TrafficGeyser & we dominate for ANY keywords we focus on!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm proud of my colleagues, real Linchpins! Our latest clients' sties are coming together nicely &
Absolutes: 1) You get what you pay for! 2) There's no free lunch! Cheap begets cheap (lousy results) every time! Cheap? You ALWAYS pay more!
The most hated phrase of all Craigslist advertisers is: "Have you had any luck with that?" Spam is a real problem with CL! Keeps many away!
It used to be location-location-location! Now it's the Internet-Internet-Internet! If you're not there? "Forget-get-about-it!" Donnie Brasco
What an afternoon! Hard to believe it's Ohio in March! 68 degrees & gorgeous! Well, appt with a client at 5pm! Thanks for FF mentions guys!
@LisaSawyer317 Meeting went well. Nice guy, really nice guy! My son's age with a real vision for his future! Will be a pleasure working with
I miss Huitter! It was a great concept & very useful! Too bad Twitter changed their rules & Huitter couldn't adapt! There's a lesson there!
It's interesting, interviewing clients & deciding whether of not to work with THEM! Makes for a REALLY nice interview & ZERO pressure! Fun!
Great meeting with a new client! "Did lunch" for the 1st time in, well, since before "the illness!" So many getting BAD mrktg advice online!
Love the viral thing! JUST in the last 24hrs, via Google Alerts, I've found my videos & articles on 37 different sites!
Find a mentor! Someone you relate to & identify with. FOLLOW their advice! If you want to make it, in anything! You need a mentor, a coach!
Take it slow! If it was easy to make money online, money would be flowing through the streets! Take a long view & build your business right!
I can't tell you how many clients I've talked to who've been taken by incompetent 'Internet salesmen." They're NOT inbound marketers! Sad!
1955! A stroller ride every day. Route included a swing by Einstein's house! Mom didn't know he'd died 3 days before I was born! Oh well!
10 Amazing Life Lessons from a "dumb little man!" ~~ Albert Einstein
“Diligence is the mother of good luck.” Benjamin Franklin ~~ Let's get real "lucky" today!
Off for a walk with TuffGuy! Been a while, wish me luck!
I'm so pleased with the new look of our client's site! UII can do the same for you. It's exciting! Love the colors!
Finished up my latest video for a client! It's a lot of fun to create something that'll help a business grow & prosper!
I've been using Animoto a lot more for certain videos. That & the free online music (at animoto!) makes it really easy!
TuffGuy just came in to get me! Funny! It's nice enough to take a walk & we've really missed our midnight to 3am walks! Salt hurts his paws!
I love the viral nature of the Internet! I've been posting videos for more than a year & every day someone picks one up

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Success is about Positioning & Differentiation! How people refer to you when you're not in the room & what makes you the one to do biz with!
There's nothing "scalable" about anything we do! It's all based on who we are & what we are about! Same is true for my Linchpin staff! UII
"You're the best thing that happened to {__} & as far as I'm concerned I feel {__} is going to get way more then I paid!" Student's grandma!
We're working on a site for a client. It's so exciting! Every time I get a new client it's like starting a new business
...with a finer spirit of hope & achievement. You're here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand. W. Wilson
You're not here merely to make a living. You're here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision... (cont) Woodrow Wilson
I received back-to-back emails from mothers of kids I work with, gone from Ds & Fs to As & Bs in 2 months! Want to talk about a rush?! Wow!
I've the most amazing Linchpins! Absolute artists who "make their own map," as Seth Godin put it! I'm so proud of them!
I don't create to outperform other entrepreneurs. We're out there together, competing with the marketplace. I create to serve my clients!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Heard of The Vook? Seth Godin is backing another winner!
I love the Internet! Post good content & people pick it up & run with it in every niche!
Trouble getting the kids to read? Want an integrated video & book experience? Check this out for less than a buck! Cool
Need royalty free music? Long tracks, not just 1 minute? There are several sites you can use but this is a good one!
Awesome video from a *not-so* skinny little boy from Cleveland, Ohio! Come to drink your women &...! Love Alex Bevan!
Seth Godin & Gary V are at it big time w/Vook! Get in on it now for 99 cents! Not even a BUCK! Should be super! I did!
You have got to love Animoto! I did this at about 2am this morning It is so easy to use! Heck, even I figured it out!
Anyone else having issues with AdWords this morning! Reports are taking forever to load! Argh!
Getting ready to run errands. TuffGuy is snoring so loud it was affecting my voice activation software! Too funny! Puggles snore LOUD!
“Shun idleness. It is the rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals.” Voltaire
I've been at it all day! Juggling family "stuff" & business, it's great to be alive! Anyone can make it in this world! Just don't quit!
For those with special kids, this is for you! Special can be anything from ADD/ADHD to Autism & on to MRDD! Just labels
Made a video for "D's Gift Garden," a client. Magical place! I collect lighthouses & they have so many of them! Cool!
"The thinking must be done first, before training begins." Peter Coe, Father of Olympic Gold Medalist Sebastian Coe -- In ALL things!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My buds! Out for a bit of a walk, Bart never misses an opportunity to lay down! Unlike TuffGuy who waits impatiently!
Two of the real gifts in my life! Hope you can access this, it's via my Facebook page!
When reading, you must suspend belief & evaluate it on its merits, its usefulness. However, Dan Kennedy's No B.S. books are worth reading!
In this case, Perry Marshall is dead on! I'm living proof that you can make a comeback from ANYTHING! I have. You can!
While I don't agree with some of Perry's views, there is little doubt he is brilliant & his writing always insightful!
As a scientist & a physical anthropologist interested in paleoanthropology, this is really cool stuff from the NSF!
@RussellBrunson suggested this! It'll help you build landing "squeeze" pages. I use it! Inexpensive, easy & fast!
Thought I would share some images I am fond of. Hope you enjoy them. Some are personal, some not!
"Suddenly, the power is in a different place, and the organization must change or else the donut collapses." Seth Godin
"I've always liked hills. I see a challenge, a goal, & I feel instantly galvanized to achieve the goal." Amby Burfoot-Life is like this too!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What a day! 19hrs & still going strong! Going for 10 more! Believe that & I've swampland in Fla for you too! Prime beach front, no gators!
There are a bunch of experts telling you about inbound marketing, "the offline thing!" Only 1 is worth the investment!
Incredible research shows Antarctica was much warmer as recently as 14 million years ago! Fossils tell the story!
How we treat our ADD/ADHD & autistic children is appalling! Labels & "special" classes designed I think not!
Awesome meeting with one of UII's clients this morning! They love their new site & marketing strategy! Exciting stuff!
You've GOT to love the viral nature of the Internet! Yup! That's me right next to Jillian Michaels! Forgot I wrote that
Craigslist is a really great resource but it's also Spam Central! Cutting through the cr#p to get to the clients is indeed trying at times!
I love helping new clients create their online presence! Online or offline, business building is exciting!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

@LisaSawyer317 Added 2 more clients today! Should help keep things busy! RE investor for lunch Tuesday & the landscaper is still working!
Are you a soccer fan? Do you love Monty Python? Then you are gonna love this video!
What a GORGEOUS day! Let's all sign along! No, I have not been at the wedding punch again!
Hope you enjoyed the videos! Gotta run. BEAUTIFUL day here on beautiful Lake Erie!
For those with special kids, this is for you! Special can be anything from ADD/ADHD to Autism & on to MRDD! Just labels
Stick around for the last scene...really funny! Hopping off after getting "helped" off!
Here's another take on "The Bright Side of Life" for all soccer (i.e., futbol or football) fans out there! Too funny!
I received an email from Brian Tracy entitled "Look on the Bright Side." NATURALLY, I went right to the authority! PG-13
3 appts on a Sunday! Swamped! Had to hire my daughters, though! Outside of 1 amazing V.A. (no, not a veteran!) I can't find QUALITY help!
Talk about Manta from on High! In church this morning I sat in the 1st row to receive the collection plate & it was already half full! Hmm?!
How we treat our ADD & ADHD kids is appalling! Labels & "special" classes designed I think not!
People have been minimized, commoditized & set aside! I meet them every day! Many search & step up! More give up! Sad!
I've worked with "special" kids for over 30yrs now, whenever able. TED talk, shared by @LisaSawyer317 inspired me!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Connie's birthday tomorrow but I have 4 appts, so we are going out tonight! I haven't been out in forever! What a difference a year makes!
@LisaSawyer317 Super conversation with the Realtor! Plenty of know-how, just no time & zero traffic! Tuesday! He wants to "get on this!" Fun
Seth Godin is right! It's not "What if I fail!" It's "What if I succeed?!" Inertia is an incredibly negative force! Fight it, it's worth it!
You know its a great day when you get a ton of stuff done, several articles finished, added several new clients & are still in your jammies!
Giving Facebook 1 more go w/PPC. Didn't do much last time! 1 more round with Google! Be careful with them, they're "affiliate intolerant!"
@Homeskids Thanks for the RT! Great site! I just followed you. Good luck with it, it is needed!
Enough playing, back to writing! I've a ton of clients to serve & the clock is ALWAYS running! What a difference a year makes! Gorgeous day!
Are you a parent? Coach? Educator? "Outliers" by Malcom Gladwell is a MUST read! Particularly the 1st pages dealing with bias & performance!
10,000hrs! 2.4 years-80hrs a week to become a true master of your craft! NO 4hr work week nonsense! 10,000hrs! Would ya? To become a MASTER?
My friend @LisaSawyer317 sent me a TED video! It inspired me. I ran with it! About labels, special kids, ADD/ADHD, etc.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Early night tonight! Tired! Several big meetings Monday & a ton of writing & editing to finish this weekend! Added several new clients! Nite
Super day! Several calls from prospective clients! Need a clone! Have an amazing asst but need another Linchpin that understands marketing!
Mentioned 2 items, both went viral. 1 article & 1 video. The video "tweet" received 3 times as many clicks as the article! Video is King!
Got back from a doctor's at 11am. Have another "check under the hood" this afternoon. Amazing how much difference a year makes! Healthy now!
Google Alerts, Video, the Viral Effect, and Internet Marketing Success A video that went viral! Interesting once again!
Optimizing & Monetizing Social Media – Marketing & Sales Part I An article that went viral! Interesting how that works!
Don't lose courage in considering your...imperfections...instantly, set about remedying them... begin [each day] anew. St. Francis de Sales
As I really experienced college life as a student & as an academician I realized most students squander the experience!
Seth Godin Life is "high school" for most! College? Wasted on what "I should" do & not on the possibilities! Agreed!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This afternoon I was seriously considering giving up tutoring kids (I love it!) but with 4 calls in 2 hours, I guess the message is clear!
Everyone should read "Outliers." Noticed the same age bias with my students & soccer teams! Very interesting work, every parent should read!
Ask & yea shall...! Someone "Upstairs" read my "posts or tweets" & I got 2 calls from parents in less than an hour for help with their kids!
After 30yrs plus tutoring "special" kids I'm calling it quits the end of this year! Parents want results yesterday & it's just not possible!
The worst part of working with & tutoring kids is knowing they still need help & not being able to provide it any longer! Sad! Really sad!
"Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones." Phillips Brooks

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hugh is always provocative in his message & in his art! I think all entrepreneurs are delusional! What do you think?

Monday, March 1, 2010

I often hear people say "I just don't feel like__today" or something like that! Here is Seth Godin's take! Interesting!
No hooks, just a straight up offer of great info from one of Internet marketing's real deals! Worth the time! John
Hot off the presses from Frank Kern! Very interesting stuff! It's worth a look guys, nothing to buy!

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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