Monday, January 31, 2011

With businesses using social media for in-house comm & customer svc...I see email's role changing. Spam continues to be a real problem too!
FIRST! I'm not an affiliate, I'm a fan & a member! Want to automate links, article submissions, RSS, more? Awesome!
@HubSpot & @mvolpe Hello! Got this email but the link is broken! "HubSpot Unveils Innovations for SMB Marketing" Citybizlist (press release)
Trust is the glue of life....most essential ingredient in effective communication....the foundation...that holds all relationships. S Covey
I'm not a Bible quoting kind of guy but this is without a doubt my favorite passage & has been for decades! Take care!
Off to work. I simply switch hats not addresses. I love working at home! TuffGuy's snoring on my office couch & all's well at The Z Mansion!
Waiting for the iPhone! I dislike AT&T so I've waited. But now, even with certain limitations, Verizon's iPhone is for me! Game on!
Remember, your options are limited only by your fear. Rid yourself of fear & you perish. Overcome fear & you thrive & prosper! John Zajaros
Have a great day & remember: Love life & know that it is defined by your reflection in the eyes of those you serve without thought of self!
RT @resherpa "If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself." D Moody ~ The latter is a reflection of the former!
RT @dtjensen "Ask God for abundance, then share it with those with needs & give God the credit!" Yes, in all things share credit!
RT @whoislonda "There is but one cause of human failure and that is a man’s lack of faith in his true Self." ~ Well said Londa!
RT @PatriciaRossi "Every person matters-The person behind you..entering a building, receptionists..garbage collectors...." I agree Patricia!
“I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.” Navy SEALs~Green Berets too! JZ

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Enough social media time for now. Need to make a change NOW? I need 2 ambitious, empathetic, go-getters! Not MLM & not an info program! OHIO
I'm helping a student I tutor & mentor! We're creating a community service project to enhance his college & work applications! So enjoyable!
TuffGuy has separation anxiety & at times a rather serious barking issue. I know the "dog whisperer" methods. Any experience w/ultra sound?
I added a note to The Ultimate Internet Image's home pg. Google it! Want to make 6 figures in '11? Serious N Ohio inquiries. I'll train you!
Do you excel in 1 academic discipline? Struggle in 2010? Do you want to alter your life? Want a road map & help reading it? From Cleveland?
"The opposite of courage is conformity!" Earl Nightingale
Will you be 1 of the 5? The 5%? WILL you make the grade? Make a difference? There are many ways to make it happen. Start w/DECISION & ACTION
If I had to name 1 recording, 1 piece of motivational or inspirational material that changed my life? It's this!
A master of the interview & a very good man. The perfect Sunday morning post!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Watched RED last night. A "buddy" picture, of sorts, with a star-studded cast. Some portions were a bit lame but I also laughed, a lot! 7.5!
Added another new client tonight. I get to help a young man achieve 1 of his life goals, pass the exam necessary to become a teacher! Cool!!
Did some pleasure shopping. For an entrepreneur with several home businesses, Staples is a pleasure trip! It's like a big kid's toy store!
BTW, The Reagle Beagle is an all-male salon. Sorry ladies! Guys, it is worth it & it is extremely reasonable. See Anita Wed-Sat...excellent!
"Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it." Brian Tracy ~ Amen Brian!!
Going to The Reagle Beagle for a hair cut. I passed on the facial, opting instead for a "wet cut!" Sounds interesting?! More to follow! Ha!
Last night I had the honor of meeting parents who've given so much in order to provide a wonderful life for very special son! I was humbled!

Friday, January 28, 2011

OK! The marriage is over! I'm dumping Flip MinoHD in favor of something else...anything else! Their support is #$%^&*$#!! It's Flip code!
Links are so important! Try NO I'm not an affiliate. I picked up several solid, "legal" links today on autopilot!
Connie's already sleeping. TuffGuy's snoring will wake the dead! Bart's out cold. AWESOME new student! Now time for "Red" with Bruce Willis!
I added a new student tonight. Wonderful family! It's a joy to meet parents so committed to their child! And an awesome responsibility! Nice
Links are crucial! I've built links for clients & myself. This inexpensive tool works! NOT an affiliate, it just works!
I have really enjoyed my Flip MinoHD but their upgrades are a nightmare! I'm seriously considering something else. Support is horrible!
OK! Procrastinated enough. Gotta at least try to deal with the snow & the driveway from h*ll! Send cards & letters! Argh!
Love music! All kinds & tech-related equip too! Mozart to Metallica to John Phillips Sousa to LnPark. BUT iTunes, Nano & iPad drive me NUTZ!
Business social media, Plaxo is coming on fast as far as overall usefulness. Ecademy is awesome for responsive connections! LinkedIn is OK!
This is in beta but it might be useful for mobile social media users as the mobile segment grows rapidly! GroupMe
Listening to 30 Seconds to Mars, "The Kill" So great for a Friday with social media friends! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
“ This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure." Winston Churchill
"Your greatness is measured by your horizons." Michelangelo

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Group Online Buying: The Inbound Marketing Consultant’s Challenge...or Dilemma Took most of the day to make this video!
Took time to serve my clients, deal with health issues & I drop to #3 in Cleveland, #3,789 out of 8.4 million! Ashton doesn't have to worry!
I need 2 things YESTERDAY! A marketing trainee. Someone I WILL help make it BIG! I also need 3-4 more people for a mastermind group! In OHIO
"Make lessons of failures. Minimize the tendency to make a mistake anything more than a lesson on how not to do something!" GiveMore
"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror."~Ken Keyes~Love life!
I looked up & it's 4:25am. Incredible! Time really does fly when you're having fun! Well, nap time. Insomnia can be a blessing & a curse!
I agreed to help a student who needs to pass a certification exam & is beside himself. So nice to help someone trying to better himself!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Blind Side~SJ stole the show! The story tore me up, big time! Had a student watch it last night! He better not call me Miss Sue! ;-)~
8 appts in-house through Saturday! I'm not sure about Sunday but next week is nuts! Economy? Chapter 11 for several B2B media companies~Hmm!
Watched the State of the Union on YouTube today so I could help a student with a paper if he needed me. Partisan cheerleading JUST IRKS ME!
Awesome day! A new semester & the phone hasn't stopped ringing! I also get to start meeting with marketing clients next week! LOVE MY LIFE!
Understanding Children: Demonstrate Respect, Love, and Acceptance Tutoring & mentoring students is a privilege!
Why Most Affiliates Fail… and What to Do About It Should be required reading for affiliate marketers!
Historically, Western perception has always been that access to China is the brass ring, the road to riches! TED video
@johnnyrwhitsett And I will follow you to the ends of the Earth be good! Bet you've never heard that one!?
Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China Historically, access to China has been the brass ring for Westerners!
Brian Horn offers advice concerning domain name purchases. There are a great many ineffective (read: ugh!) URLs online!
TwileShare! Free service allows you to share files on Twitter. Beta invite? Go to Deal for Netted Readers by Webbys!
Want to share files on Twitter? TwileShare is a free service that allows you to share files on Twitter. Great idea!
Great look Jeff! Just a super improvement! Very nice!! I love exclamation points!!! ;-)
Summit Media joins Advanstar, Cygnus Bus Media, Penton Media & Questex Media! Chapter 11 in past 2yrs! Amazing!
"Ninety percent of all those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit." Paul J. Meyer
“Be a good ancestor. Stand for something bigger than yourself. Add value to the Earth during your sojourn.”
Marian Wright Edelman
In a service business & are not using the Craigslist spin-offs? Free advertising & positional space for pennies? Get at it or hire an expert

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Linkedin: "Wow! That's 1 large network....Good news: you've got an impressively lg network. Bad news: we can't...create a map for it!" Ugh!
New student started yesterday. Dad sat in for last few mins & was smiling ear-to-ear when he left! Great sign! Super Dad! Nice young lady!
I get a Twitter @mention or a FB message or wall post & the 1st thing I do is check to see if they follow me & reciprocate! If not? Blocked!
Must have been dyslexic when I signed up for Animoto last year! Coulda SWORN it was a $279 1-time fee! Oh well, they got me...or I got me!
Closing in on 85,000 upload views for one of my YouTube channels! Not back for a not-so skinning little (? well) boy from Cleveland, Ohio!
I need a chem tutor & a calc tutor immediately to add to our staff. Sales are made~You just tutor! Must be 1st rate! Significant income!
Inbound Marketing Trainee Wanted! This is an amazing opportunity for the right person! See top middle column at UII
Dave Dee was on the right track. Obviously a class act & good friend! Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff? Interesting!
A super comment got me going on this again!
The Perils of Group Online Buying Good for bargain hunters & Groupon! Longterm? Disaster for local business!
I can remember in the early '60s watching Jack LaLanne, being so impressed. Incredible man! The man left a legacy!
Several Cleveland area marketers from novice to expert responded! Forming a mastermind focused on creating real opportunities! 2-3 more?!
Excerpts from Social Media: The Perils of Group Online Buying
Why would local businesses fuel a platform leading to significantly lower profits while feeding a behemoth seeking only to fuel its growth?!
Why would local businesses give away products & services for 1/2 the retail price? What kind of buyers are drawn to those incentives?
Prediction: Google is now climbing on board, promoting online group buying, set to duke it out with Groupon & local business will LOSE big!
"It's never too late to have a happy childhood." Tom Robbins (from: Still Life with Woodpecker)
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." George Eliot (1819 - 1880)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff? Dave Dee was On the Right Track: But not about the BIG STUFF! I love my life!
"It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts." Zig Ziglar
Comic relief! We're watching Kailyn while Brynn is in the hospital & she just asked me to "keep it down a bit!" Not even 4yrs old & a trip!
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff? Dave Dee was On the Right Track
Anyone else have issues with Skype support? True, it's not as bad as trying to reach Facebook or Google...but effective help is a challenge!
@MrHolise Yes! Appeasing those committing atrocities has never worked, it's advocated by the weak! The dolphins of Taiji, Japan? Shameful!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Insomnia can be a blessing! I finally watched "The Cove!" 2 things are clear: Ric O'Barry is a HERO & we need to stop the cruelty...NOW!
Time for bed! Vampire Weekend is just too weird! & the drummer? Well, he's wearing a Pitts Pirates t-shirt! It doesn't get any scarier!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Well, it's been an super day! Finishing up with The Killers at Royal Albert Hall. Great show. Thankful for headphones or I'd wake the dead!
Here's an email subject box that just screams "open me!" ~Nigerian FEDEX~ Yeah, I'll open that up right now!
Has anyone read "The Pledge: Your Master Plan for an Abundant Life" by Michael Masterson? I'd love to get your take on his writing. Thanks!
The Simplicity of Search: Understanding Search and Inbound Marketing
I'm putting together a Mastermind. There's a possibility we'll also develop other ventures! We'll meet VERY soon! Contact via Twitter or FB!
Enough time in the time vacuum, also known as social media! Much to do! Have a wonderful weekend & week ahead. Life is an amazing gift!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Watched Under Suspicion & Invictus last night while Connie was away watching our sick grandbabies. Morgan Freeman & Gene Hackman were super!
I really like Website Magazine! 1 of the few I still get & it's free! You can upgrade but I think it's 4 per yr free!
Well, back to writing Part II of my article on the greatest marketing bungle of all it rearing its ugly head again?!
Great Hubspot article! I get content ripped off all the time. I work for hours on it! Some are out & out thieves!
OK done! Pt I of an article that asks: What strategy are we attempting to introduce online that changed an industry, & NOT for the good? Hm?
“The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts the moment you get up and doesn’t stop until you get into the office.” Robert Frost
There is a reason why Copyblogger is on top! You should take the time. Well thought out & the data's not bad either!
Pancreatic cancer returns? Let's hope not! Steve Jobs steps down from Apple's day-to-day operation. Randy Pausch & a similar battle. Prayers
Since yesterday's invitation, Ohio entrepreneurs have contacted me via LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter! Make 2011 amazing. Meet me next week!
I was on a tear this a.m. about group online buying. It ISN'T a good thing for local business! I'll post on 1 of my blogs later today!
Think twice! Begin group discounting & you'll never be able to go back. Ask an GM auto exec if they wouldn't go back to pre-incentive days!
Think online group buying is a good thing? Ask a car dealer if they sold many vehicles w/o incentives once they were introduced! Now think!
I watched Frank Kern's video today & I'm still laughing. Did you know The 80/20 Rule is "Oxham's Razor"? A definite Norm Crosby moment! ;-)~
Well, Connie's with the grandkids & TuffGuy snores. So, unless I want to shovel snow...I think I'll hit the recliner & watch Highlander!
Group buying certainty: What works for Gap & Amazon may backfire for local Mom & Pop, Inc! Bargain hunters may not be prime local customers!
EConsultancy raises real issues! The online group buying craze (Groupon, LivingSocial) Past parallels = real problems!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's a new year & wise to change passwords. We can get lazy, using them too often or not changing them often enough! Also, keep a hard copy!
The most ridiculous statement from a physician: On a scale of 1 to 10, rank your pain. WebMD has a decent article:
Tired of the BS about the economy? Yes, it's's life! Want to make real money in 2011? Live in or around Cleveland? Contact me!
I had to listen to it again. I had to make sure my notes were right. Frank Kern: The 80/20 Rule is called Oxhams Razor. Thanks Frank. Phew!
Frank Kern's definition for the 80/20 Rule gets a new's not called Frank's (Occam's) Razor! The simplest definition Frank?
Amen Frank! Enough with the weekly product launches. All seemingly outdoors. At least they got away from the "I'm driving a car" videos! Ugh
Frank Kern's State of the Internet was amusing! Frank can play an audience better than anyone in Hollywood. And he has a bigger audience!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Inbound Marketing and Search-based Targeting
Chasing Traffic is About Getting Them to Uncover You!
My behavior must be somewhat puzzling! The kids I tutor & mentor laugh because I listen to Metallica & Linkin Park! 55! Funny!?
OoRah HOOAH Hoorah or whatever, there are myriad stories, the message is now the same! From Ranger's "Who Us?" to "u-ah" to HOOAH to Yes!
I needed that!
The most amazing business call received this year? A client doubled their income last yr (bad economy?!) & wanted to call & tell me! OoRah!
Robert Kiyosaki! Even if you're not interested in the interview, the link has a myriad of free & informative interviews
This is interesting! I do routinely promote Clickbank products but there is no incentive here. It's just worth reading!
The story of Gabrielle Giffords is inspiring & unsettling. Her ordeal after her healthcare vote? Wow! Some people can be incredibly cruel!
I had the pleasure of tutoring a young man with Asperger's syndrome this fall. What an amazing young man! The student taught the teacher!
Listening to Peter Gabriel "Washing of the Water," "So!" Saw Peter Gabriel '73 with Genesis & '93 solo. Both times in Cleveland & amazing!
Bravo to GEICO! The woodchucks commercial? An 11! Talk about creative genius! I still laugh at that every time I see it just for props!
I know negative advertising has it's place but I wouldn't buy a Progressive policy to save my life! Annoying!?! Madge? Wow!
Cancer Treatment Centers of America. What's the domain advertised on TV? Online marketing? Set your ego aside! Very smart!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The holiday season was awesome! My time wasn't my own. It was spent on my clients' behalf. Well spent! Glad to be back in the saddle again!

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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