Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm breaking a rule of mine but I bought this! It's amazing! This's one of the best investments I've made online! Enjoy
Brynn models her Fairy Princess costume. Too funny! Her imagination is amazing! She's a scream. Enjoy the laugh!
If you’ve read “The Lord of the Rings,” or watched the movies, you MUST see this conversation on YouTube! Hilarious!
Happy Halloween to all our our many friends online...from The... on Twitpic

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm having a really cool meeting with a new client! Showing off what inbound marketing can do! Fun!
I monitor social media in myriad ways. My XeePV is tragic! ;-( XeeMe Look at it this way, it could be a Klout Score!
Coldplay's "Mylo Xyloto" is great! "Hurts Like Heaven" "Paradise" & "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall"? Awesome! Paradise video? Huh?
What set me off? This article: "America’s Exploding Pipe Dream" By Charles M Blow We simply need a new focus...& soon!
Tired of people saying the US has lost it! America, Love It or Leave It! Terrible slogan! But ENOUGH! Geez! People DIE trying to come here!
"I'm thankful to all those who said 'NO' because of them, I did it myself!" Albert Einstein
"Good night Mrs Calabash, wherever you are!" Mr Jimmy "The Big Schnozzola" Durante ~ Talk about an amazing man!
Sadly, the idea of duplication, divorcing one's self from any 1 segment & depersonalizing the business for later sale is appealing to many.
@intmf Yup! That mindset can be traced to Gerber's E-Myth Revisited & duplication. Godin's "Linchpin" demands excellence & individuality!

Friday, October 28, 2011

@intmf Absolutely! A group of people sat down with a business plan & decided to define social media & its participants! Klout was hatched!
"Battle: Los Angeles" must've been funded by USMC! Average, at best 2.5/5 stars. "Margin Call" Amazing cast 4.5/5 Great moral hazard lesson!
Lesson 1: ALWAYS copy the post before clicking "Ping it!" when using Do anything else & you're playing Ping roulette! Ping or GONE!
@intmf Great comment regarding Klout & its erratic & inept attempt to define social media & its influencers! a brand gone bad. It's time...Klout educated their staff....Has Klout...heard of...Community? I'd say no!
I was asked how I "got" 34k Twitter followers 1) Talk to everyone 2) Be human 3) Be HUMANE 4) Be consistent 5) NEVER ignore 6) BE YOURSELF!!
"Linkin Park visit Ishinomaki City with Save The Children" So very sad! But lots of smiles 4:30 into the video!
@convorecordings Great! Given the response I've had across social media, "Ohio" is going to be big! She has a "Cranberries" sound? Love it!
You know what I told a group recently about success in music? They sent THIS guy home! Insanity!
Pumpkins! Brynnie says, "No! Yuck!!" Kailyn carves away! ;-)
I LOVE my clients! Kids trying to sort out their lives. Men & women trying to survive the economy. It's not a business, it's a scared trust!
"__has had nothing but good things to say about you & what you do. We appreciate...taking the time with us" Email from a referral!
"Success is the progression towards a worthy ideal!" "The Strangest Secret" is more valuable today! It changed my life!
Lava Room Recording sets the standard in audio recording, merging talent with experience & expertise! Rock&Roll video
Was I harsh re Klout? They got mashed on Mashable! Here's Social Media Today's take & here's UII's
"We're still going strong. We've come too close to give up...Not making it...reignited our desire..." Daijreous 4Shore
I hate to say it based on a trailer but Tower Heist looks like it'll be a winner! Murphy & Stiller The Lego Bit? Ha!
"Complaining Via Twitter? Don't Expect Much" Know why the 55+ cohort expects more? Because we DON'T accept mediocrity!
Super video! A wonderful expression of talent! Robin Bacior's "Ohio!" And I've GOT to love "Ohio!" This is a keeper!
32 minutes...then 30 days! I've used this over & over again & it works! Priceless Success "The Strangest Secret!"
After being freed, a celebration of life ensued! The humpback leapt 40 if to say thanks for saving my life!
Humpback Whale Saved From Tangled Net Video I shard this earlier! Worth a reprise! We are all connected...all of us!
Klout 14 Mos Later: Still Unreliable & Erratic Thanks for the comments via Twitter & FB! This post REALLY hit a chord!
Yesterday was amazing, a charmed day, something special, when everything falls into place! Yesterdays fuel our todays!
I received my signed, limited edition print from Hugh MacLeod & @gapingvoid honoring Steve Jobs. It's better than I'd envisioned! Wonderful!
Pet Foursquare peeve? When "Accepting" someone? FS throws a big box of suggestions (always the same ones) in your face! I avoid Foursquare
OK! Enough of this. Off to work! Wait a minute? I'm already at work...home...where the heck am I? Ugh! Well, as soon as I sort it out.....
Didn't sleep for 48hrs during a marketing client's launch. Revelations 1) I'm NOT a teenager anymore 2) It's all about the POST launch! Phew
One of my all-time favorites "If you talked to people the way advertising people talk to people, they'd punch you in the face!" Hugh MacLeod
Slidedecks are pretty. Sadly, we go for glitz. A marketing firm with 100% image above the fold? On the HOME page? They need an SEO course!
@Julian_Pearce Great stuff Julian! You have a real gift! Thank you for sharing your new song with me!
Use Google Alerts to track online efforts! 2 examples of why: & MY videos used by others...DAILY!
“Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience.” Victoria Holt (1906–1993)
"The best way to make your dreams come true is to WAKE UP!" Paul Valery [emphasis's Friday!]
Reading: "The Hughtrain" by Hugh MacLeod. Great stuff! You can get the free PDF here, no strings & worth the time!
How do companies re-invent themselves? The same way humans re-invent themselves. I know it shouldn't be that simple..but it is! Hugh MacLeod
"We are here to find meaning. We are here to help other people do the same. Everything else
is secondary." Hugh MacLeod
“What do marketers sell that scales....Belief. Belonging. Mattering. Making a difference. Tribes. We have an unlimited need...” Seth Godin

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"Humpback Whale Saved From Tangled Net" Team of researchers work to free trapped whale! ~ We're ALL connected!
Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret" 32 mins will transform your life! I've listened to this over & again! PRICELESS
Life Lessons: The Secret of Success & a Very Special Email When days like today occur? Share them! The validate us!
Once Again, Klout Confirms the Unreliability of the Klout Score Kinda like a warm fuzzy horoscope...nothing more!
Klout Confirms the Unreliability of the Klout Score! Klout Fails to Convince: Perks, Influencers, K+?Worthless!
Just received this text: "We're very pleased with how ___ is doing in school. You're making a very big difference. Thank you" Awesome day!
Wow! It's a good thing we live in a country that safeguards our right to free expression! SHAME on those governments!
Life Lessons: The Secret of Success and a Very Special Email! Success is About Helping the Other Person Get There!
"The most inspiring video you will ever watch!" In 5:10 this video is a triumph, a life lesson & extremely humbling!
Take 2:46 to discover why you should never quit...never, never, never! Courageous!
4Shore may be the next Daughtry-esque nonwinner to come out of a talent extravaganzas! Sent home, they make it BIG!
@weare4sure Allynn & 4Shore, I showed your video to a student & she not only "absolutely loved it," she was blushing! No going back now!
Klout 14 Months Later: Still Unreliable & Erratic!
Once Again, Klout Confirms the Unreliability of the Klout Score!
"Occupy Wall Street" I said, "This is going to snowball!" Some social media friends scoffed! Now what do they think?!?
Cities Begin Cracking Down on ‘Occupy’ Protests Chicago 1968: The Democratic Convention "The whole world's watching!"
"Oakland Brutality" Lee Steinberg speaks out, justifiably! Take a look at this veteran's face!
"Europe Agrees to Basics of Plan to Resolve Euro Crisis" Congress, instead of bipartisan BS, they addressed the issue!
Colleges are charging students for remedial classes. Classes but no college credit! Great moneymaker for the colleges!
In College, Learn HS Material Secondary education is failing millions! Students pay but no credit given!
The Wrong Fix for No Child Left Behind ~ A typical, knee jerk reaction to a failed policy, only making matters worse!
"Klout 14 Months Later: Still Unreliable and Erratic" Detailed 1 year study Monday 10/31. It'll be scary for some!
Once Again, Klout Confirms the Unreliability of its Klout Score 14 months after I first questioned Klout's data....
@Klout can't have it both ways! If the old data was BS, the new system reflects that fact. Once again, Klout defines its lack of integrity!
@Klout appears to have had a major seizure! 69 to 46 in 6 hrs! Old data wiped out. Newly created data magically appears! So much for Klout!
Talked to a musical group about their online presence & recording. Hand-in-hand with 1 of my newest clients. Very cool stuff! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brilliant TED ~ RSA video! The left & right brain explored & explained! "Iain McGilchrist: The divided brain"
Coldplay performing live in a bullfighting ring in Madrid, Spain! TV as we know it? Unrecognizable w/in a decade!
"Memories of bitterness" by Seth Godin Yes! Yes! Yes! We are a sensitive breed, aren't we!
“Life is a series of near misses...what we ascribe to luck is not luck...It's seizing the day & accepting responsibility...” Howard Schultz
"Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." George S. Patton
"Tertiary Education in the US is Broken" by Tom Vander Ark Students must be able to apply creative intelligence!
Cleveland schools cut 13.3 million! Textbooks, security, MORE! Where are those claiming "Once Upon a Time" to be The Education President?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Had an amazing meeting with a new client! Super nice guy! Met 2yrs ago & emailed me last Thursday! Timing is is follow up!
My little tree huggers! Kailyn loves bugs & probably spotted one! Brynnie loves to be with Kailyn!
Inbound marketers point to mobile search dominance as early as 2013! Now think of all the other applications...then grow them exponentially!
Trefis eBay! Marketplace, PayPal, etc. Think of PayPal in early 2002/03? eBay competition? PayPal in 190 countries!
Working with 2 very different inbound marketing clients in 2 very different businesses! 1 launches tomorrow & 1 soon after! So much fun!
Welcome to my new LinkedIn connections! 5201 as of today. Given the fact that I never initiate an invitation, it's especially gratifying! TY
Trefis: I suggested to friends that Sprint might be a wise investment ~ anecdotally of course. Up 74.8%! How's that? Nice job Trefis!
Groupon Seeks $11.4 Billion Market Value IPO Some draw a parallel between Amazon & Groupon! Good luck with that!
Bloomberg announces Ford's "tumble!" The stock was off slightly! Within an hour of the "tumble," Ford drops .17 & 1.36% Who's driving whom?
At work and, from time-to-time, I get deliveries of Diet Coke, stuffed animals, etc! Always 2!
Facebook more profitable than Amazon. Who cares? Comparing FB & Amazon? Like comparing apples to broccoli EConsultancy
"Incentives & Test-Based Accountability in Education" ~ Understand the argument from all sides...then reshape it!
Check out the image attached! Looking for a bargain? "Fannie’s Squeeze Makes 4% Mortgage Too Good to Be True"
Perry Aides' $3 Million Island Disappears From Web It seems that Perry needs to clean up several of his "properties!"
Rick Perry Answers Questions On Obama Birth Certificate ~ Perry doesn't have enough of his own mess to clean up? Geez!
"Twitter tweets our emotional states" Wash Post FB data being collected, scrutinized & reported? There's MUCH more!
"RSA Animate - The Divided Brain" Brilliant Interesting Thoughtprovoking Fun

Monday, October 24, 2011

"America Needs Broadly Educated Citizens, Even Anthropologists" Wow! All that education & someone finally gets it!
While I'm not a regular watcher of "Dexter," I've watched the last 2 episodes. Interesting juxtaposition of the many guises of faith!
No Fear! Brynnie is truly without fear! on Twitpic
Grandchildren make it all worthwhile!
"American Education: Much Worse Than You Think" @rkoerner Students with 4.0+GPAs can't write an "A" essay! Education
The primary, secondary & tertiary levels of education are broken. Recent online efforts are a start...but inadequate!
"Tertiary Education in the US Is Broken" At the very least!
"The Best Walking Partner" A hint: In my case it isn't "Spot!" It's TuffGuy!
Take the Real Age Test The results may surprise you! Given my health battles over the past decade, I was astounded!
Ellsburg should re(?)read "Outliers" & rethink his oversimplified stance in "Will Dropouts Save America?" Incredible!
Kiplinger: 5 advanced degrees that MAY still be worth the debt I added "MAY" to 1 or 2! M Pub Health is a winner!
"Margin Call" keeps 1 wishing the characters will take the high road. Sadly, knowing they won't! Moral Hazard defined

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Report: Google mulling role in possible Yahoo bid ~ Source-Yahoo news! But what'll Big Bro say, if anything!
"What Google+ Brand Pages Could Look Like [PICS]" ~ What's the Buzz? Just another Buzz? It kinda leaves me flat!
"Here's The Chart That Will Scare The Bejeezus Out Of Groupon Investors"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"OCCUPY WALL STREET: 6,000 Protest in Times Square" I said this was going to get MUCH bigger, some scoffed! Now?!
Groupon loses 602.5 million in 2010 & the 1st quarter of 2011! "Grouponomics and Zyngametrics, but Few Sound Numbers"
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly." Isaac Asimov
"Opportunities are not offered. They must be wrested and worked for. And this calls for perseverance..and courage. " Indira Gandhi

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yes! "Connected" (the film)

Friday, October 14, 2011

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true." Leon Suenens
A package being sent FedEx from California, tracking number is useless! Pkg left on 10-11 & it's "in transit!" That's tracking? Incredible!
"Kansas City Bishop Indicted in Reporting of Abuse by Priest" Accountability! The Pope won't enforce it, someone must!
Joy! Kailyn's swimming lesson, 1-on-1. The only child? Amazing!
TGuffGuy! He's been awesome on our 2-3 hour force marches! Loves it!
You think we've reached saturation? No more clients for inbound marketing firms? I Googled 2 businesses in Lakewood & neither has a WEBSITE!
"936 Weeks" 2/6/2009 @MarcWarnke When we blink & it's Friday, we realize how fast a week can pass. ~ Parents! A must!
Brynnie making friends poolside! on Twitpic
I read "The Week!" It's the ONLY hard copy subscription I bother with. Imagine my dismay! 1st copy in shambles! Envelope pristine? Hmmm?!?!
Got called up to the majors! Allie forgot cooking "stuff" while I get to play for a while! ;-) Fun-times with Gramps!
@Gemstars Wonderful website, filled with jewels! "If" is my favorite e.e. Cummings poem:
Bill Clinton~Occupy Wall Street "a positive thing" ~ It's not about what "The Haves" have v those who "have not!" Silly
Stephen King's 'Bag of Bones' is coming to TV [video] Love Stephen King, I'm his #1 Fan! Ha! Movies & TV? Disappointing
Artifacts indicate a 100,000 yr old art studio 1st art critic? Anyone? See "The History of the World: Part I!"
Huffington Post: "FBI Wiretapped Israeli Embassy, Blogger Tells New York Times"
Anecdotal: Sprint at 3 was 2.45 recently. Ford at 9 now pushing 11! Sprint is positioned for real growth & Ford's union problems went away!
Tenham um ótimo dia! A todos os meus amigos brasileiros: Tenha um fim de semana incrível! É um prazer conectar com você no Twitter!
Hard to imagine the Kailyn in the profile picture taken just 2 yrs ago! Now 4 & a little lady!
Brynn is in one of those moods today! Notice the smirk? TuffGuy snores away!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I've been walking & listening: Godin, Robinson, Collins, Gerber, Stanley, Brafman & Brafman, more! Wonderful & inspiring! Ever see Scanners?
We're always thinking about new markets...but it's only by saying no that [we] can concentrate on the really important things! Steve Jobs
"It comes from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don't get on the wrong track or try to do too much." Steve Jobs
Great RSA/Robinson video! I understand why Ken Robinson is so facetious. ADD/ADHD are over diagnosed...but VERY real!
Follow your passion & all else follows! If you hate what you are doing for a living? Stop only have today!
New: Westside Tutoring need-based aid! No one turned away due to inability to pay! This was my 1st website~So be kind!
Beware! If 330-248-7007 (Alliance, Oh) calls, stating your accounts are in jeodardy? Scam! Forward it to the FBI's ICS!
142K followers fast? Be Samuel L Jackson, be profane & be on the @JimmyFallon show! SLJ discovers social media! A website will follow!
My vision: Money must NOT be an issue in tutoring, mentoring, coaching. EVERY child MUST have access to the BEST educational support~Always!
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins is THE leadership manual! Leadership, the hedgehog, 3 Cs, more. Love the CC coach's story...on every level!
The slowdown in the economy? Situational! How you handle it? Attitudinal! With the right mindset?SENSATIONAL! ~JZ~ No! The other JZ!
2 new AdWords campaigns, 2 new client calls by 9am, 3 tutor/mentoring sessions & final touches on an inbound marketing client's launch! FUN!
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Dwight David Eisenhower

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If you've recently followed/followed back? I do NOT look at DMs! Too much spam to bother with! Contact me via @JohnZajaros I'll respond! OK?
Followed back 100s of amazing people~thanks!!! Actors, sports personalities, tutors/teachers, coaches/mentors! Wow! Contact via @JohnZajaros

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I wonder if Jim Collins would love to have his comments back re: Fannie Mae & credit default insurance! In 2004-06 vs 2011? 20/20 hindsight!
Westside Tutoring's Pre-K thru 5th Grade Math Program: Fun-Filled Fundamentals - Blocks to Algebra & Geometry in 20wks!
Kailyn with a kicking pad during 1st swimming lesson! "This is more my style!"
Kailyn's 1st swimming lesson! "What the heck did my Grandpa get me into?"
Brynn! The reincarnation of Winston Churchill! Pure will & determination! First swimming lesson!
GM’s Ratings Upgrades Lift Stock on New Labor Contracts & International Growth~Trefis Great news! Back from the dead?!?
Are you a fox or a hedgehog? Isaiah Berlin via Jim Collins's "Good to Great"
It's not WHAT you know that makes you exceptional, it's your ability to learn quickly & well that makes you exceptional...& invaluable! JZ
Have a super day! Take a moment, look in the mirror. Are you the person you wanted to be? Dreamed of becoming? It's NEVER too late! Do-over!
We can hire monkies to do math (Duke U research). Our understanding of numbers & complex principles is that's how we distinguish ourselves!
Asian v American children re math: Peg Tyre is half right! Numbers are expressed differently, counting system more intuitive thru-out Asia!
"The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve" Peg Tyre ~ Be PROACTIVE if your child is struggling w/reading
Slovak Leader to Resign if Bailout Vote Fails ~ Once again...Global! We had a decent September, relatively speaking!
Moody’s Cuts 12 British Banks' Ratings ~ I've been saying all along, it isn't about Obama's leadership. It's GLOBAL!
The Justice Department & New York attorney general filed separate civil charges against Bank of New York Mellon!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bushed! Wrote 1950 words tonight. Not sure I'll save any of it! Ugh! TuffGuy & I got our 5mi force march in! He's crashed! Snoring! Bushed!
Confidence is the most important..factor in this matter how great your talent, there's only 1 way to obtain it-work! Jack Nicklaus
Fishermen know the sea is dangerous & the storm terrible, but they've never found danger sufficient reason for remaining ashore! van Gogh
At every stage in business, as owner or employee, you're accountable! Chose your clients/bosses well & don't be afraid to fire 1 or 2!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I subscribe to myriad authority sites, to remain current & offer my online friends the very best! TREFIS Exceptional
Obama must say to Iraq: "If you're old enough to stand up, you're old enough stand on your own!" Financially, in terms of trade, militarily!
Disconcerting? To say the least! Iraq siding with Iran & sending support to Syria's Assad! The Obama Administration gets a major black eye!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Did you know that in 2004 more college grads were unemployed than HS dropouts? That doesn't factor in underemployment & the years thru 2011!
"Impact of ADHD on 5 Key Areas of Adult Life" ADHD is very real but overdiagnosed! It's always been with us...always! A very cool site. Thorough questionnaire establishes "Real Age." Me? I'm 56.5 vs 57.1 "Real Age!" Not bad!
Went for a walk, came home with an article! Love the way the mind works! Particularly when endorphins kick in. "The Factor Factory Failure!"
Gorgeous night for a walk! Saturday evening, Detroit Ave. You can see businesses that have developed a following w/in their niche or not!
TuffGuy is waiting patiently! We're off on a trek thru bustling Lakewood, Ohio. OK, so I got carried away! 6miles is 6miles! Profound huh?!?
A trusted authority says, "All you have to do is ____ & the life of your child will be transformed!" What would that be worth? Priceless?
Brynnie Piggy Bank break in! Easy in. Not-so easy out! TuffGuy looking on!
Brynn putting money in the bank, a piggy account held jointly with Kailyn!
BBC: "Syria security forces 'open fire at Kurd's funeral....At least 14 people have been killed!"
"Apple’s Culture Challenge with...Loss of Steve Jobs" A young man suggests I don't "get" Apple! He ass*u*me*s much! ;-)
"Sprint Hopes to Snatch up iPhone Users with Unlimited Data Plan" Sprint is expanding & may give Verizon & AT&T a run!
Google’s biggest head-aches in Q3 2011 have been legal issues. Anti-trust hearings against Google have been initiated by the FTC! Trefis
Revelation: It's hard to type with an ice pack on your shoulder! Just 1 more hurdle to go over, around or, very often, through!
GOTTA run! Student soon & I'm still in, well, jammies! Started my 1st Twitter list! Yup! Most Appreciated Twitter progress.....
Check out the amazing craftsmanship of poet Carl Watts! Carl has a creative gift, to be sure! Beautiful art Carl!
I don't do this much! @JeffHerring & his wonderful partner @MaritzaParra are The Real Deal! 2 of the best resources online & NICE people!
The BEST anyone! "The Colbert Report...Tribute to Steve Jobs"
Happy Birthday to my friend Bob Oros! Bob's an amazing sales trainer. I have decades of experience but Bob's material was/is a HUGE assist!
What the heck happened to Plaxo? This isn't great! Plaxo was a useful business networking site. Now it appears to be an online phonebook?
Thanks friends for "Liking" Allie's Sweet Tooth. Al set out to create a business this week & is already doing well!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Groupoin IPO? COO quitting to return to Google? I don't know about this one!
Geithner’s Confidence in US Banks Sparks Rally for Financials If the Trefis analysis of BofA is correct? It looks good!
I've spent 10s of 1000s via PayPal At 1st easy & comfortable, now unresponsive. Support awful! I'll use AmazonPayments
PayPal removes $ from a bank acct when purchases are made. If a transaction is cancelled, they hold $1000s for 5+ business days! A racket!
A moments pause from AdWords, writing copy & blogs posts to The Boss & updating websites to read a bit of Dr Seuss to Brynn & Kailyn! Nice!
Westside Tutoring: Every Student Succeeds--Guaranteed! I share a wonderful letter from a parent. It's the intangibles!
“Steve made choices. I once asked him if he was glad that he had kids, ‘It’s 10,000 times better than anything I’ve ever done.’” Dean Ornish
"70% of American aging is not real aging, it's just decay, it's rot from the stuff we do!" Dr Henry Lodge, "Younger Next Year"
"Find an ADD Tutor and ADHD Tutor for Your Child Here!" Look who a competitor uses for their tutoring spokesman! Ha!
Did you know that 92% of customers are likely to shop with an online merchant again if returns are convenient? F Curtis Barry & Company
"Think Different" I purchased a framed MacLeod print. I intend to give it to a graduating student
New iPhone Blues: Why Apple’s CEO Doesn’t Care What You Hoped to See If Taylor is right re Cook? He'll lose "fans!"
"The Worst Shoes for Your Feet" Darn it! After I spent all that money on pumps! ;-)~
Apple missed on this regardless of cycles & strategies "iPhone 5 A No-Show: Did Apple Fail To Manage Expectations?"
A young man suggested I didn't understand Apple's sales cycle! Well? "Apple Stock Drops 5% Following iPhone Event"
"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough." FDR
“It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind.” Steve Jobs

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think." Thomas J Watson
PayPal seems to be playing w/the float! Undoubtedly learned from the banking industry! 5 days? Millions held...interest earned! Bad business
"Scuba divers left behind in Florida" ~ Open Water III? Great to hear they survived! Can anyone spell lawsuit!?
Did our 5+mi walk, TuffGuy & I! Watching Bruce Willis in Mercury Rising, 2am. The cell phones look like bricks! Apparently no upgrade in '98
"The Ledge" is a very good movie! Terrence Howard & Charlie Hunnam...superb! Powerful story about zealotry, love & commitment. Worth seeing!
Earlier today I suggested the botched iPhone5 launch reflected the absence of Steve Jobs. I didn't know he'd passed away. He WILL be missed!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Republican Debates Make Obama Look Good" ~ Newsmax is NOT wrong! Give the GOP all the rope they can handle...& then some! ;-)
"American Airlines took a 30% dive on Monday as bankruptcy concerns for the beleaguered airline resurfaced." Trefis ($2.45) Wow!
George Harrison documentary tonight & tomorrow Oct 5-6 on HBO! 9pm EST! George was an interesting & multifaceted artist. I love his music!
Dan Shechtman's Nobel Prize must provide researchers on the cutting edge, individuals often the subject of ridicule, real hope! A triumph!
"Vindicated: Ridiculed Israeli Scientist Wins Nobel" Prize in Chemistry! Congrats to Israeli scientist Dan Shechtman!
Maybe Chelsea can float Friendly's a loan? Looks like they're going to need it! Chapter 11 for Friendly's?
Handicapping IAC’s Investment in Chelsea Clinton Now look me in the eye & tell me it isn't who you know! 300K? Geez!
"Morgan Tries to Quell Rumors About Its Holdings" Morgan Stanley has a leaky boat & not enough talent to fix it!
I got this email: "What would Simon Cowell of American Idol say about your business?" He wouldn't say anything, he's pushing "The X Factor!"
"The Wrong Way to Deal With China" Historically, the West has never understood China. Why should now be any different?
Advising President Obama? I'd suggest he take the high road. Remember, Americans LOVE an underdog & the fat lady isn't even warming up yet!
"A Dreadful Missed Deadline" This is a travesty! The rest of the world thinks us barbarians...perhaps they're right???
"Classic Advice: Please, Leave Well Enough Alone" Imagine editing "Romeo & Juliet" or "The Lord of the Rings!"
"IPhone Gets Its Upgrade, All Under the Hood" This was the biggest non-event of the year! Apple missing Jobs already?
"The Boys of War" Civil War buffs will find this interesting....but this wasn't unique to just the Civil War!
"Others Go, but Buffett Stays on President’s Side" Buffett has integrity! Pres Obama, "The Underdog" will be fine!
Opting Out of Race Christie Says ‘Now Is Not My Time’ Smart! The race is a mess. He remains above the fray, aloof!
Love Ken Robinson's books! His latest book is great! Yet the "Out of Our Minds" audiobook is VERY disappointing. FLAT! Missing his delivery!
With awareness, comes responsibility.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I believe the recession is permanent, at least for certain industries/mindsets! The economy IS transitioning! You MUST transition with it!
You guys are awesome! In less than 24hrs Allie has 60 Likes, several orders, & a genuine case of the nerves! Love it!
Like the girls, TuffGuy can sleep anywhere! This time in my office! Twitpic
I'm not impressed with iPhone 4S! I guess it's like a Hollywood build up! The debut never matches the hype! It's certainly true for this!
When Brynn goes out...she goes out!! Sam's Club 1 Brynn 0! on Twitpic
Sal Khan demonstrates how the Earth was formed! Super series of videos!
Kailyn strikes a pose for Gramps during a private lunch and viewing of The Lion King!
Brynnie, The Lion King, lunch, and a front row seat in her favorite high chair!
Christie Won’t Run for President, Associates Say He'd undoubtedly consider a draft at the convention! Weak GOP field!
We only sent out a few messages, so we didn't expect much. The response (14hrs & 50+ Likes) is wonderful! Gratitude
Not tracking items, stories, & trends using Google Alerts & Trends, topics & Mashable "My Stories"? You should be!
I've been tracking several personalities using Klout, along with several other tracking systems. Most of it? Garbage stats! Most won't last!
Did you know that a nanometer is 1 BILLIONTH of a millimeter? 10^9! We're now creating at the level of the atom. Teach your children well!
Selling off many sites. Focusing on just 3 businesses. I also want to make sure my daughter's business, Allie's Sweet Tooth, is successful!
Connie needed dental work. Matthew Smith DDS of Bay Village/Lakewood has been SUPER! Booked, he still worked her in immediately! Excellence
Are you intellectually inquisitive? Then this site -- combined with the various iTunes U offers -- is for you! Enjoy!
We used to think of our life as the path followed, trails blazed! ~ We must now think of our lives in terms of what is to come, our journey!
Just purchased "People and Things" by Jack's Mannequin! 1 of a handful of new bands I really like! Real talent!
Ken Robinson's works, "The Element" & "Out of Our Minds," are superb! His ideas are my own! The Out of Our Minds audiobook is flat w/o him!
The past few days I've been listening to & reading Ken Robinson, Jim Collins, Seth Godin, & Tony Schwartz! Extremely smart, superb insights!
"Wall Street’s Long History of Protests" Fascinating video! What would Washington, Jefferson & Franklin think now?
"France and Belgium to Guarantee Dexia" Are we witnessing a domino effect? I'm not sure I want to answer that one!
"People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things." Sir Edmund Hilary ~ 1st to summit Everest!
Power of advertising! A very bright 4yr old, from the 2nd floor, Kailyn is informing all who'll listen that The Lion King is now available!
Big news! Brynn & Kailyn will have their 1st swimming lessons today! Family membership at the Lakewood YMCA! No enrollment fee, super deal!
Better than "The Quarterback Princess!" The Kicking Queen is a true story...& what a story! It was Brianna's day!
"Sprint Makes a Risky $20Billion Bet on the iPhone" AT&T~Verizon not cutting it? Sprint may do back flips for you!
"Allie's Sweet Tooth!" This's MY Allie's 1st business, underwritten by dad. She's doing it all! Please Like & Share!
Super day! A couple of bumps just to let me know I'm alive. But otherwise? Awesome! Have a super Tuesday...or something like that!
Just got home from a 4.5 mile walk with TuffGuy! That little dog stops every 5 meters! Lakewood is well marked! Ugh! I Live the night!

Monday, October 3, 2011

"Einstein Debunked?" As we continue to study & test, we will undoubtedly witness more of this! Science is a process!
"Picture: New ALMA Telescope Peers Into Galaxy Smashup" Man's quest to map & understand the Universe is inspiring!
Earth, Wind & Fire at their best! This is a song you listen to over & over again when you 1st fall in love...forever!
Thanks to those who took a moment to help a young lady just starting out! If I can ever return the favor? Just ask!
My favorite Dave Matthews Band or studio! Just close your eyes & listen! Awesome!
Please "Like" my daughter Allie's page & order something? She's amazing baker...take a look! Incredible Please share!
Apple expected to launch 2 iPhones tomorrow! An iPhone4 with improvements for significantly less & the iPhone5! The former may hurt Android!
Home in '73 after 4mos in Army hospitals, I walked into a record store in Lakewood, Oh! This was being played: Love it!
An email: "Hello, I visited your profile & I find out that you'er the type my heart love, I believe we suit for real love" Vivian ROTFLMAO!
People are funny when it comes to animals! They think that because they're cute & THEY want to pet them, they'll allow it! Well NOT TuffGuy!
TuffGuy & I are walking late last night. Usual route, 4.4miles. A very drunk young lady wanted to pet him! He wanted NOTHING to do with her!
Listening to Ken Robinson's "Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative" (2011) Love the material...missed Robinson's delivery! Incredible!
A recent check of YouTube upload views, 190,900 for 1 channel, is VERY encouraging! When I look at the 1st videos? I laugh. Then I groan!
"Cannibalism Confirmed Among Ancient Mexican Group" This is nothing new, nor are the myriad reasons for the practice.
Do you want to escape stress? Really? Only in death do we achieve a stress free state! Now, once again: Do you want to escape stress? Live!
“I dwell in possibility.” Emily Dickinson
"Stop Coddling the Super-Rich" By Warren E. Buffett
"Others Go, but Buffett Stays on President’s Side" It's called integrity! Bravo Warren Buffett...what an inspiration!
"A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product or service that contributes to happiness...." Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Imagine Buddha Jesus Mohammad Moses Abraham & other icons of world religion came back today! Would they weep? What would Ghandi think? Do?
I wrote an extended post yesterday. In light of what happened on Wall Street, I'd say I was more right than wrong.
Well, I'm off for a day full of radical expressions, ACT practice tests, geometry & chemistry with a few amazingly gifted students! LOVE IT!
Mktg Lesson: I enjoyed something I heard this a.m. No link to buy...anywhere! So I looked for one! Offer quality & people WILL seek you out!
Picture a gorgeous spot overlooking the water, the most amazing band, playing incredibly beautiful music & you're there
I love this photo album-video! A wonderful way to begin the day & 1 of the greatest musical groups too boot! Happy Day!
Happy Sunday/Monday, depending on where you are "As the World Turns!" Yes, "It's a Wonderful Life!" I'm really reaching for Sunday morning!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Klout 2 Scenarios: 20k influenced & 50Amp or 2k influenced & 90Amp? Interestingly, the latter's Klout Score is usually higher! Really? Hmm?
Klout is a horoscope! Many check, few believe! Why? 13kTR x 42Amp=5460 vs 1.9kTR x 63Amp=1197 Influence based on correlation? Abs v Rel #s?
My girls! I have the best do-over ever! It includes these 2 warm & wonderful little girls!
"What's tricky..many people don't accept..this is a war. I don't think there has..been a this." R M Chesney Re: Anwar al-Awlaki
"Facebook Is Getting Too Damn Complicated" [OPINION] by Chris Taylor
Connie likes the quiet but I know she misses the kids when the girls "go visiting!" I KNOW I do!
TuffGuy waiting for the me to come home! Separation anxiety? Maybe just misses me?
@FrankManInBlack "Frank" has separation anxiety! Connie & I went shopping & our youngest sent this while we were out!
"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." Albert Einstein~Wrong! A reclusive nature isn't for everyone!
I'm asked about this constantly! "Ice Versus Heat As a Neck Pain, Back Pain & Sciatica Treatment Strategy"
"Sources: Christie Reconsidering Decision to Stay Out" Well shuck my corn & call me Sally! And I believed him too! Not!
What a difference 100 meters makes! Picked up some workout stuff for Connie & the Kohl's staff was so nice! Books•A•Million? Never again!
Stay away! Books•A•Million Westgate Fairview Park Ohio! Just got hammered for a membership. I said no & she got mad! Connie says: "Snooty!"
"This could really be a good life!" H#ll & back...I know! You have a do-over every day you begin again! Use it today!
When my life ends, I hope I can say "That Was a Crazy Game of Poker"...and I took home the pot! OAR Love it!
Going to be a busy day. New student! Saturdays are left open for inbound marketing clients but the kids come 1ST! ;-)
Take a moment, look in the mirror, look hard! If today is to be your last, has it been amazing? No? Change it TODAY! You have a Do-Over! ;-)
@nacotteer 地球のなかの日本の関東 どうぞよろしくお願いします ?? Kosanari or is that Osaka? 大阪
@sqrall Thank you my friend! It is a pleasure to be connected! I appreciate the Klout! Have a wonderful weekend!

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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