Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Bad Back Guy & The Back Pain Guy Unite: The Best Treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica!

The Best Treatments for Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica - Based on Years of Experience as a Patient and Researcher Specializing in the Spine and Sacroiliac Joint!

by coachz on Mar.27, 2009, Neck Pain, back pain, back pain and exercise, back pain and sciatica, back pain sciatica and ice, low back pain, low back pain and exercise, medication back pain and sciatica, sciatic nerve pain, sciatica, sciatica and exercise

How to Overcome Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Sciatica Can Be An Awful Ordeal, I Know, I’ve Been There: The Back Pain Guy & The Bad Back Guy Are One! They’re Me!

Let me suggest three programs I have reviewed and tried. All three are safe and medically sound. All three work and, all three have fantastic guarantees! They are all good so it’s just a matter of personal preference. In the long run, any one of them is going to yield optimal results and give you your life back, pain free!

After 14 major surgeries, just on my back, and another to totally reconstruct my shoulder after my bones became so brittle after a massive infection in my spine that when I fell the entire joint shattered. I am no stranger to pain!

I also studied for my doctorate at one of the most prestigious programs in the country and my emphasis, my research, was on the spine and sacroiliac joint, the joint between the sacrum (tail bone) and the ilium (hips). I have probably handled as many spines and hip bones as any human alive, and I am not exaggerating! So, I know what I am talking about from both perspectives!

So, take a look, evaluate all three. If I were to pick one for myself and I have, I would recommend them in the following order: 2, 1, 3!

But as I said, it’s a personal matter, all three are excellent and all three will get you there…

#2 will just get you there a little faster and with a better guarantee!

The 3 intelligent programs of treatment and/or exercise, one that will work for your neck pain, back pain, and/or sciatica, guaranteed, go to:




For additional information and links to several excellent back treatment programs; ice-compression braces for inflammation and swelling; New Balance running shoes, the best for heel cushioning when pain is at its worst; other heel and foot cushioning devices; orthotics for days when running shoes won't get it and you need cushioning and support; and, and awesome array of other products for neck pain, back pain, and sciatic nerve pain sufferers you can also visit:

Professor John P. J. Zajaros, Sr., The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

Article Source:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stop Back Pain and Sciatica Without Surgery: The Bad Back Guy

Back pain and sciatica are treatable! Back pain and sciatica sufferers are not doomed to the surgeon's blade. A bad back can be dealt with effectively, without surgical intervention, if proper bad back strategies are implemented early and followed consistently.

Have you ever gotten out of bed and felt that nagging feeling in your back, a kind of stiffness that doesn't seem to want to go away with normal movement? Have you ever started to bend over and felt that twinge in the lower back, perhaps radiating down the leg? Have you ever bent over to pick up a child, a pet, even a package and felt a blast of pain? Has your back pain and sciatica ever gotten so bad you had to stop what you were doing and rest?

If you have answered yes to any of the questions above, you are in good company. Unfortunately, back pain and sciatica are a pain complex suffered my literally millions of Americans every year. In fact, almost half a million people are operated on every year for what most people refer to as a bad back. Severe and chronic pain may be caused by many things but is often the result of the stress, strain, and trauma we impose on our muscles, connective tissue (tendons and ligaments), discs, and even the vertebrae themselves. While it is true that many back injuries are the result of significant trauma and disease, the majority of back pain and sciatica results from normal, day-to-day activities. The activities resulting in back strain and injury may be as mundane as working around the garden, sweeping the driveway or raking leaves, shoveling snow (always a good one), lifting laundry or grocery bags, household chores, and picking up children or grandchildren.

Often, simple adjustments to movement and behavior, properly and consistently implemented, go a long way towards preventing or at least minimizing back strain and its consequences. A few bad back strategies in particular are quite effective in minimizing the consequences of back stress and strain: first and foremost, be aware of body position while engaged in activities that may impact the back, particularly the lower back; next, maintain good posture through exercise, conscious thought, and eventually, habit; third, make sure to stretch often, usually as part of a total exercise program; along with the third bad back strategy, integrate a consistent, individualized, and professionally supervised exercise program into your life; next, make sure to always know your limits; and, always listen to that still, small voice in your head, if it says you're pushing it, you probably are; finally, lose weight. Significantly, added weight may have more of a negative impact on back health that any single factor. If you are carrying extra weight, you are placing incredible stress and strain on you back. The combination or all of these strategies, tied to an intelligent weight loss and exercise program, will do wonders, often alleviating, then eliminating, back pain and sciatica

Ultimately, a medical consultation may be the wisest strategy, particularly if your back pain and sciatica continue for more than a few days. Do not wait for it to worsen! If you have engaged in an exercise program and are losing weight, you should begin to experience relief quickly. You will be amazed at how soon after beginning an intelligent, focused, and individualized exercise program you start feeling real relief. If you do not, see your physician and he or she will recommend a good orthopedic surgeon or neurologist. Don't wait until you are disabled to get help, it is not necessary and the damage may be irreversible without surgery.

Bad back strategies are easy to implement and, from personal experience, are easily made habits, allowing you to significantly minimize, and ultimate eliminate, your pain. After years of pain and surgeries, weight loss and exercise, along with the other strategies mentioned above, allowed me to re-enter life as a participant and not just as a spectator, miserable, depressed, and disabled. It is not easy and it takes conscious effort but it is doable and the results are amazing! So remember, posture, positioning, lifting, exercise, and weight loss. If you follow these five bad back strategies you will alleviate, and eventually eliminate your back pain and sciatica.

The following programs are excellent for neck pain, back pain, and sciatic nerve pain or sciatica:

Or! Dr. Graeme Teague's X-Pain Method! New and Exciting, 4 Simple Steps!

John Zajaros, The Bad Back Guy
Skype: johnzajaros1

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sciatica, Back Pain, Exercise and Failed Back Surgery: The Bad Back Guy

Back Pain, Sciatica, Failed Back Surgery, and Alternative Strategies for Relief: Exercise

The back pain and sciatica sufferer facing surgery today faces a much happier future than the prospective back surgery patient of a few years ago. Years of pioneering work, focusing on the integration of a multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and care, before and after surgery, has completely changed the prognosis for literally thousands of back pain and sciatica sufferers facing multiple surgeries. For patients who have had back surgery that has failed, a new hope is now justified as a result of improved techniques and advances in the science of orthopedic surgery. Back pain and sciatica sufferers who have had previous surgery or surgeries and who were integrated into this new system, evaluated through a multidisciplinary approach, had success rates as high as 80% versus a rather discouraging 30-35%
described in the medical journals. Interestingly, the success rate not only applied to single incidence patients but to patients who had undergone a number of back surgeries, like the author of this article.

The Focus Changes for Back and Sciatica Pain Sufferers: A Holistic Approach

The focus on the back pain and sciatica patient as a whole person, referred to as a holistic approach, is the primary reason for the success of this surgical method. The addition of a team concept, engaging physicians, practitioners, and therapy specialists, to evaluate the individual singularly and as a group, looking at the entire history of the patient, has offered new and exciting insights. The holistic approach has resulted in an entirely new process, one that works for a remarkable number of back pain and sciatica patients.

Ultimately, the support system of the patient, combined with their motivation to return to an active, productive lifestyle was crucial to the overall success of the intervention. In other words, the mind plays a pivotal role in the recovery of the back pain and sciatica sufferer. We will return to this.

The remaining 20% of back pain and sciatica sufferers, having undergone one or multiple surgeries, remain a source or frustration, as these patients present with a myriad of symptoms. Not only does this failure affect the back pain and sciatica sufferer, it impacts the family, friends, co-workers, associates, and even the physicians involved in the individual's care. It is not uncommon for individuals to experience and express, anger, frustration, despair, and even depression as symptoms persist and even grow worse over time. Unfortunately, in many of these cases practitioners are at a loss to explain exactly what is going on and why.

As the back patient and sciatica sufferer succumbs to the pain, inactivity and disability only feed into the loop that ultimately contributes to further disintegration, pain, despair, depression, and hopelessness. The symptoms of back pain and sciatica sufferers in this group often include but are not limited to: severe and debilitating pain; numbness in the feet, legs, and back; overall weakness and loss of muscle tone; sciatica in one or both legs; possible neurological deficits such as foot drop and/or a loss of function; and, other physiological problems beyond the scope of this article. The typical back pain and sciatica patient in this negative, failed-back loop deal with: weight gain and obesity; a de-conditioning or atrophy of the musculature; inactivity leading to a sedentary lifestyle; and, chemical or drug dependency often occur, as well. The back pain and sciatica sufferers in this group, and their support systems, often families, are often stressed and even dysfunctional. The entire negative feedback loop closes in on itself and fuels the disintegration of the patient and their support network until the patient is fully and completely incapacitated and isolated. The problems are myriad and unless something is done, the outlook is not encouraging. The above condition, and it gets worse, is referred as "failed back surgery" or "failed backs" or "failed spine surgery." The name is really secondary to the impact the failure has on the individual and individuals involved.

The question becomes: When is enough, enough? And, when is enough, too much? The focus and central issue, particularly for the latter 20% is, what are the chances of an additional surgery being even remotely successful? If a potential surgical problem still exists, is it wise to pursue it or are other alternatives available? If they are, why aren't they fully exhausted prior to additional surgical intervention? These are all questions the patient should be exploring with his or her physician and, given a multidisciplinary approach, clinicians should be asking each other prior to another surgical event.

An Alternative Strategy for Back Pain and Sciatica Sufferers: Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands and Exercise

Ultimately, the 20% must pursue other means of rehabilitation if they are to have any chance for a real life, ever. It is this author's personal experience that, beyond a certain point, the surgical alternative is a doomed pursuit, one that will only cause more harm and, ultimately despair, pain, and depression. This is the point where the back pain and sciatica sufferer must take things into their own hands and seek alternative solutions. Exercise, ice, positioning, diet, weight loss, and other methods can, and will, help but the individual must be motivated and the importance of support from family and friends cannot be overstated. It is up to the individual but the end result does not have to be a life of pain and hopelessness. This author was in the 20% for a long time, years, and I know there is a way out, you just have got to want it! Start with an intelligent, individually designed and supervised exercise program and work from there. We will discuss addition strategies in upcoming articles.

For further information and an intelligent program of exercise, one that works for back pain and sciatica, guaranteed, go to:

For additional information on products and a link to an excellent source for blogging about back pain and sciatica issues go to:


John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
Article Source:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sciatic Nerve Pain, Known As Sciatica - The 3 Best Ways To Get Real Back Pain And Sciatica Relief

Sciatica! Sciatic Nerve Pain and Back Pain

Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning and there's no leg pain. That's right, you wake up tomorrow and there's no more sciatic nerve pain, no more back pain radiating down the back of one or both of your legs, making your life miserable, making it impossible to do even the simplest tasks.

Can you imagine such a thing? When you are in pain, particularly back and leg pain, sciatica, there comes a time when you forget what it is like not to be in pain. There is hope! The 3 best ways to get real relief are here and I have them for you,!The first, probably easiest way to achieve immediate back pain and sciatica pain relief is to purchase the right shoes. Shoes, you might ask? Shoes! The type of shoes you wear day in and day out, and for most seven days a week, are probably contributing to your sciatica and back pain in a big way. You see, when you wear the same shoes all the time, even if they had great cushion and support when you purchased them, even if they are as comfortable as an old pair of slippers now, are undoubtedly broken in and broken down, no longer providing any cushioning or shock absorption at all. Wear your favorite shoes for several hours, constantly on your feet, and it is an absolute certainty that even the healthiest of backs are going to begin to hurt. If you have a bad back to begin with, the wrong shoes can be the kiss of death, adding exponentially to your back pain and sciatica. The best shoes, the ones with the best support and awesome cushioning are New Balance, hands down! Or is it feet down?

Next in our list of the five steps you can take to immediately alleviate or eliminate back pain and sciatica is posture. How many out there have been told, often from as far back as we can remember, to "Stand up straight, don't slouch!" I will bet most of us have heard that one a few hundred times. Do you want to know what is even more frightening? We are probably parroting the same awful advice ourselves now. The fact is, we should not stand with our "Chests out, stomachs in," and all that military bearing stuff, if we want to remain back and leg pain free. By doing so, standing up straight, we invariably exaggerate something called lordosis, the lumbar, low back or secondary curvature that develops as we stand upright after the first year of life. You see, the lumbar region of the spine is the culprit when it comes to where back pain and sciatica begin (etiology). When we stand erect we place unnecessary stress on a region of the spine already at risk for trauma and degeneration, the major contributor to back pain and sciatica. Interestingly, the other "secondary" curvature, the neck, is also a major factor in overall back pain...but that's the subject of another article.So what is the best way to deal with this whole posture issue? Well, have you ever watched a mom with a toddler on her hip? Have you ever noticed how when you shift your hips from one side to the other, the pain disappears? Have you noticed when you stand next to a stool, placing one foot on the lowest rung, you get immediate relief? Well, you've got back pain and sciatic nerve pain relief answer number two! By shifting your weight and either placing one foot higher than the other or by shifting your pelvis (hips) side-to-side, you get sweet, wonderful, and immediate relief from back pain and sciatica!

Finally, in order to get optimal and long-lasting relief from back pain and sciatica, avoiding the surgeon's blade once and for all, you must stretch and exercise your legs, lower back, and core every day. If you do this, in combination with the first two examples, you will be on your way to total and lasting relief."Well," you may ask, "How can I exercise or stretch when I'm in as much pain as I am in?" It's a valid concern and a good question, one I've raised myself many times. You see, I've suffered from back pain and sciatica for most of my life. The strategies for dealing with back and sciatic nerve pain I am suggesting, and most of the things you are experiencing, I've used and experienced myself. You see, in order to alleviate and eventually eliminate my lower back pain and sciatica, I employed these same techniques...and a few more. Yes, I've used pain medication and ice, heat and traction for both my back pain and sciatica. In fact, I challenge you to name something I haven't tried for pain! I've had back surgeries (with a capital S), injections, physical and occupational therapy, electro-stimulation, and more alternative procedures for back pain and sciatica than I can or would ever want to mention here. And, after all was said and done, only one thing worked, only one thing gave me complete and permanent relief. The one thing was and is exercise of a certain type; a program, I would venture to guess, you can only get from half-dozen practitioners world-wide, one that works for both back pain and sciatica!

No, I am not talking about the sheet of exercises you get from the physical therapist as they're pushing you out the front door of the hospital in a wheelchair three days after surgery. I've received those too and they are only good for one thing. Well, two if you have a bird! No, I am talking about an individualized program; one that, once again, works for both back pain and sciatic nerve pain.How do you start? You start by doing numbers one and two above, immediately. Go to the store, do not pass go, do not collect $200, just get there and purchase the best pair of New Balance shoes you can afford. Why New balance? No, I don't own stock in the company. New Balance shoes are consistently rated at or near the top of the Runner's World survey for heel cushioning, have been for years. And, if you know anything about runners and running, heel cushioning is extremely important. Next, think about how you stand and keep posture in mind at all times. Forget all that military jargon and shift your weight often. Now, with numbers one and two thoroughly established, you and are well on your way to number three...icing whenever you have pain. Never, and I will say this again, never use heat! Finally, you get a good program of exercise and stretching, and stick with it! The three, in concert, will make you a new person in days, sometimes hours.In the next few articles we will go into greater depth regarding various bad back and sciatic nerve pain strategies for athletes, pregnancy, and the elderly. So, stick around and thanks for checking this article out.

For further information and an intelligent program of exercise, one that works for back pain and sciatica, guaranteed, go to:

For additional information and a link to an excellent source for New Balance shoes:

John P. J. Zajaros, Sr.
Article Source:

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I'm a family man first, a husband to an amazing woman, Connie, my best friend for more than a quarter of a century (sounds cooler that way!). I am also the father of four pretty cool kids, all adults...which scares the heck out of me! And I am a grandfather ot two of the cutest little girls on the planet, of course I am very biased. I am a disabled US Army veteran (1972-1973) and an entrepreneur with over 30 years experience creating and building businesses. I love my family, my dogs (TuffGuy and Bart), reading, soccer, working out, walking, and physical anthropology, any science really. I am an ex-university professor. I have researched & written extensively in my field, and I have explored a great deal of the world, including the rain forests of Central America, either on my own or as part of a team...including National Geographic funded expeditions. I am currently engaged in the creation and development of an Internet marketing consultancy known as The Ultimate Internet Image. I train top-level amateur and professional athletes and own an online and in-home tutoring business, my first online venture and my real love...working with kids who are struggling!

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